My Iron Suit

Chapter 956: Mysterious forces!

Luther West and others heard that they were deeply in agreement and nodded.

In fact, a series of performances before Bennett clearly explained what kind of person he is, and they are stupid and have no precautions against him. If it is not the appearance of Chen Mo today, it is a coincidence that Bennett is completely exposed. The bad nature, and eventually Chen Mo was killed in time, they are likely to be planted in his hands!

Thinking of this, the four people could not help but be afraid for a while, Jin Yong is regretting his escape and withdrawal.

Looking at Bennett, who was already dead on the edge of the wall, Jin Yong suddenly asked.

"What about his body?"

The other three people couldn’t help but feel awkward. It’s definitely not possible to put it there, but to say that he was going to collect the corpse, and the four people who had just been killed by him were reluctant.

In the end, the four people looked at Chen Mo in unison and wanted to seek his opinions.

Obviously, after a series of things just happened, Chen Mo has already had a high status in the hearts of everyone.

Chen Mo did not ignore it, saying it directly.

"Throw it!"

The four people heard that the first thing was a glimpse, and then it was relieved. This is indeed the simplest and most appropriate choice.

Bennett has been bitten by zombies and infected with the virus. Although it has already been headshot, it is always a hidden danger to stay in the prison. It is better to drop the wall directly and let the zombies below help them solve it.

If it was before, or if someone else changed, they would naturally not treat him like this, but when Bennett shot and wanted to kill them, he became an enemy of all of them, and then he followed him. When they talk about human rights and ethics, they only feel sick.

The four men looked at each other and nodded in agreement. They agreed with Chen Mo’s decision.

Immediately, Luther West and Angel Ortiz took up the guns that had no bullets and walked toward the body of Bennett on the edge of the wall.

However, what surprised everyone was that, except for the only female Cristo, who had not moved in the same place, Jin Yong, who had been timid and weak, even followed.

Luther West and Angel Ortiz looked at each other and saw a trace of surprise in the other's eyes, but looking at the firm look in Jin Yong’s eyes, both of them nodded toward Jin Yong at the same time, then three people A starter hand lifted Bennett's body and threw it out of the wall.

The three did not come back immediately, but stood on the side of the guardrail and looked down at the corpse below.

The open space cleared by Chen Mo has already been refilled by the zombies. The body of Bennett was quickly overwhelmed by the crazy zombies, and only the excitement of the zombies was heard.

Luther West and Angel Ortiz looked in a complex moment for a moment, then regained their gaze, and then they looked at Jin Yong who stood in the middle of them.

The two can see that his face is full of struggles at first, watching the raging corpse face is very ugly, obviously full of fear of the scene in front of you!

However, he did not choose to retreat as before, but he grabbed the guardrail with both hands and clenched his teeth, and refused to look away.

Until the corpse below returned to calm, Jin Yongcai turned around with difficulty, and his face was already sweating.

However, Luther West and Angel Ortiz did not despise him at all. They knew very well what the former Jin Yong looked like, timid, weak, and did not dare to look at the zombies. The mentality seems to stay. When the disaster just broke out.

But now he obviously has changed, began to truly accept the reality, take the initiative to face, and the changes in Jin Yong, obviously have a great relationship with Bennett's betrayal and death.

In any case, there is a huge hidden danger like a time bomb, which may explode at any time, but at the same time, there are more powerful Chen Mo, and Jin Yong, who is starting to develop in a good direction. This is undoubtedly for their team. Very beneficial!

And without Bennett, Jin Yong has also changed, the cohesiveness of their survivor team has become more powerful, and the atmosphere of the team has become more harmonious!

After a betrayal and crisis, the status of everyone has become better!

After solving the problem of Bennett, Luther West once again remembered the thing Chen Mo had told them before, and quickly asked Chen Mo.

"You said before, is there a problem with that ship?"

Listening to Luther West again mentioned this incident, and Christo’s several people also came to the spirit, looking at Chen Mo with a serious look.

Chen Mo did not sell the Guan, and directly said the words that had already been prepared.

"In fact, I followed the ship!"

"I recently received a broadcast from this ship in San Francisco. Because my location is far from the sea, when I arrived, the speedboat they sent to the shore had left. But through the telescope, I watched it. It was time for them to board the ship."

Speaking of this, Chen Mo glanced at the four people who were curious and cried.

"Those survivors were **** by a group of armed soldiers and caught on board!"


Christo exclaimed incredulously.

And Luther West and Angel Ortiz frowned. There is a problem!

"After that, I kept tracking them in secret. After taking the survivors of San Francisco, they drove south along the West Coast and used the radio to attract survivors, but they are still alive. There are really too few people. So far, I have only found you."

After listening to Chen Mo’s words, everyone could not help but be fortunate. Fortunately, they were surrounded by zombies and could not leave. Otherwise, on the day when the ship appeared, they might have taken the initiative to send them to the net!

“Why do they want to catch survivors?”

Jin Yong asked with a puzzled face.

Chen Mowen read Jin Yong's eyes and shook his head.

"I haven't figured out this yet, maybe I have to go to the boat to know, but according to my observation, the other party is not an ordinary survivor team, but a strong and powerful regular force!"

Luther West, four people, listened carefully.

"The soldiers they sent to the shore were very well equipped and obviously trained in formal military training. It is not normal for such a regular armed force to appear in this last age! And this is just the power they have revealed!"

Listening to Chen Mo’s remarks, the face of Luther West’s four people could not help but become more and more dignified.


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