- kt.

That's right, the final game is the collision of the Galaxy battleship and the Galaxy battleship!

On one side is the damaged battleship that has been rekindled by sparks, and on the other is the luxury alliance of Samsung, blue and white. If it wasn't for the terrifying record of omg, the audience of lpl might have a heart at this moment.

Soon, in the sound of refueling, the collision between the galactic battleship and the galactic battleship officially began!

Blue square kt, red square omg.

In the first round of selection, kt chose to ban Men Gun, Jian Ji, and Joker. Obviously, they had enough investigations on Yin Lili.

And omg bans Czar, Kalista, and Jess, who is good at semb.

"Kt's side is still very cautious, and they are all banned people who deal with Ah Li."

"After all, Ah Li's performance in the past few days has been seen by everyone, so this kind of targeting is normal."

Miller and Doll nodded to each other.

bp continues.

Kt grabbed Reksai, and omg directly took down the very comfortable Braum+Verus used by the top handle rng.

Immediately afterwards, kt chose card + ice in the second and third selections, while omg locked Syndra in the third selection.

"General Pawn's card, kt is the bottom of the pack."

"Indeed, General Pawn's card has something in lpl. Let's see if Omg has any countermeasures."

At the beginning of the second round of bp, kt chose to ban Qinggangying and Ryze.

And omg is to prevent the formation of the global flow, choose to ban the big waist and the auxiliary Tam.

"kt placed a five-ban order directly! It seems that he is ready to carry out Ah Li's target to the end."

"Because kt is very clear that omg's carry point is to hit the road, and the reverse version of the hero that took out the card should also be aimed at the top road, but the omg side is also very smart, and they have eliminated two very good choices."

Chang Mao glanced at the second round of BP and analyzed it.

"As a result, A Li's choices are very limited. There are too many top lane heroes who have been pressed to death, and the top lane heroes that fit their lineup feel like Big Bugs or Shane are the two starting points."

The doll's expression was also slightly solemn.

At the same time, the omg of the red side locked the scarecrow in the fourth hand and gave the last counter position to the top lane.

When it was the blue team's turn to pick a player, kt won Zyra in the support position in the fourth hand, and also locked Camille as the top laner.

"Oh? Dual-card dual-belt lineup? Kt feels like it's ready to play on the sidelines, so what will omg choose for the last top laner?"

And just as the baby's voice fell, omg gave his answer.

- Embrace the darkness!

Eternal Nightmare, Mo Teng!


ps: I hanged the bottle for a long time today, and I only changed it now, sorry. .

Chapter 264

"Nightmare! Nightmare top laner! This hand selection is perfect!"

Longhair immediately rejoiced.

Originally, he was still racking his brains about how omg should deal with the combination of 'dual card and dual belt', but in the next second, omg directly took out a full score test paper and threw it in his face.

"That's right! Nightmare is not a regular top laner, but in rank, this hero plays very well in the top lane, and in the lane, Nightmare is completely counter to Camille!"

"And if the situation in the mid-term enters the side lane, the Nightmare will pose a huge threat to the single belt of the card. Although this Nightmare is unexpected, it is the best choice!"

The doll was equally happy.

Compared to Camille, Nightmare is definitely not easy to deal with. Just w can block skills and bring high attack speed. This alone will kill Qinggangying's e skills, let alone. There is also the fear of e-skill and the high attack brought by q-skill.

Not only that, but in terms of roaming support, the Nightmare with r also has to overwhelm Qinggangying.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that from the perspective of hero characteristics alone, Nightmare End is completely better than Qinggangying.

"Okay, the lineup of the two sides is confirmed, let us witness the last match of this intercontinental match!"

A voice fell, the game is officially - enter the loading interface.

Blue square kt, red square omg.

Top order: Qinggang Ying vs Mo Teng

Jungle: Rek'Sai vs Scarecrow

Mid lane: Card vs Syndra

ad: Frost vs Verus

Support: Zyra vs Braum


After a short wait, the game was loaded, and the heroes of both teams descended into the spring.

But the next moment, something unexpected happened.

As usual, omg went directly to several key positions in the wild area after going out, preparing to defend the entrance to the wild area.

On the other hand, kt is a little different. After purchasing the outfits, Kt, Nakano and ad headed straight for the red zone, and Zyra, who was the assistant, also left a field of vision in the blue zone and followed closely behind.

And after the five people gathered, kt went directly to the blue area of ​​omg!

"kt here wants to fight a wave of wild area invasion!?"

"It should be a fight, Rek'Sai has directly learned the w skill here!"

After seeing Kt's move, Chang Mao immediately exclaimed.

Undoubtedly, kt's move is bold.

Generally speaking, when the opponent's lineup has the hero Braum, let alone a first-level invasion, the entire river should be lit up with vision.

Right now, kt seems to be doing the exact opposite.

"Wow, kt's research on omg is very thorough! In previous games, omg has never played a first-level team! And kt's lineup here does not necessarily lose omg!"

Kt is bold, yes, but as Doll said, their lineup is not only not weaker than omg at the first level, but even a bit stronger than omg.

Qinggang Ying’s e skill, the yellow card of the card, the deceleration of the ice, and the vines of Zyra, plus the sonar of the excavator who learns the w skill, can make a foreshadowing, the kt set is completely prepared. of!

"Little Wu's Bron and juejue's scarecrow are still guarding the entrance to the blue zone behind the separate river grass, but kt is very thief here, and they enter the river grass directly from the middle route, and it feels like an accident is going to happen!"

"Scoer's excavator is so decisive! It crossed the wall directly in the grass, and came behind the wall in the omg blue area to complete the double-team of juejue and Xiaowu. Kt is determined to kill!"

"And this is a blind spot for vision! If there are no friendly units nearby, there is no vision!!"

Exclamations continued from the commentary.

At the same time, as the excavator gradually moved closer to the positions of juejue and Xiaowu, a slender figure also flew out from the grass in the river.

Although Xiao Wu immediately noticed the hook lock protruding from the grass because of his tense nerves, but because this moment happened too suddenly, his Braum still took the foot with his forehead.

A one-second stun effect was triggered, and Mata's Zyra also flashed decisively, and the e-skill Entangling Root connected and controlled, followed by a spinning yellow card and a galloping Frost Arrow.

For this sudden scene, juejue is also a little powerless.

This makes him a scarecrow. Although he can learn the q skill to play a fear effect on Qinggang Shadow, he can learn q at the first level of the wild scarecrow...

0 ・・・ Flowers ・・・

Then play a wild wild?

It's almost the same as being beaten by wild monsters!

At this moment, with the cold light of Qingsteel Shadow's leg blade, Braum, who had eaten all the control and damage, also fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Juejue naturally chose to retreat at the first moment, but the next moment, the excavator that suddenly appeared behind him made Juejue stare.


How did you get in here? !

Without waiting for juejue to respond, the queen from the void broke out from the ground and lifted the scarecrow directly into the air. The nearest Qinggangying caught up with her output immediately, and Wanjian Qifa, who had already cooled down, was also there. Off the string now.

......... 0 ......

Although Juejue handed over the flash as soon as he landed, the moment he moved out, with the muffled sound of another flash, a yellow card followed, placing the scarecrow at the position of the flash.

Because the first-level yellow card only has a short stun time of one second, smeb is very decisive with a flash and a flat a, which completely empties the scarecrow's blood!

——kt.smeb (Blue Steel Shadow) killed omg.five (Freljord Heart)!


——kt.smeb (Blue Steel Shadow) killed omg.juejue (Doomsday)!

- doublekill!

As the two kill announcements sounded, the faces of the three commentators in the commentary box suddenly darkened.

They know exactly what it means to have two heads in the books at level [*].

The counterpoint economy of 700 yuan is enough for Qinggangying, who is out of the potion, to directly make up two long swords!

If it is said that the outfit is a novice piece of equipment in a tx mobile game, and everyone has it, then these two long swords are the rewards brought by the first punch of 6 yuan!

It seems that although it has no effect in the later stage, at least it can make you superior in the early stage!

"When these two people head down, I feel that the junglers on both sides will not need to go to the road later..."

The doll said this fact very helplessly.


ps: sn come on!Ding.

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