"An arms dealer who does not sell arms to both sides of the war is a failed arms dealer." Ryan teased and took the bracelet and looked at the serial number on it. "Fortunately, this is the batch of goods we sold to the Ministry of Magic before the outbreak of the war. Sometimes it is really difficult to avoid the loss of such low-level products to the enemy."

"This should be an elite team." Hermione said, looking at the pile of bracelets next to her. She took out six copper bracelets and one silver bracelet from the seven people, and there were a lot more Something like a smoke bomb or a ring of refraction. If this group of people hadn't dispersed their forces at the beginning and didn't expect that the broom would suddenly fail in mid-air, it would still take a lot of effort to clean them up.

"It is indeed an elite." Ryan replied. "Moody told us before that there are very few Aurors who are actually on You-Know-Who's side, so there won't be more than five London Ministry of Magic teams like today."

"A great victory, my lord." Rose Crystal raised her right hand and made a toast. "When we go back, we must hold a celebration banquet."

"No problem." Ryan said and put his hands on Rose Crystal's silky hair. Rose Crystal gently rubbed Ryan's palm with her head. "Make a list of what you want to eat when you go back. There are another group of working hobbits at the Hobbit Restaurant in River Valley City. One of them was the champion of last year's cooking competition in Bag End."

Twenty minutes later, Ryan and the others looted all the eye-catching trophies, even the copper Knut in the gap in the pocket of his clothes. Seeing the seven corpses with only their clothes left in the Ten Thousand Worlds grocery store by Rose Crystal, Ryan said, "Okay, the next step is to stuff these things back to the London Ministry of Magic. We need to let them learn to fear, learn to Stop the persecution of witches and Muggles."

"Yes, now it's time to start the next step. I really didn't expect them to dare to do this. I'm ready, let's go!" Hermione put away the sheepskin she found from Dawlish that she was looking at just now Scroll stood up, and then took one of Ryan's hands with Rose Crystal. After a crisp explosion, they disappeared from the house.

"Snap," after a slight noise, Ryan and the three of them appeared in a small room with only dim yellow lights. From the tattered furniture, incomplete floor tiles, and piles of Abandoned documents all indicate that this is a utility room.

"Fortunately, they haven't changed the purpose of the utility room we hid last time. Look at the ash here. I guess this room hasn't been visited by anyone for at least a year." Ryan looked at the dark space around him. Speaking of. "We need to discuss the next step. After all, there are only three of us."

"I can call all my sisters over." Rose Crystal raised her hand and said.

"No, no need." Ryan said, looking into the big purple eyes of rose crystal. "Our action this time is mainly to deter and show our existence, so we don't need so many people."

The biggest difference between the world of wizards and the world of ordinary people is that wizards still respect their strength. For example, the reason why Dumbledore is considered the greatest white wizard is not because he proposed a new use of dragon blood or the headmaster of Hogwarts, but because he defeated Green, the most powerful black wizard in Europe at that time. Devore.

So Ryan, who wants to do something under the current situation, must show his strength so that he can attract like-minded people, and this attack on the Ministry of Magic in London is also for the same purpose.

Of course, lest Dumbledore stop for some reason. Before this operation, he only told Dumbledore that he would use Lucius Malfoy to lure the snake out of the hole and launch an ambush.

He didn't tell him that he would attack the Ministry of Magic incidentally after the ambush and counter-kill.

"Then where is the target of our main attack this time, Ryan? You know the information I saw just now—" Hermione took out a current map of the Ministry of Magic from her arms and asked. "Although we have made a plan before, it was prepared for a large-scale war. There are too many key points that need to be attacked in the plan. The three of us can't do it at all. We need to filter it."

"We only attacked here today." Ryan pointed to a red space on the first floor. Hermione stepped forward and found that this space was marked as the Muggle-born Registration Committee. "If this place is destroyed, on the one hand, it is to express an attitude. On the other hand, it is to destroy the information of those Muggle-born wizards collected in it, so as to facilitate the Muggle-born wizards in the occupied area to escape persecution. Most importantly, in this The people who work in the department are not innocent in any case, and accidental injury can be avoided to the greatest extent."

"Good idea," Hermione and Rose Crystal nodded at the same time, and then opened a small space door and took out magic props from it to arm themselves, the most of which was a bottle filled with green liquid.

"Let's pack it all up, then we're ready to act. Set 30 minutes here first." After everyone packed up, Ryan twisted the metal ring on a pen-sized fuze to set the timing, and then with a large box Weasley's fireworks pack together. "Our operation must end within half an hour, otherwise it will be too easy to accidentally injure when there are more and more enemies."

After preparing the timing device, Ryan and the others put a series of invisibility magic on themselves and walked out of the utility room. Their current location is outside the Department of Mysteries on the ninth floor, because apparation can only go to places they have been to, and Ryan and the others are only familiar with the Department of Mysteries and the hall on the eighth floor. That being said, it was obvious that a place near the Department of Mysteries was more appropriate than a hall full of people.

There is very little traffic on this floor, but not completely absent. Soon they got into an elevator leading to the hall, and then followed a group of wizards in black robes to another elevator and went straight to the first floor.

After the golden fence door was opened, Ryan found that in front of them was a thick carpeted aisle. On both sides of the aisle were one after another shiny wooden doors. On each door was a small sign with the name and name of the person in the room duty.

"The scale here is really not small." Through the Phoenix brand, Hermione's voice sounded in Ryan's mind, "It seems that the current Ministry of Magic still attaches great importance to this Muggle-born registration committee, otherwise it will not let it go. to this floor."

"You're right, but this is good news for us." Ryan replied. "Maybe we can have some unexpected gains in this attack."

At this time, there were only three of them in the corridor, and it seemed quiet. There is no bustling, talking, and hurried footsteps of ordinary institutions. Fortunately, there was a fuchsia carpet on the ground, so Ryan and Hermione didn't hear footsteps.

After turning a corner and walking for a while, the aisle leads into a spacious area. A dozen or so wizards and wizards were seated at rows of small desks that resembled individual school desks.

All the wizards sitting behind the table waved and twirled their wands in unison, and many square colored papers floated in the air like small dark green kites. Soon the pages of these papers were gathered and folded, and after being fastened with magic, they were neatly stacked beside each wizard.

"The threat of the mudblood to the peaceful pure-blood society?" The rose crystal flew quietly to a table, and then told Ryan what he saw through the connection in his brain. Judging from the pictures she sent, Ryan found that these silver words were printed on the dark green cover, and a red rose was drawn on the bottom tightly strangled by a green grass with fangs and a fierce look. In the center is a smirking face.

"It's really stupid and outdated propaganda," Ryan thought, "but people who read these magazines should have such an IQ."

Opposite this small printing factory was a door of glossy mahogany, with a brass sign nailed to it. "Runcorn Albert, Director of the Muggle-Born Registration Commission."

"I know this man," said Hermione through the Phoenix brand. "Ginny once told me that this guy used to be in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and was known for his pure-blood theory. Mr. Weasley had quarreled with him several times, but I didn't expect him to be doing this now."

"It's normal." Ryan replied in the same way. "The Ministry of Magic under the rule of the mysterious man has basically become a concentration camp for scum. If there are still many administrative officers who are forced to serve, then all the administrative officers can basically be sure that all of them are those who support pure blood. On, the scum who supported the rule of the mysterious man."

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