My Iron Suit

Chapter 937: Familiar plot!

Millions of millions are already the result of Enron's efforts to reduce costs while ensuring the most basic quality.

It is obviously not enough for these millions of dollars to rely on Enron alone. Finding investors to invest is an inevitable result.

Enron also cast a script for many film companies, but the final result is not satisfactory.

Although Enron had previously shot several very good commercials for the Aegis Group, the response was quite good, but she did not direct the film alone after all!

However, there are several film companies that have taken a look at Enron's script, but they either want to buy the script and shoot themselves. At most, they promise that Enron can join the crew as a screenwriter and an assistant director, but it is fundamental to direct the whole movie alone. It is impossible.

This film is the first step in Enron's realization of her dreams. She naturally would not agree to these conditions, but after hitting the wall again and again, Enron could not help but feel a little depressed.

As a young girl of Enron, Zhang Wei and Xu Qing were naturally anxious for her. When chatting with Su Shi, the two unintentionally mentioned this matter.

Su Shi was very appreciative of Enron's talent and character. At the beginning, she also took a look at Enron's advertising plan and recommended it to Chen Mo. This was followed by a series of cooperation.

Moreover, she also knows the relationship between Enron and Chen Mo.

So, after knowing this, Su Shi took the initiative to contact Enron and asked her for a script.

After reading it, Su Shi couldn't help but feel amazing. This is indeed a very good script!

Su Shi never doubts about Su Shi’s talent and ability. She will not deny her ability because Enron has not directed the film.

She used to be just a secretary. She never really managed a company. But after Chen Mo rushed to the shelves and handed the Aegis group to her management, did she not do the same?

Enron and her are not the same!

At the beginning, she could believe that an Enron student could shoot an advertisement for the "Knight" off-road vehicle. Now, she also believes that Enron can shoot this movie well!

At that time, Enron did not let her down, she believes this time will not!

So, after work, the first thing that Su Shi returned to the castle was to find Chen Mo directly with the script!

Chen Mo was also very curious about Enron's film script. He took the tablet and looked at it directly.

But soon Chen Mo found that the content of this script is more familiar with the more!

This movie is neither a martial arts film that Chen Mo thinks, nor a literary film, but an action movie!

More precisely, this is a superhero movie!

In the script, Chen Mo found many familiar plots, the Los Angeles-based mafia cleaning incident, the library attack, and even a plot of darkness to save people and Chen Mo’s situation in the high school when he was safe.

Although Enron has made many modifications and artistic processing, many of the contents have been greatly changed, but Chen Mo can still determine at a glance that these plots are modified based on these real events.

In the protagonist of the script, Chen Mo also saw many of his own shadows!

If Jarvis did not find that Enron did not find Chen Mo’s identity, he thought he was exposed.

Enron naturally didn't know that the "man" who saved her from the gunman in the library and the one who saved her outside the school that year was actually the same person!

She only combined the two personal experiences, including the **** Los Angeles-based Mafia incident, which was rumored to be a "dead guard". It was also safely modified and placed on the protagonist.

Of course, Enron only borrowed some of the plots from his own experiences and the real events happening around him. The main story of the whole story and many more plots were created by Enron himself.

However, in the design of the main character of the film, Enron is actually shaped by Chen Mo in memory and "man" in the library.

Maybe she didn't even realize that she had put Chen Mo and "man" together in her subconscious mind!

However, due to the huge differences between the two in terms of size, ability, etc., Enron still does not really associate Chen Mo with "man"!

But in any case, the script written by Enron is very amazing for Chen Mo.

Because his special ability is to cross the sci-fi movie world, Chen Mo has seen many movies of the sci-fi type. In terms of the plot, Enron's script is more exciting than most of them!

The rhythm of the whole script is smooth and the plot is tense. In addition to the powerful super hero protagonist, there are also many thrills such as action, gun battle, chasing, etc., which makes the adrenaline soaring. The plot is very tensionful and very attractive, even if it is Chen Mo, who read countless films, could not help but be attracted.

However, it is very likely that this movie was written on its own. Chen Mo couldn’t help but feel a bit strange. He used to keep his low-key hidden identity and strength. Now he has to be filmed and put on the big screen. ?

However, Chen Mo did not worry about the issue of identity exposure.

Although many of the plots in this film are related to Chen Mo, the specific plot has changed a lot.

Although Chen Mo did not ask for security to keep confidential in the library, she would not expose Chen Mo’s real situation, so whether it was Chen Mo’s appearance or ability, Enron made a lot of changes in the script, except Chen Mo. Outside of this party, it is impossible for others to contact him!

Moreover, Enron itself does not know Chen Mo’s true identity. Even if she is completely realistic, she will only expose the appearance of Chen Mo’s wearing an armored combat uniform. This is for Chen Mo. Not only is there no harm, there may be benefits.

If he appears in the face of ordinary people wearing alloy armored combat uniforms later, maybe it will be regarded as yes, it is very helpful for him to hide his identity!

And don't forget, this is a movie, no one will believe that the superheroes in the movie really exist in the real world!

Therefore, Chen Mo is not worried about the issue of identity exposure!

Soon, Chen Mo looked at the script from beginning to end, and handed the notebook back to Su Shi, who was standing on his side. Chen Mo still leaned on the sofa and asked.

"What advice do you have?"

In front of Chen Mo, Su Shi did not have any concerns and directly said his own ideas.

"I think this film has great potential. With my understanding of Enron, her ability is enough to make this film perfect. If it works properly, the box office of this movie will be able to heat up."


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