The London Ministry of Magic now maintains a very high level of alert to the outside world. For example, Ryan and Hermione learned from what the group said just now that they must have an identification coin to enter the London Ministry of Magic. Before they When walking around the floor, I also found a lot of hitters in gray uniforms walking around in various places.

However, it may be out of trust in this defense, or it may be because an overly complicated defense system will greatly reduce the work efficiency of the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic's internal defense is still extremely lax. Take the mahogany door in front of us as an example, there is no defensive magic on it.

But it would be a foolish way to just go forward and open this door, because there are more than a dozen busy wizards in the open space. If the door of an empty office opens in front of them, it's hard to imagine that no one will notice.

Fortunately, the magic they learned last time in the world of Faerun came in handy. A simple trick and a first-level silent phantom outside the silent door made it easy for them to slip into this office and close the door.

The office looks like a nouveau riche, with lots of gold inlay on the walls and furniture, and green velvet wallpaper, giving the office an over-decorated feel.

The table looked clean, save for a stack of brand-new parchments and a set of gold-encrusted inkpots and quills. And in the transparent glass cabinet behind it, there are only some seemingly precious works of art.

"This is an office, how come it looks like the tea room or smoking room in the noble castle?" Rose Crystal asked curiously after flying around the small office.

"You're still careless, little guy." Ryan carefully perceived the back of the house and stared at a green velvet and gold wall with a smile, then fired a pink light and hit the place he was staring at just now . After a burst of extremely obscure magic power fluctuations, the living wall twisted slightly like water ripples, revealing a mahogany door.

"A simple warning spell, it's easy to deal with." Hermione stepped forward to look at the door, and then released a shadow from both hands and penetrated in. A few seconds later, with a click, the door automatically closed. went up.

Behind the door was a small back room with filing cabinets full of folders lining the walls. After checking to make sure there was no other magic, Ryan walked in.

The folders are sorted by type and alphabetically, and each folder has a name attached to it. The names on the filing cabinets and file folders are red, yellow and green, respectively. Red represents absolute hostility, yellow represents suspiciousness, and green represents cooperation. The folders on each filing cabinet are sorted alphabetically by last name. Soon Ryan found his folder, which was placed on the red filing cabinet.

He didn't look at the folder, because he could roughly guess what would be written in the folder, it was nothing more than the content of how he fought against Voldemort and his gang plus some comments. Over the next few minutes, he filled the house with more than 20 green wildfire jars. A 15-minute time fuze and a pull fuze attached to the secret door were then set.

"The operation went much better than we had planned," said Hermione after restoring the door to its original state. "Are we going to clear out a few guys on the list in the next time?"

"No, I've changed my mind now," Ryan said. "It's not that important to get rid of other people. I think our next task should be to raid the interrogation room."

"Why raid there?" Hermione asked a little puzzled. "Is there any point in doing this?"

"Of course it makes sense." Ryan handed Hermione a piece of parchment,

This is what he just discovered in that archive room.

"This is - the trial timetable?" Hermione exclaimed softly after scanning the parchment briefly. "The tenth trial is to judge the evil people who robbed the blood of magic? Ten trials a day, are they crazy?"

"Think of Auschwitz, Hermione," Ryan said. "Sometimes, certain things are not caused by people losing their minds, but when different forces rob interests, they always have to come up with a high-sounding excuse. So in the next time, I think we should go to that courtroom Get as many innocent people as possible."

"That's right," Hermione nodded. "Saving the innocent is much more important than destroying the enemy. If the enemy cannot be eliminated this time, there will be a chance next time, but once the innocent are harmed, it will be irreversible."

After unifying their opinions, the three returned to their invisible state and left the office in the same way they came in just now, and hurried towards the elevator. Fortunately, there were not many people going to the hall, and soon they transferred from the hall to the elevator again and went straight to the tenth courtroom.

There is no elevator to reach the tenth court room directly. Ryan and the others can only take the elevator back to the floor of the Department of Mysteries, and then walk along an empty corridor with only torches until they reach the black door of the Department of Mysteries. , and then go down along the intersection on the left.

After walking to the bottom floor, Ryan suddenly felt the temperature drop, and even hoarfrost hung on the stone walls on both sides. At the same time, Ryan and the others felt an unusual sense of despair.

Dementors. Ryan and the others thought of this at the same time. Even though these things have been cleaned up before, this dark creature that lives in the shadows is as tenacious as a cockroach, especially in this period of despair and pain, it is really conducive to their reproduction, survival, and growth. For example, just a little time has passed since the thorough clean-up, and Voldemort's side has reproduced so many dementors squatting at the door of the court.

Ryan was naturally prepared for this situation. He took out a thick stack of charms from his arms, and then signaled Hermione and Rose Crystal to be alert to movements in the direction of the gate.

After all the preparations were made, Ryan skipped the last corner directly, and before the group of dementors could react, he crossed his left and right hands and threw all the spells in his hands.

It is different from the worst situation imaginable. After the previous two eliminations of dementors, the dementor group should have been hit hard. Even if the number recovers, it will not return to its former glory. For example, there are far fewer dementors at the entrance of the court than before. There are only eight dementors standing there in a formation of four on the left and four on the left and right. This is not even 1/3 of the number of talismans prepared by Ryan.

As a result, three or four spells were affixed to each of the group of dementors standing in front of the court. After those spells touched the surface of the dementors, clusters of dementors appeared centered on the spells. A blue flame like a bluebell.

After the flames ignited, the dementor's momentum to rush over was immediately stopped, and then it began to fly frantically in the corridor. At the same time, large groups of black mist emerged from his body and rushed towards the fire point.

But all of this was of no avail, whether it was the ragged robes, the rotting skin like a drowned person, or even the smoke that the dementors spewed out to try to put out the fire, they were all ignited by the blue flame. The blue flames spread very quickly, and after just a few seconds, the eight dementors burned into eight sky blue fireballs.

At this time, the screams of the dementors after being burned by these special magical flames were finally heard by the people in the courtroom. With a bang, the heavy black door of the courtroom opened. A young wizard in a striker's uniform, with his sleeves rolled up to the elbows to reveal the Dark Mark, stepped out with his wand in hand.

"A Mudblood is being judged here, who is here—"

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