My Iron Suit

Chapter 955: Crazy!

Kim Yong has been escaping from reality before, so he has never been willing to face zombies, and he will not have the courage to fight zombies, so in the years after the crisis broke out, his courage and strength did not grow any more!

The easiest way to wake up an escapist is to break the last barrier in his heart, and the fact that Bennett is about to become a zombie will obviously keep him awake.

Chen Mo believes that as long as Jin Yong grows up for a while, he will definitely become a true survivor who can protect himself in the future!

Until then, he is really qualified to live in this doomsday world!

In addition to Chen Mo, others did not notice the changes of Jin Yong, their attention is all on Bennett!

After a screaming moment, Bennett gradually recovered a little rationality from the pain, but then he realized what happened to him!

He was bitten by the zombies!

This is not the time when the Resident Evil has just erupted. Everyone who can live to the present has witnessed countless times when human beings have become zombies after being bitten by zombies!

And now, it’s your turn!

Bennett has just recovered a little rationality, and is instantly overwhelmed by panic and despair!

Do not! I don't want to die!

I can not be reconciled! ! !

why me! The zombie bite should be that they are right!

I obviously have thrown the rope away! They have to save this **** guy! If it weren't for them, how could the zombies climb up! I can't be bitten at all!

A touch of madness gradually occupied the face of Bennett's collapse. Looking at the five people standing in front of Chen Mo, Bennett's eyes slammed a thick hatred and embarrassment!

He stopped a meaningless scream, his eyes flushed and looked at the five people across him, screaming.

"It’s all because of you! I can’t live, don’t want to live! Go to hell!”

Everyone found out that it was wrong at this time, but before they responded, Bennett shouted out the last sentence and suddenly reached out and took out a silver ladies pistol from the inside pocket of the suit, pointing Everyone!

The unsuspecting Luther West was immediately shocked. They never knew that Bennett had a pistol hidden inside!

Even Jin Yong, who has been following him, is unaware of how deep Bennet is hidden!

Bennett glared at his face and pointed his gun at the opposite five!

Because of the sudden incident, Luther West and others did not think that Bennett had hidden a pistol, and after being bitten by the zombies, they wanted to pull them back.

When they saw the pistol in Bennett's hand and reacted to the counterattack or dodge of the gun, it was already a step late. Bennett's pistol had already taken the lead in pointing them!

At this moment, in addition to panic and panic, everyone is more angry with Bennett!

They should not leave this selfish indifference, but paranoid crazy guy!

When he snatched the rope and dropped the wall, he should kill him!

Luther West couldn't help but reflect on whether she was too kind before. At the end of this human collapse, she still treated Bennett with the conservative human rights thoughts. Today, Bennett is also killed. Take your own!

Just when everyone was angry, frightened, and remorse, a gunshot finally sounded!

But Luther West, four people soon discovered that no one among them was shot!

Angel Ortiz and Luther West were too late to think about the other, and they quickly pointed their guns at Bennett and did not hesitate to trigger the trigger!

It’s enough to make a mistake, and Bennett is going to kill them. Angel Ortiz and Luther West have no worries anymore, either for themselves or to save others, Bennett. Must be killed immediately!

Under the anger, the two did not care about saving bullets, biting their teeth and resentfully slamming the trigger towards Bennett.

"go to hell!"


"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!..."

More than a dozen bullets were shot from the pistols and rifles in the hands of the two men, pouring toward Bennett, and bursting blood on him!

When the bullets in the two guns were lighted, Bennett was already a hole in the ground, and there was no sound. The ladies pistol in his hand also fell out of his hand and fell aside.

After a brief silence, Luther West and Angel Ortiz looked at each other and immediately held the gun with no bullets in their hands, carefully looking forward to see.

Soon the two found out that what was really deadly on Bennett was not the dozen shots that they shot on him under the two angers, but a bullet hole in the middle of the forehead!

With their two shots, it may not be difficult to hit the middle of the head, but such a precise hit on the eyebrows is obviously not something that both of them can make.

The two men turned around and looked at Chen Mo, but he saw that his hand was holding a black pistol that was bigger than the ordinary pistol and was very handsome. You can see that there are still white guns in the muzzle. Slowly dissipate.

Obviously, they were all right now because Bennett had missed the shot. In fact, he didn’t even have time to shoot!

Just the shot was fired. In fact, Chen Mo took the lead and shot him before Bennett pulled the trigger. Otherwise, there might be casualties among them!

Looked at the complex look of Bennett lying on the ground ~ ~ Luther West immediately went to Chen Mo, a serious thank you.

"Thank you for saving us!"

"The reason why he was bitten is also related to me."

Chen Mo said, the hand holding the pistol was swift, and the black pistol retracted into his sleeve and disappeared.

This is not the ability to store in space, but a skill in the art of shooting, possession of guns!

Although I was amazed at the strange way in which Chen Mo put away the pistol, but Luther West shook his head quickly and hard, hate.

"No, this is what he wants!"

Then Luther West told Benmer that Bennett had taken the rope and dropped the wall.

Luther West didn't know that although he was under the wall and was shooting and killing the zombies, all the conditions on the wall did not escape his perception!

Chen Mo did not look as angry as everyone imagined, just looked at Bennett lying in a pool of blood, and then whispered coldly.

"There are not many survivors living in the world now, and people like him will only kill more people!"


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