Military Technology

Chapter 3259 Lively Anxi

In fact, not only was the media live broadcasting the whole process, but many people actually took photos. These photos posted on various community platforms actually revealed the moving position of the convoy at all times.

It is actually very difficult to ban this situation. We have to stop everyone from taking pictures. This is obviously impossible. And as a private aerospace company, they don’t have that much right to stop everyone from filming.

Many people even deliberately waited for the convoy to pass by, live broadcasting and filming to record this event.

Yes, today for all space enthusiasts around the world, and even for everyone, this is a major event worthy of joy for people all over the world.

Therefore, the news about the return of gold meteorite cores and lunar resource samples and their safe and smooth landing on the earth has quickly attracted more and more people's attention.

Many people even hope to go to Anxi and have the opportunity to see with their own eyes the golden meteorite core from the moon. So much so that after the news of the safe and smooth landing was released, all international and domestic flights to Anxi in the past few days were full. Not only air, railway, and highway train shuttle tickets to Anxi are hard to get.

Not only that, but according to data detected by the transportation department, traffic on various highways heading to Anxi has continued to increase.

With the increase in highway vehicles, even the traffic volume on national highways and even provincial highways heading to Anxi has increased significantly.

This also made the entire Anxi area feel like it was facing a formidable enemy, and a series of announcements were issued, all of which were related to notifications and work arrangements to welcome a large number of tourists into Anxi.

In order to prevent related problems caused by the arrival of a large number of people, the local government has deployed a large number of police and related staff to ensure the normal order of the city.

Not only ordinary people, but also some celebrities are on their way to Anxi or have already arrived, hoping to join in the fun and witness the official appearance of this golden meteorite core.

No, Wu Hao and the others had just come out of the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center when they received calls from Brother Ma. In fact, many people have called me before this.

Wu Hao selectively answered a few important calls, but with his relationship with Xiao Ma Ge, he still had to answer the call. After all, they had cooperated a lot in business, and their personal relationship was relatively good.

Hahaha, Xiao Wu, congratulations. I really didn't expect you to complete this mission so beautifully. I really envy you.

Hearing Xiao Ma's voice from the phone, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "Thank you, but you can't blame me for this. I invited you in the first place, so you didn't agree."

So I regret it. Brother Xiao Ma said with a smile: "How about it? Is it still too late for me to invest now? Ten billion, I only need 10% of the shares."

Brother, could you please take a look at Haoyu Aerospace’s stock price today? It’s 10%. Why don’t you grab it? One percent is more or less. Wu Hao was angry when he heard this.

Hahaha, I won’t suffer any loss. Brother Ma joked and then said: "Those things in the stock market are all fake, but the 10 billion I mentioned are real.

What about, while Haoyu Aerospace is doing so well now, why don’t you choose to cash out? Rather than taking advantage of others, it’s better to take advantage of me. "

Hearing Brother Xiaoma's words, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head and said: "I didn't regard it as a tool for making money at all. Don't you know the reason why I chose to go public in the first place?

If it weren't for the relatively high financial pressure and the pressure from all aspects, I wouldn't have listed Haoyu Aerospace in such a hurry. "

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