Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1927 Similar

In a castle.

Garbage everywhere, leftovers cold.

Rampant laughter and desolate cries filled the corridor.

"Hahaha, I didn't know what a human life is until today!" In the castle hall, a soldier wrapped in precious silk and wearing a golden crown laughed wildly there.

On his left is an innocent manservant, and on his right is an old manservant, drinking and carousing there.

"My lord is a person who has received divine grace, so of course he deserves all of this." The old male servant flattered him, with a fierce look in his eyes.

A poor man with mud legs, a poor man who has been unable to turn over for thousands of years, unexpectedly broke into the castle of the Grand Duke, and seized his throne, his women and his men!

What a terrible thing!

Relying on their strange abilities and immortality, they killed the brave knights and scared away the hired army.

Fortunately, someone secretly told him that these god-given people are not completely immortal, they just have to be killed more times.

And he, Boulter is going to kill this hateful bastard for the honorable Grand Duke, and welcome back the Grand Duke and the honorable ladies and ladies.

The soldier was not so drunk, he went to the bedroom area of ​​the castle, woke up the sleeping soldiers inside, let them stand guard, and fell asleep by themselves.

There are more than 130 people in their charismatic team, eating, living and having fun together.

Soldiers are not stupid, of course they know their only weakness.

After a few unlucky guys demonstrated, they learned to follow the military rules no matter when and where.

That is, there are sentries while sleeping, sleeping by turns, and having fun by turns.

A group of forty people is divided into three groups.

One group falls asleep, one group watches, and one group enjoys themselves.

When the time is up, it is necessary to rotate, just like hunting tauren on the battlefield.

When the time comes, the hedonic group goes to sleep, wakes up the sleeping group to watch, and the hardest sentry group leaves to relax and have fun.

Taking turns in turn, he defeated several secret attacks by the servants, killed them, and hung them in the hall.

Later, it was too smelly, so it was transferred to the tree outside the castle.

It's just that there is supervision on the battlefield, but now no one dares to supervise them.

And people are paralyzed, without constant supervision, it is impossible to maintain a high degree of vigilance forever.

The seemingly impeccable arrangement finally went awry today.

The watchman was sleeping, but after being woken up, half of them continued to fall asleep, and the sleep when returning to the cage was the most fragrant.

The other half heard the screams in the hall, felt itchy, and secretly went to have fun...

"Let's leave a few people to watch them. If someone comes to attack them, they will be so drunk, but there is no way to resist." After all, there are people who are willing to abide by their duties.

"It's okay, those cowards, how dare you offend the Godly Warriors, we are immortal card players!" A soldier who left his post said to his timid companion.

The others also laughed at him, and the companion felt embarrassed immediately, so he had no choice but to follow everyone's wishes.

The dozens of people who quickly fell asleep had no defense.

As time passed, at some point, more than a dozen masked men in black came quietly in the corridor.

Their figures stretched very long under the light of the oil lamp.

They seemed to have known that no one was on guard, so they walked quickly.

One bedroom, two bedrooms...

They tied up the people inside one by one.


"Asshole, is my companion?"

When those who had had enough fun went back to sleep, they finally discovered the abnormality.

By this time, most of the day had passed.

"Your companion is here!" The voice of a great knight came from outside the castle!

The soldiers hurried out of the castle.

Then they saw an outrageous scene!

I saw their partners being dressed from top to bottom with iron rods.

And chains passed through their bodies, pulling them in the air.

"Bastard, kill these nobles!" A soldier was about to rush out in a rage.

However, a clever soldier immediately dissuaded his companions.

"There must be a trap here, have you forgotten? When we hunted the tauren, he wanted to provoke us!"

The tauren's deterrence made the soldiers wake up.

Deep down in their hearts, they knew how lucky it was to kill the tauren.

If it wasn't for one of his companions who got more divine power and poisoned the other party, the tauren would not die, and even after figuring out their weaknesses, they could kill them all!

Because the opponent's physical strength is really unlimited, it is not human at all.

"so what should I do now?"

"We will also be killed. If we fall into their hands, as long as we kill repeatedly, we will be killed!" Some soldiers finally remembered this terrible weakness.

"Damn it, why can't God give us perfect power?"

Some soldiers even started to complain about Yang Weite.

How long has it been?

How long have they just escaped from despair and death?

"What the hell are you talking about? Without God, how could we have enjoyed it for so long?" There are still soldiers with a conscience, or fear.

The soldier stopped talking.

They didn't know that everything they did was seen by Yang Weite.

"Can you bear this too?" The little panda laughed.

"There are many times when you are misunderstood. When you do a good thing, don't expect a good reward, because once you get a bad result, you will be overwhelmed by regret. You just need to know that you do things for your own conscience, and do things for your own conscience. If it's not someone else, then you will never regret it."

"Damn, when did your consciousness become so high?" The little panda was surprised at first, and then suddenly realized, "Yes, when you wanted to change the fate of your benefactor, but you were shot to death by the benefactor, it was at that time that your consciousness arose."

"That's right." Yang Weit said that it was impossible not to get angry about the soldiers' complaints.

But he can still suppress himself.

Because he understands how changeable the human heart is, because the heart itself is constantly changing, and only the external order can ensure that it presents a good side.

Without order and restraint, the mind will show an absolutely chaotic and evil side, such as children pushing other children into the water or down the mountain...

These are all behaviors in a state of chaos. Only after restraint will they gradually show the appearance of a kind person.

"Then do you think they can escape?"

"No need to run away."

Yes, soldiers don't have to flee.

Because some of them are enjoying and killing, and continue to upgrade.

The liver emperor saves the world.

Krypton Emperor gasoline is faster.

A soldier awakened the skill of mind link, and then he told the card players in other places what happened here.

"Bastard, they actually want to kill our brother?"

Although they have been torn apart, deep down they still see other people as their own.

Because only seven thousand of them are of the same kind

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