My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 1147 The wilderness, the fear in the genes!

In the center of the platform, the men who arrived one after another formed a circle.

In the middle are four radios, which are continuously transmitting sounds.

If it weren't for the sales signs of different forces on these four radios, everyone would almost think that the sound inside was a malfunction of the machine.

"Tianyuan Territory? Tianyuan Search and Rescue Team? Has this term ever appeared on the World Channel?"

"Are you sure this paid rescue service isn't fishing?"

"Rifles, machine guns and even doctors. Are you sure you're not bragging?"

"Don't worry about it so much. It doesn't matter if it's a real rescue or a fake fishing. It's okay to let them fight with the radioactive beasts and dogs!"

"What if they turn around and run away when they see the radioactive beast? Or are the snipe and clam fighting next to each other and the fishermen will benefit?"

"It's a hammer, what's your gain?"

"Well said, as long as I can survive, even if I am captured as a slave, I don't want to die in the wilderness like this!"

The intermittent sounds were pieced together, and someone had already recorded them with pen and paper.

If they heard this kind of "unique" rescue service on the radio under normal circumstances, maybe everyone present would think about the consequences of exposing their location.

But now it has been trapped on the top of the mountain by the radiation beast, and it is a desperate fight.

At this time, considering the price to be paid after the rescue, it is obviously a little hesitant.

"But we don't have a radio station to send information. The wind and snow on the platform are so heavy that it is difficult to set off obvious fireworks." After speaking, Uncle Liu looked down the channel and listened.

The noise coming from the radiation beasts searching for the exit in the passage has become more and more obvious. Some of the faster ones may have fled nearby. In this case, it is unrealistic to retrieve the explosives.

But just by burning the things on the platform, even if you take off your clothes and pile them together and burn them, it is unlikely to start a fire that attracts attention from afar.

"We can light the cave down below!"

A clear and determined voice sounded.

It's Lin Cheng.

"Fire and smoke can't gather on the platform, but they can definitely be done in the cave."

"This is a natural chimney shape. As long as the fire is strong enough, it can be seen for one or two hundred kilometers around."


"Nothing but, prepare to light the cave on fire." Uncle Liu agreed without any hesitation.

This was his plan to set up the platform as the last line of defense, but the words could not come out of his mouth.

Now that Lin Cheng had proposed it from the front, he would respond as the leader.

Everyone present hesitated, but in the end no one raised any other opinions.


In addition to some necessary warm clothing and clothing for patients.

Anything else that could ignite was collected, lit a fire, and thrown down the passage.

The billowing smoke simmered for a while, and began to gather into clusters of black clouds rising from the entrance of the cave.

The speed was very fast, and it only took less than a few minutes to gather into a black cloud that was very obvious in the snowy night.

"Attention, they are coming up!"

The people standing at the entrance of the cave lowered their voices and warned towards the back.

If it is a raging fire, it may also affect the impact of the radiation beast.

But the thick smoke caused by some igniters is really difficult to pose a threat to the rough-skinned and fleshy monster.

Fortunately, most of the radiation beasts that rushed up first were of the agility type, and all of them were afraid of the entrance of the cave and did not dare to rush straight up.

"Maybe it's not such a bad thing that they're smart."

Uncle Liu murmured, looked at his daughter not far away, and silently wrapped the steel knife handle in his hand with a strip of cloth.

People can only unleash their true potential under two circumstances.

The first is the darkness before dawn.

The second type is the last moment before darkness arrives.

Now, the two situations happen to be mixed together.

Looking at the women and children huddled in a circle behind them, the men spontaneously stood in a row and surrounded the only entrance and exit.

At this moment, let alone those agile radiation beasts whose combat effectiveness is not as good as that of ordinary humans.

Even if a tank-type Radiant Beast charges up, it will be hacked to death by a group of people without hesitation.

"Come on, beasts!"

Staring at the several lizard spiders guarding not far from the door, the human fighting spirit began to burn in the black smoke.

The few radiation beasts rushing at the front couldn't help being frightened back a few steps. Looking at these humans who suddenly had murderous intentions, it was really difficult for their little heads to understand.

Why were humans who were prey just a few minutes ago?

As soon as they turned their heads, they seemed to have become the fearful predator in their minds?

At this moment, several radiation beasts with sensitive hearing suddenly trembled and wailed from their mouths.

Suddenly, sounds and images began to emerge from the chaotic memory fragments.

Although the distance was far away, the sound coming from the scene still matched the sound on the screen.

Humans are coming, no, real humans are coming!

The faint sound of gunfire did not represent the coming threat, but the light and falling steps of the god of death.

Can't wait any longer.

A wailing sound, after transmitting the message to other radioactive beasts in the surrounding area.

The team of radiation beasts who were still hesitating suddenly became restless.

As a sharp explosion sounded, the bloody defensive battle finally began!

It's about forty kilometers away from the mountain top where we need help.

Da da

Da da da

After shooting the emerging radioactive beast with several consecutive shots, he looked at the survivors lying on the ground in horror.

Xiao Yang looked confused.

Where did these people come from?

It was fine when we first entered the mountain, but a few survivors ran out and ran across the front of the vehicle with a roar. After using the weapons on the vehicle to persuade the radioactive beasts to fight off, they hurriedly disappeared into the mountains and forests.

However, in the middle of the mountain road, more and more human survivors appeared.

And these people are getting bolder and bolder.

For example, the team of more than ten people just now almost would have been hit if the driver hadn't braked quickly.

"You don't want to live anymore, why rush out to seek death?!"

Rolling down the window, Xiao Yang roared angrily.

"Sorry, sorry, wait, are you from Earth?"

The leading man lay on the ground, gasping for air while subconsciously apologizing.

However, after just two words, he raised his head and looked over in disbelief.

According to the experiences shared by survivors on the World Channel.

After passing the initial stage where everyone was unfamiliar with each other, the Blue Star people have begun to become more and more aggressive when facing the people on Earth.

Especially after discovering that the two parties are not from the same earth, and the earth players have route abilities that can suddenly improve their physical fitness.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, when you are forced into a desperate situation, never ask for help from the Blue Star people.

Otherwise, no one knows what kind of torture they will suffer next.

It may be inhumane human experiments, or it may be a slave future with no end in sight.

In short, life may be more uncomfortable than death.

And this is also the reason why the survivors did not dare to stop when Baili Deng drove past the mountain road just now, even if it showed some kind behavior.

Compared to those at the back, being able to run at the front has proven their physical fitness and survival ability.

Now that they are almost at the point of escaping, naturally no one wants to take a chance on whether the person driving these two sci-fi-looking cars is malicious or kind.

"Nonsense, otherwise why would I save you just now?"

"You know, if you run two more steps, I'll hit you to death in this wilderness and no one will collect your body."

Xiao Yang's attitude was quite bad before he could get out of his anger after almost having a car accident.

But when it fell into the ears of these survivors, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Right, is this how people on Earth feel?

You still have to watch the news to rescue someone with a gentle voice. To really save someone, you need a good brother with such a bad temper.

"My fault, it's my fault."

"We have been chased by the radioactive beasts all night. If it weren't for you guys, big brother, we would be here."

The man sneered and stood up quickly, pulling all the survivors to stand in a row.

I saw several young people in the team who were just coming of age, with obvious childish looks on their faces.

Xiao Yang's eyes inevitably softened a little, and he coughed lightly:

"What does that burning black smoke have to do with you?"

"Black smoke?" Following the direction Xiao Yang pointed, the man looked at it and was suddenly startled: "That was our previous camp, it looked like this."

He briefly talked about the discovery of radioactive beasts gathered in the canyon in the morning and everyone fled.

Hearing that eight hundred people had gathered in this camp, Xiao Yang's face flashed with joy.

Divided according to rescue reward level.

Fifty, two hundred, five hundred, one thousand.

Who would have thought that this was their first time out on the mountain and they would almost reach the highest level of reward.

However, I heard that these eight hundred people were already running away during the day, leaving in different directions.

A feeling that the duck that had reached his mouth suddenly flew away suddenly entered Xiao Yang's heart.

"Quick, stop talking nonsense and take us"

"Forget it, just wait on the side of the road and don't wander around. We will take you back after the rescue."

"By the way, Da Zhu, give them a rescue order."

Since industrial development resumed, the price of paper has plummeted to a level similar to that of Earth.

Regardless of the reaction of these people, a rescue sheet with exaggerated slogans was handed out from the car window.

The two Baili Lanterns set off again, rushing towards the thick smoke at a faster speed than before.

"Wait, they just left?"

In less than a minute, it was no longer possible to see any trace of Baili Deng on the winding mountain road covered with light snow.

If it weren't for the blood of several radioactive beasts on the ground, which was still soaked in the snowflakes in the distance, the aftertaste of the gun body was still spreading in his mind.

It is really hard to imagine that in such an inaccessible place, such a group of people who look like magic soldiers would suddenly appear.

After the feeling of the aftermath of the disaster passed, as the adrenaline faded, everyone sat on the ground a little exhausted.

There were only a few fearless young people with excited faces. They had not recovered from Xiao Yang's handsome appearance just now when he stuck his head out and shot the radiation beast to death with a few clicks.

But at this moment, no one cared about the strong smell of blood around them.

In such an environment, only this smell would frighten other radiation beasts.

Coupled with the explosive gunshots just now, the smart radiation beast will definitely not harass them again soon.

“Look, look at this flyer, it’s written in our Chinese language.”

Focusing on the flyer, a few large characters caught everyone's attention.

Tianyuan rescue service?

Hey guys, what is this?

Compared to the people who heard the news from the radio, they who had just seen the strength of the team would naturally not question the various special rescue services that seemed strange and did not conform to the current situation of the wasteland.

They were even a little excited after seeing the perverted legion-level rescue services above.

After all, in this chaotic situation, the stronger the force, the more it represents the force standing behind.

Only with perfect rules and a certain scale of forces can such elite soldiers be produced.

No, not just elite soldiers.

Can produce rifles and even armored vehicles in such a short period of time

"Wait a minute, those few shots they just fired shouldn't be counted as rescue services, right?"

Seeing the rescue price below, the man's expression froze.

But soon, this stiffness softened quickly.


What a familiar yet unfamiliar term?

For countless days and nights, they longed to return to Earth, to the stable environment of that pool of stagnant water.

Not to mention being exploited, as long as you have a mouthful of food to eat, you don't have to worry about death anytime and anywhere.

But everyone knows that as long as the natural disasters in the chaotic wasteland continue, the alien races will not die.

Stability will never come.

Now, a dream opportunity was presented to them.

"Ah, do you think this is the bastard work of the Blue Star people? They are taking us back."

"Go away, you little brat, what are you talking about? Do you really want to escape with your feet on this snowy day?"

"That's right. Let's go check with them first. If there is a scam, it would be better to escape then than to escape now."

"My dear, maybe we can even have a meal together. I heard that the nutritious meals of the Blue Star people are quite delicious!"

In the midst of the discussion, everyone inevitably turned their attention to the top of the mountain where the smoke was billowing.

Some surprises, but also some gratitude.

Considering the request for help on the flyer, it is not difficult to imagine that this mysterious team appeared precisely because the people who stayed behind asked for help.

However, no one expected that due to a strange combination of circumstances, he and others would become the first to be rescued.

But there should be a lot of radiation beasts there, right?

There was an uneasy wait, when the survivors all over the mountain and forest began to feel cold.

The sharp sound of bullet firing finally began to erupt among the mountains.

At first it was just the rhythmic crack of a rifle, but after more than ten seconds it suddenly turned into a more rhythmic click.

It's a machine gun!

I’ve never eaten pork and I’ve never seen a pig run away. Machine guns are a regular customer in movies and TV shows.

At this time, this familiar voice had just sounded, and the survivors who were still paralyzed on the ground felt instantly refreshed physically and mentally.

That's right, what is their main purpose of entering the hinterland of the New World?

Don't you want to join a powerful territory and try to get ahead of others as an ordinary individual?

Now that the opportunity has come, why are you hesitating?

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