My 26-year-old Female Tenant

Chapter 212: :be honest

   Ended the call with Jian Wei, I was in a daze for a long time, until the peddler shouted at me with dissatisfaction: "Hey, do you still want to buy it or not? If you don't buy it, don't block others."

  I just put the phone back in my pocket and said, "This green vegetable, you wiped it out."

  The peddler impatiently put the weighed vegetables into a convenience bag, and complained: "The time you've wasted here is more than a fraction of your money, take it away quickly, and don't hinder my business."

  I took out five yuan from my pocket and threw it on his stall, then took the convenience bag and walked to another fish stall, and started a new round of bargaining with my voice still loud.

  Holding the vegetables bought for 50 yuan in my hand, I couldn’t help feeling complacent, because the vegetables I bought after bargaining are enough for me and Mi Cai to eat for many days, and I think the more than 1,000 yuan can really be used for a long time.

A gust of wind blew up the transparent plastic bag outside the vegetable market. Looking at the lightness, I suddenly felt that the bag of vegetables in my hand was extraordinarily heavy, and my life seemed to follow the floating plastic bag. No direction.

  Feeling the thousands of lights that come with the night, I can't help but ask myself: Is this really the life I want?


   This was another night when I prepared dinner and waited for Mi Cai to come back. Like the previous few days, she still came back very late today, and I also reheated that plate of braised pork into twice-cooked pork.

   After washing their hands, the two sat at the dining table and had dinner. Mi Cai said to me: "Zhaoyang, don't wait for me to arrive so late in the future, you can eat first."

   "I only have an appetite when I watch you eat."

  Mi Cai smiled happily, and then she cared about my work as she did a few days ago. She asked, "How is your job search going?"

  I was hesitant to tell her about helping Jian Wei negotiate the advertising business, but in the end I chose to hide it, shook my head, and said, "I haven't found anything yet, and it's not easy to find a job now."

   "Well, don't worry, look slowly."

  I leaned closer to Mi Cai and asked, "I see your calm appearance, do you wish that I can't find a job and be a housewife at home?"

   "No, you think too much, don't you?"

   Seeing her eager to deny, I frowned and asked again: "Is there really?"

Mi Cai looked at me as if she had made a mistake, and nodded for a while: "Okay, I admit, I hope you will prepare dinner for me every day when I go home, and clean up the house. As for work... you Just do whatever you want!"

  I smiled helplessly...

   "Did I say something wrong?" Mi Cai asked me nervously.

   "No, I just thought, even if I have work in the future, I can cook dinner for you and clean up the house."

  Mi Cai shook her head: "I don't believe it, there is no such easy job, especially in the industry you are in."

  So you selfishly hope that I will never find a job?

"I was wrong!"

   "Punish you to eat this piece of fat."

  Mi Cai: "..."


  The next day, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I came to Jian Wei's company as scheduled, and I was going to go with her to sign an advertising agency contract with Jinding Real Estate at 3 o'clock.

  I was sitting in Jian Wei's office smoking a cigarette, while Jian Wei was nervously making various preparations before signing the contract.

  I smoked a cigarette out of boredom, then extinguished the cigarette **** in my hand and said to Jian Wei, "Why do I always feel that this contract is too easy to win!"

  Jian Wei didn't look up, she still lined up the documents in her hand: "Is it easy? I don't think so!"

   "A 5 million advertising project! It took less than a week or less, isn't it easy enough?"

   "Because we have made full preparations...opportunities are for those who are prepared, right, Zhaoyang?"

   "Barely makes sense, but..."

   "Don't fail, just wait to get your project commission."

  Jian Wei's impatience made me a little helpless, and I didn't choose to speak any more. I simply did as she said, just wait for the project commission, which is a huge amount to me.


We arrived at Jinding Real Estate on time at three o'clock, and under my own eyes, Jian Wei signed the annual advertising agency contract with the general manager of Jinding Real Estate. When they formally exchanged the signed contracts, I was finally sure, I really want to get the 500,000 commission, and my mood suddenly becomes delicate. After all, I have been poor for too long, too long...

  After the contract was signed, Jian Wei was the host, and Director Wang and other senior executives of Jinding Real Estate were invited to the banquet, and I was also invited to the dinner.

  During the whole dinner, Director Wang praised me a lot, and Jian Wei also said something that I couldn't forget in the voice of appreciation.

  She said: She has always been full of confidence in me.

  In the following time, I pondered Jian Wei's words while dealing with the wine glasses raised to me.

   Has she really never lost faith in me? If the answer is yes, why did you abandon me so resolutely in the first place?

  I smiled in the dizziness after drinking, and told myself: Don't be naive! These are just her polite words in front of people. If she had never lost confidence in me, she would not have given up on me and our three-year relationship!


  This night, I couldn’t stand other people’s persuasion, and I was so drunk that I didn’t know how I got home until I woke up in the middle of the night with dry mouth.

After drinking a glass of water, I subconsciously picked up the phone and looked at it, only to find that there were multiple missed calls from Mi Cai on it. Then I remembered that I had turned the phone to silent while drinking, even though I had told her before, Drinking with friends, but not returning for a long time, she still has to worry.

  I came to the living room with a trace of anxiety, turned on the floor lamp, and knocked on Mi Cai's door.

  A moment later, Mi Cai came out of the room in her pajamas, and she said to me calmly: "Wake up."


   "Are you thirsty, I'll get you some water."

   "No need, I drank it just now." After a short pause, I asked again: "Who brought me back at night?"

   "I don't know a man, he should be your friend who drank with you."

  I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart. I thought that Jian Wei came here to avoid suspicion, so she asked her staff to send me back.

  Unexpectedly, at this time, Mi Cai took out a bank card from the drawer under the coffee table and handed it to me.

   "What did you give me the bank card for?"

  Mi Cai shook her head, and said with usual calmness: "This card is not mine, it was left by that man. He said it was the commission you got after negotiating the advertising business, and it was 500,000!"

  I was stunned immediately, and looked at Mi Cai in a daze.

   "Zhaoyang, haven't you been looking for a job?"

   "Well... I was looking for it."

   "Then tell me what's going on with the 500,000... Tell me the truth."

  I feel unspeakable.

"If you don't tell me, I have a way to know the real origin of the money, but I still hope you can tell it yourself... I'm really afraid that you will do something wrong and that this is an unclean sum of money. !"

   "This money is really a commission after negotiating the advertising business. If it is unclean money, how dare he let you transfer this money to me."

  Mi Cai nodded, and said: "This is the best...Then tell me about the advertising business you negotiated, I am very curious about it!"

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