Military Technology

Chapter 3260 Big bosses from all walks of life are here

In addition to Xiao Ma, there were many people who called him. Many of them are well-known figures, and some of them are acquaintances with Wu Hao, but their friendship is not very deep, but they also called this time, hoping to come and witness this important moment.

For example, although a certain red-clothed leader knew Wu Hao, his relationship with him was not close. Although the other party is an authoritative expert in domestic security and a well-known figure in the entire security industry, he actually does not have a deep relationship with Wu Hao and the others.

This is because Wu Hao and the others have paid special attention to the security field from the beginning, used their own language coding, and had their own security system, so they have formed a competitive relationship with each other.

Although the security system developed by Wu Hao and others has been used by his own company and has not been expanded externally, in fact, with the deepening of a series of cooperation, this will inevitably form a certain competitive situation with the other party, and even affect the other party's business. It has a certain impact, as well as in other fields.

So their relationship is just acquaintance, they can contact each other, they can chat for a few words, but their personal relationship is actually not deep. But this time the other party called him, which surprised him somewhat.

Naturally, Wu Hao readily agreed to the other party's request to participate in the event. On the one hand, because the other party is a celebrity and has a certain influence in the industry and society, it is very helpful for the other party to come and witness the first official public display of the gold meteorite core opening. On the other hand, there were a lot of people coming, and even just a few of them would not have much impact. It was not a big deal in itself, so Wu Hao naturally agreed readily.

The other person is Dr. Zhang, the founder of a certain company. He is from Anxi, his hometown. Wu Hao has met him on many occasions before.

However, he is only a junior, and Dr. Zhang has been obsessed with teaching in recent years, so the two have not had much contact. This time Dr. Zhang also personally called and requested to attend this event, and Wu Hao was naturally very happy to agree.

Such a person himself is an outstanding person in the industry and academia. Let’s not talk about his achievements in the business world. Let’s say that he was studying for a doctorate at the Lao Mi Institute of Mathematics as early as the 1980s. In the early 1990s, he became a postdoctoral fellow and stayed in school to engage in physics. research work, this is amazing.

For the postdoctoral fellows at the Institute of Mathematics in the 1980s and 1990s, the value of this diploma and this kind of experience cannot be compared to those of today's PhDs.

So this is a true academic and industry leader. If he had not started a business and entered the business world, he would have been an academician-level figure long ago.

In fact, what Wu Hao appreciates more is that the other party can return to China, start a business in the country, and stay in the country, which is amazing. You must know that in the 1980s and 1990s, many people were rushing to go abroad. At that time, it was the so-called overseas craze. There was even a popular saying that the moon in foreign countries is rounder than at home, and the air in foreign countries is sweeter than at home.

But at that juncture, Dr. Zhang chose to return to China to start a business. This was incomprehensible to many people, but the facts proved that this step was the right one. He successfully founded a major domestic Internet company, although it was later acquired by a large company. Beyond, it has made outstanding contributions to the development of the domestic Internet.

Therefore, whether it is in the history of domestic Internet development, domestic representatives of returnees, or representatives of domestic reform and opening up, Dr. Zhang is among them, and he is one of the figures that is difficult to avoid.

So for him to be able to come to the scene and witness this important moment is undoubtedly a great addition. What reason did Wu Hao have to refuse?

Wu Hao stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the busy city scene in the distance. The tall buildings are like towering trees in the steel forest, while the endless traffic is like rushing rivers, intertwining in this city to create a vivid and energetic picture.

His heart is full of expectations, because the upcoming event is not only an important milestone in his personal career, but also a grand display of the aerospace field at home and abroad.

The phone rang again. Wu Hao turned around and walked to his desk to answer the phone.

A familiar and enthusiastic voice came from the other end of the phone. It was Mr. Li, an old friend of his in the industry and one of the founders of a well-known domestic Internet company.

"Mr. Wu, I heard that your place is very lively. How could I, an old friend of mine, miss it?" Mr. Li's voice was full of kindness and ridicule.

Wu Hao smiled and said: "Mr. Li, of course it is a blessing to have you come. I will sweep the couch to welcome you."

Hahaha, that’s settled. Mr. Li's hearty laughter came from the other side of the phone.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a few more words and then hung up the phone. Wu Hao knew that many of these people came to join in the fun because of the golden meteorite star core, but there were also many people who simply wanted to show off for him, stand up for him, and support him.

Although Wu Hao's relationship with these people is also based on work and business cooperation, many years of interaction have given them a deep friendship.

As time went on, more and more calls and invitations came in. Among them are partners from the industry, experts and scholars from academia, representatives from government departments and celebrities from all walks of life. Everyone hopes to be able to attend the event in person and witness this event known as "the grand event in the technology world."

Yu Chengwu, Zhou Xiangming and their team are busy preparing for the event. They carefully arranged the event process, decorated the site, prepared rich display content and wonderful speeches. Every detail has been carefully considered and polished to ensure the event is a complete success.

Finally, under the spotlight, the convoy escorting the golden meteorite core and lunar resource samples arrived in Anxi. Under the close escort of the Anxi local police, the entire convoy drove into Haoyu Technology Linghu Park.

In order to ensure the safety of these two items, and to ensure that these two items are always under everyone's gaze, they were witnessed by media cameras and many people.

The orange package containing the gold meteorite core and lunar resource samples was lifted down and then placed in a glass square box.

Then the entire glass box is sealed, a seal is posted, and the camera broadcasts live broadcast 24 hours a day to ensure that the two items are always under everyone's eyes, thus avoiding the possibility of being framed for fraud.

At the same time, this is also a kind of security protection. With so much attention being paid to them, who can bother them?

Outside this glass box, there are also Wu Hao and his prime minister's most elite security forces. The members of the Proton Team are standing guard around the clock to ensure their absolute safety.

With everyone’s anticipation and waiting, finally, the time has come for the event!

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