My Iron Suit

Chapter 938: Chen Mo's killer!

Su Shi’s tone is full of confidence, but as a manager of the Aegis group, she naturally has to consider the risks, so after a pause, Su Shi continued.

"Even if the box office is not as optimistic as I expected, the investment of five million dollars in the district, with this script and Enron's ability, at least the cost recovery is completely without any problem!"

In fact, for the Aegis Group, the five million dollars is really just a slap in the face, even if it is a total loss, it does not matter.

Chen Mowen said that he was not in a hurry to speak. He knew that Su Shi must have other reasons. He just looked at her quietly and waited for her to continue.

"And, in this movie, there are many car chases and gun battles. We can replace all the main vehicles with Aegis cars, which can definitely play a good advertising effect. In addition, holographic smartphones and supersonic speeds. Private jets can also be played in movies, which must be very eye-catching. It is easy to recover the cost from the advertising efficiency. The higher the box office, the better the advertising effect!"

“So, I think that investing in this film is of great benefit to us, but the risk is small and basically negligible.”

The failure is only five million dollars, and if successful, the advertising benefits brought by a big fire movie will be calculated in billions!

When Su Shi finished, Chen Mo glanced at her and smiled and nodded.

“Yes, I also think it is necessary to invest in this movie, but is that all?”

Su Shi heard the words and couldn't help but immediately thought about it in his mind, trying to find out what he had missed. However, after a while, Su Shi still had no clue. He had to look at Chen Mo with some shyness and shook his head gently.

Chen Mo did not blame Su Shi, she can think of those aspects have been very good, after all, her daily work is very busy, mainly responsible for the Aegis car and Aegis creatures, I did not expect it to be normal.

So Chen Mo opened a reminder.

"Holographic smartphone."

"Holographic smartphones? Holographic projection, artificial intelligence... Holographic projection!"

Su Shi’s eyes slammed wide and looked at Chen Mo with a shocked look.

"I got it?"

Looking at Su Shi’s shocked expression, Chen Mo could not help but smile.

He chose the holographic smartphone as the first product of Aegis technology, but it was not decided!

Chen Mo's layout for the Aegis Group is not limited to the industrial and biomedical fields!

Chen Mo's goal is to establish a giant network that spans all major industries and has sufficient strength and pivotal status in all fields. The Internet is an indispensable part of it.

However, the current Internet market has long been occupied by major Internet giants, and Chen Mo wants to break through their monopoly, and it is not easy to occupy a place in the Internet field!

Almost all areas of shopping, video, search, social, games, etc. have long been divided by several dominant companies, and people have long been accustomed to these familiar platforms and software, even if it is Aegis, wants to It is not an easy task for these companies to eat in their mouths.

In the traditional way, relying on the power of Jarvis to compete from software, function and other aspects is feasible, but the speed will undoubtedly be much slower.

And Chen Mo’s plan is to start from the terminal side!

The holographic smartphone is the killer of Chen Mo!

According to Chen Mo's plan and layout, holographic smartphones will gradually replace most of the computers and mobile phones, becoming a personal intelligent network terminal!

With the powerful performance and unparalleled power of holographic smartphones, it's only a matter of time!

Through the holographic smart phone, Aegis Group will master the terminal of the entire network. By then, with the advantage of the terminal platform, the development of the Aegis Group in the Internet field will be unstoppable and eventually occupy an absolute dominance!

Looking at the smiling Chen Mo, Su Shi tempted to say the guess in his heart.

"Holographic smartphones can be used for 3D holographic projection. We only provided a small amount of 3D video resources before, but we have also received quite enthusiastic response among users. Many users have asked us to launch more 3D video resources."

Speaking of this, Su Shi looked at Chen Mo with a look of admiration and said with excitement.

“Looking at the extremely realistic 3D video of the holographic projection, and looking at the ordinary 2D image, the gap between the two becomes very obvious. The user’s demand for 3D video is in an extremely hungry state, if we At this time, the launch of a 3D movie will inevitably receive great attention and pursuit, and will also bring great sales to the sales of holographic smartphones!"

Among the three holographic smartphones, only the elite version and the premium version have the function of 3d holographic projection. The lowest-priced standard version can only perform 2d holographic projection, although the picture effect is still much stronger than the ordinary display, but Compared with the real 3D holographic projection, the display effect still has a huge gap!

Only the elite version and the premium version have an expensive price of 100,000 and 1 million respectively, but not everyone can afford it, so the sales volume is much lower than the standard version.

However, although most people do not have a holographic smartphone capable of 3d projection, a considerable number of people have seen the shocking effect of 3d holographic projection through others' high-profile holographic smartphones

The market demand for 3d holographic projection has actually matured. Under this circumstance, the emergence of a 3D holographic film will undoubtedly arouse people's great enthusiasm for watching movies!

In fact, the 3D holographic film is a well-planned project that Chen Mo has already planned. I just didn't expect him to start implementing it. Enron first started planning to shoot a movie. If so, start early!

Although the sales of the elite version and the premium version of the holographic smartphone are far less than the standard version, the two phones have already sold more than one million units, and this number will continue to grow in the course of subsequent filming. Chen Mo initially estimated that at least two million is completely without problems. Calculating this number is really not a problem!

And this has not considered the standard version of the holographic smartphone user, even if it can not watch the 3D effect, but the display effect of the 2d holographic projection is not comparable to the ordinary display!

Nowadays, more than 10 million standard holographic smartphone users will also be the main force in the movie box office!


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