Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1926 New Demonic Tide

"There are infinite lands and infinite wealth in the world, but they are all occupied by stupid kings and great nobles!"

"They are like a bunch of greedy pigs, swallowing pieces of gold in their stomachs!"

"Get rid of them, and I will distribute their land and wealth, even women, to you!"

Lancelot took the king's shabby reward, and then said his empty promise.

The soldiers believed him easily.

Yes, in the simple mind of the soldiers, they all think that the king is extremely rich, the plate is made of gold, the chopsticks are made of gold, and the throne under the buttocks is also made of gold.

How did they know that the king often borrowed money to maintain extravagant expenses.

Many kings died penniless and had to continue to borrow money to pay for their funerals.

As for why?

It can only be said that the face is forced.

Obviously Lizi couldn't resist, and he still refused to reduce the situation, so he had to borrow money from the businessman.

Those big merchants span several or even dozens of kingdoms. If you dare not pay back, the other party will gather other kingdoms to arm them to collect debts.

Take your land and farmers to pay off your debts.

Many kings were exterminated and changed dynasties in this way.

After all, the king was on top and had no personal contact with the soldiers.

In the feudal era, those who truly mastered force had to be exposed to force from time to time.

Just like Yuan Shikai, who was so powerful, after leaving the low-level soldiers and reaching a high position, he finally found that he could not command the generals in his hands, and became the second in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and he was pissed off by them.

Lancelot mobilized his soldiers and attacked the fort where the king was.

The soldiers were desperate and climbed up the city wall like cats.

In exchange for their lives, the king's elite fled in embarrassment.

Nobody wants to fight a bunch of lunatics.

Especially the other party can be resurrected.

The elite are not afraid of death, but they are afraid that after death, there will be no results.

After trying so hard to kill one, he came back to life.

Who still has fighting spirit and morale?

Surrounded by hundreds of royal knights, the king escaped from the checkpoint, returned to the capital, and closed the gate tightly.

Lancelot occupied the checkpoint proudly, and then dragged the tauren's head under the city wall of the king's capital to carry out a demonstration.

He surrounded the royal capital with 4,000 people, and personally took 3,000 people to the nearby king's territory to announce the confiscation of their land.

He first canonized those small captains.

They are the best and brightest gang in the battle.

He generously gave these people two villages, and all the things in the village.

This made the captains ecstatic.

After the news spread, the nobles were in an uproar.

Lancelot's behavior can be said to have completely broken the rules of the noble game.

That is, everyone must maintain the dignity of the nobles, and not let the poor ghosts see the jokes.

On the battlefield, nobles can admit defeat, and those who lose pay fines, and those who are killed are all poor ghosts.

But now, Lancelot distributed the land and the villagers to the poor.

This is clearly to be the king himself!

Moreover, the direct leadership of the king alone is not enough for 7,000 knights, and a few more grand dukes must be killed to make up enough.

In fact, Lancelot did exactly that.

In the end, he didn't bother to make excuses: "In order to fight against the evil tide, my warriors made great sacrifices. Those of you who hide behind are not entitled to enjoy the land and villagers."

With just such a word, the soldiers rushed forward screaming, killed the guards and the knights of the grand dukes, and occupied the village and land there.

The princes fled in a hurry.

Even monsters are not the opponents of these card players, let alone ordinary knights?

Sweeping is normal, not sweeping is abnormal.

It's just that Lancelot didn't realize that his behavior greatly stimulated the ambitions of the soldiers.

From the beginning, it was just grabbing the land, to later dominating the castles of the lords.

Later, some soldiers began to call themselves Grand Duke...

It's messed up, it's all messed up!

Lancelot understood at last what a terrible beast he had unleashed.

When he used the knight's award to pry away the ambitions of the soldiers, he should have thought that human greed is infinite, just like him.

At first it was simply a desire for a decent living, then for honor, and finally for ambition.

Things became more and more serious, and the entire Rotes Kingdom fell into chaos.

Godly soldier, turned into a demon!

"This is the new wave of magic!" A nobleman wailed at the orderly before he died!

Soon, news of the new wave of demons spread to the surrounding kingdoms.

The kings of other kingdoms all have various indescribable in-law relationships with the Kingdom of Rotes and Harry III.

They couldn't take it any longer.

Because the greed of those soldiers is boundless.

After dividing up the Kingdom of Roots, they will be next.

"They are more terrifying than the magic tide. The latter will disappear if they break through a castle. They have to divide all the land on the land before they can stop!" A Mr. Marquis sharply pointed out this point.


"Haha, look at the saviors you released, but they themselves became demons first, so why don't you take care of them?" The little panda said to Yang Weite with a smile.

"No, I knew from the very beginning that this kind of thing would happen, and the real warriors would come out of the big waves." Yang Weite didn't care.

People's hearts always yearn for order.

Order can gradually germinate fairness and justice, which he firmly believes.

Because those who believe in these two have the spirit of sacrifice, which is the most powerful force.

This power mixed with many forces can turn the world gray, not so white, not too black.

"Hmph, just wait and see." The little panda said disdainfully.


Lancelot's soldiers were divided into thirty factions.

That's right, everyone directly controls one or two hundred people.

This is also the limit that everyone can directly control. Ordinary people, when they reach a scale of one hundred people, start to care about one thing and lose sight of another.

So there will be small bosses like Wuchang and Shichang to take care of them.

But now they don't dare to let others take care of them, and each of them patrols back and forth every day to get close.

Everyone said that everyone is in the same group, listen to me, have everything, don't listen to me, that so-and-so, was deceived by the nobles, and is now being imprisoned in the castle dungeon to draw blood and cut flesh...

Every day is very happy.

They were all tortured into lunatics.

Some leaders are more stable, while others are more rampant.

The former also knows to follow the rules set by the nobles before, collect the same tax, and let the villagers do whatever they want.

The latter is to increase the rent, and there are even various tricks.

It is completely an enhanced dark version of the nobility.

Someone persuaded them, but they said they deserved it, after all, they killed such a big demon king.

They were bewitched by Lancelot's words, and they really thought it was their own strength, completely forgetting that they were just a group of agents.

They must abide by God's will in order to continue to have power.

If the tauren were still alive, seeing their current situation, they would definitely understand the painstaking efforts of the harpy, sacrificing one of them and polluting a large group, this business is too profitable.

No wonder the other party didn't save it.

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