My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 1148 Rescue supplies, survivors’ shock!

When the battle was completely over and the gunfire stopped, a faint glow of morning glow hung on the distant horizon.

The snow didn't stop and was still falling slowly from high in the sky.

The dawn gradually rises in the horizon, imprinting the tops of the snow-capped mountains with a golden color that seems to be burning.

The black smoke on the top of the platform had burned out long ago, and there was black ash scattered by the wind everywhere.

The survivors who survived collapsed on the ground, hugging each other and crying, or staring blankly at the sky.

Of course, there are others who are holding the cold bodies of their loved ones, with tears welling up from the corners of their eyes.

Needless to say, this was a brutal battle.

Although the narrow and winding cave passage hinders the pursuit of the radiation beast, it also adds a lot of difficulty to the rescue team behind.

Especially when the gunshots started to sound, the radiation beast on top almost subconsciously rioted.

Several waves almost broke through the survivors' defense and came to the platform to kill.

Fortunately, the guards finally understood the signs engraved on the wall, otherwise by the time they found their way to the platform, the survivors above would have been able to penetrate the defense line.

"It's over, it's all over."

Holding his sister Lin Yin in his arms, Lin Cheng forced a smile on his bloody face and hid his left arm behind his back.

However, a gust of cold wind blew by, and the severe pain made him take a breath involuntarily.

"Brother, let me see your wound quickly."

"It's okay, just minor injuries."

Unable to resist Lin Yin's persistence, Lin Cheng had no choice but to hand out his left hand.

About four or five centimeters upward from the wrist, a narrow opening extends to the triceps brachii under the upper arm.

The length of the wound was more than twenty centimeters. The shallowest part only turned up the flesh, but the deepest part could still see the dark white bones underneath.

Without protective gear, any part of your body might be a weapon.

In most cases, humans can only win the battle by exchanging injuries for injuries and fighting hard.

Whenever there is a trace of hesitation, or the thought of not wanting to be hurt appears in the mind.

It is very likely that what you get in exchange is not intact, but a cold corpse forever.

Obviously Lin Yin also knew this. After confirming that the wound on Lin Cheng's left arm had stopped bleeding under the influence of the styptic powder, she gradually felt relieved.

"Harm, I said you don't even care about me?"

Cheng Fei, who was still lying on the ground, wailed, holding his stomach and pretending to be ashen-faced.

Through the clothes, you can see large areas of burn-like blisters evenly distributed, which is very scary.

"Didn't you just get splashed by the fire spider's venom? Look at your worthless appearance."

"Here, I'll give you the cooling powder. Apply it yourself."

Although she was complaining, Lin Yin quickly took out a packet of medicinal powder from her bag.

If these injuries were placed on Earth right now, they would definitely be fatal injuries that would frighten people to death, and each of them would be enough to be put into the emergency room.

But in the wasteland, it can only be regarded as

Well, a small injury.

After surviving the early days of the wasteland, the survivors now have a unified understanding. Putting aside the subsequent infection problem, any injuries that are not immediately life-threatening can only be called minor injuries.

And it happens to be winter now, so there is no need to worry about the risk of infection in a short period of time.

Besides, didn’t the rescue service also have medical services before?

As the saying goes, if you have too much debt, you don’t have to worry. If you already owe so much, it doesn’t matter if you owe more.

With this thought to comfort themselves, several people looked at the cave entrance to the top platform.

Sure enough, figures in black clothes holding guns began to flash over there.

"Who are you?"

Some people who were not afraid of death had already approached, and they had the courage to shout and ask.

At the same time, this shouting also attracted the attention of the vast majority of survivors on the platform.

Everyone looked at this group of vicious men who easily slaughtered hundreds of radioactive beasts with curiosity and fear in their eyes.

The black and blue uniform seemed to be made of waterproof material and was not stained with the blood of the radiation beast.

All that's left in the package is a pair of eye masks, paired with a fully-packaged explosion-proof helmet, which is full of professionalism.

Coupled with the sharp guns, many people were frightened and quickly lowered their heads as soon as they looked at them.

"Didn't you send the call for help?" A small guard in the team muttered.

The voice was very small, but it was clearly heard by several people around him.

For a while, the scene became a little quieter, but fortunately Xiao Yang stood up in time.

"Ahem, we are from the Tianyuan territory, and we are the Tianyuan search and rescue team that is responsible for rescue."

"The signal just now was sent by you, right?"

Signaling the guard behind him to pull out a leaflet and hand it out, Xiao Yang took out a small notebook from his pocket.

After a few strokes of writing with a brush, a simple bill was completed.

"This is the bill for this rescue. Whoever takes the lead here should sign for it first."

"The leader?"

Upon hearing the bill, the survivors on the platform suddenly became commotion.

There was obvious hesitation and fear in some people's eyes.

In the wasteland, materials can be linked to life in a certain sense.

Only a few people heard the previous broadcast, and the specific rescue price was not communicated to others.

If the other party offers a sky-high price,

"Where's Uncle Liu? Let Uncle Liu go take a look."

"Uncle Liu is dead."

The regrettable news came from the corner, but no one could care about sighing at this moment.

Whenever there is a fight, anyone can die.

The living people can only inherit the will of the dead and continue to walk firmly in this wasteland.

"Let me do it.

Limping over, Lin Cheng took the bill in his hand.

Several other men around him originally wanted to say something, but in the end they could only hang their heads in understanding.

Taking the bill means taking responsibility for any remaining survivors present.

Along the way, they had seen too many small groups bound by responsibilities.

"The price of squadron-level military support is one thousand Tianyuan copper coins."

"The price of the eighty-six-kilometer mid-distance support is two hundred copper days."

"Additional ammunition costs sixty copper days."

"Sorry, we may not have the currency to pay for the rescue in this Tianyuan copper coin."

Lin Cheng read a few words and simply told the truth.

"We are survivors from the deep sea. Please give us a price we can understand."

"If we can, we will definitely not default on our debt."

"Very good." Xiao Yang nodded lightly, satisfied with Lin Cheng's attitude: "In our Tianyuan territory, one Tianyuan copper coin is equivalent to 10 Tianyuan iron coins. In terms of a price you can understand. It's winter now, and the price of each kilogram of grain in the territory is 5 iron coins, and one copper coin can buy about 3 kilograms of grain."


In an instant, there were shouts of surprise in the field, and Lin Chengdu took half a step back.

Are you really sure this isn't a money grab?

One copper coin can be exchanged for 3 kilograms of grain, which means a thousand copper coins are needed for squadron-level rescue.

Doesn’t this cost 3,000 kilograms of grain?

"Sorry, we really don't have so many supplies to pay for it."

"It doesn't affect it."

"Didn't we say on the radio that if you can't pay, we also offer a variety of other payment methods, including loans."

Glancing at the survivor group of at least 150 people in the field, Xiao Yang laughed.

Measuring the value of rescue by materials will indeed scare these survivors from the deep sea.

But converted to the price of white rice on earth, one pound is about two yuan.

Three thousand catties, that's six thousand yuan.

At this price, even if you go to the chaotic triangle area, you can't hire an armed team of twelve people, let alone the wasteland where armed resources are more precious.

Furthermore, according to the current average salary of 6 iron coins in the territory, each person can save one copper coin every day.

One hundred and fifty people can pay off their debts in half a month at most, which is no big deal.

"Come on, don't talk about choices with me. You have no right to choose now."

"I'll give you six hours to pack your things and take care of the funeral. I'll wait for you at the foot of the mountain."

Counting the survivors on the platform and some people in the mountains and forests who are willing to give it a try.

The final tally was 373 people.

Although it is far from the more than 800 people in the camp yesterday morning, it still gave the rescue operation a good start and proved the feasibility of this plan.

At noon, those who died last night were finally buried hastily in the frozen soil under the snow by the survivors.

There were no coffins, and there were even three or five people sleeping in each pit.

But for those who died in the wasteland, this was already a very good treatment, and it was much better not to have to collect the corpses of those who had escaped before.

"Xiao Na, there is no resurrection for dead people. If you don't mind, just follow us."

Enthusiastic Mother Cheng pulled Uncle Liu's remaining daughter into the small group, tremblingly took out a few dry wheat cakes from her bag and handed them over.

"Your father didn't say a few last words before he died. It's really a pity that he was like that damn guy in my family."

It's really pitiful for the hearts of parents in the world. Even though they have reached this point, Cheng's mother still doesn't forget to help Cheng Fei find a wife.

Maybe she was afraid of another sudden change, so she hid in the pit like Uncle Liu.

Understanding his own mother's thoughts, Cheng Fei didn't stop him.

Only after Xiaona had devoured the oatmeal cake did she hand over a bottle of melted snow water.

"Liu Na, don't listen to my mother. Uncle Liu has always taken care of us."

"If you want to leave or go somewhere else, we will take care of your debts."

"No, I won't leave." Liu Na shook her head quickly and tightened the water bottle in her hand: "My dad told me to follow you and go wherever I can survive."

"Okay, then you can follow."

Pushing the last shovelful of soil into the grave, the group began to walk toward the gathering place in the cave despite the wind and snow.

Speaking of which, the rescue team was really ambitious and did not set up any surveillance to prevent the survivors from escaping.

But if you think about it carefully, there is really no need to set it up.

In this snowy weather, it is indeed impossible for survivors to walk out on their own legs.

We have just cleaned up the radioactive beasts in the surrounding area. The cave is definitely the safest place within a radius of 100 kilometers!

Go all the way back to the cave entrance.

I don’t know when it happened, but a small truck with a rather sci-fi shape was parked in front of the original entrance.

The rear of the truck was facing outward, and a simple table folded and retracted from the trunk. Someone was sitting behind the table.

Seeing Lin Cheng and others approaching, the guard behind the table raised his hand:

"Come here to register information and receive emergency relief supplies."

"Information? Relief supplies?"

Looking at the supply boxes being taken out from inside the truck, Cheng Fei swallowed secretly.

From what I can see right now, this Tianyuan territory is really extraordinary.

But why do I never see anyone discussing it on the world chat channel?

Wait, Tianyuan

Why does it seem a bit familiar? Could it be the territory that Lin Cheng mentioned before?

The territory that can cure hell flowers?

While Cheng Fei was still thinking, Lin Chengze on the other side was already standing in front of the table.


"Lin Cheng."




After "chef" finished speaking, he noticed that the guard raised his head and looked over in surprise. Lin Cheng added: "On earth, he is a chef."

"It's strange. I didn't expect that the first wave of survivors who dared to enter the New World would have a chef."

While sighing, the guards quickly registered the information.

It's not complicated, it's just a preliminary survey, including name, age, occupation, and personal route tendency.

After registration, the guard standing inside took out four small bags of supplies according to the registered quantity.

It was wrapped in thick brown paper, and I didn’t know what was inside.

"Hello, my mother is seriously ill and my sister is taking care of me. Can you help them register to receive a supply?"

"Are you sick?" The registered guard was stunned for a moment: "What's the matter? We still have some emergency medicines in the car."

"Hell flower." When he said these three words, Lin Cheng stared at the guard.

Perhaps to other survivors, Tianyuan is an unfamiliar term.

But since Lin's mother was infected with the Hell Flower Virus, Tianyuan Territory has become an obsession in Lin Cheng's heart.

Rumor has it that this is the only place that can cure terminal illnesses like hell flowers.

At this moment, Lin Cheng was extremely eager to see the answer from the guard's eyes, even if the price of the answer was that he would become a slave forever.

Surprisingly, he was right.

"Hell flower," the guard frowned: "If you want complete treatment, you have to go to the hospital in the territory. Let me get you some relief medicine first."

"Thank you."

In his hand was another brown paper bag and a glass bottle with 10 copper coins engraved on it.

Looking at the liquid with a faint blue light in the glass bottle, how could Lin Cheng hold back the excitement in his heart.

After a few steps, I returned to the cave and found the cave where Lin Ma was placed.

After an accident and a night of cold wind blowing on the platform, Mother Lin, who was already frail, had become terminally ill and was on her deathbed with no consciousness.

"Quick, get out of the way."

Without bothering to explain to Lin Yin, Lin Cheng unscrewed the bottle.

As the light blue liquid entered her throat, Lin Ma's pale face suddenly turned pale at first, and then quickly regained some of her color.

This is simply amazing!


"Am I right? This is instant noodles?"

Cheng Fei, who followed in, had already opened his brown paper bag on the way.

There isn't much inside.

In terms of food, there is a piece of sun-dried vegetable cake, an enlarged portion of golden fried dough, and a packet of seasonings packaged in transparent plastic.

There are only two types of medicines, red topical anti-inflammatory drugs and blue oral antibiotics.

But for a group of survivors who are used to eating weed cakes, dry wheat cakes, and occasionally gnawing tree bark.

This kind of refined food almost seems to bring them back to modern times.

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