Chapter 982 Epilogue 2. To Earth.. ================================================================


"This is Seraf. Nice to meet you. Shadow Queen."

"Yes, yes. Oh, he's...?”

"User Kim Soo-hyun took user Kim Yu-hyun back first."

"…Yes, the rest of you are gone, right?”

"Everyone was successful in entering. We were able to minimize confusion."

"Phew… I've never seen a purple portal before, by the way. Anyway, can I go in there?”


"Okay, then I'll....”




"…Hey, is there anything you want to say?”


"Not me, but Soohyun. At least I'm grateful to you, so if you have anything in mind, say it now. I'll give it to you."


I shouldn't have said that back then!

+ Huh? What's wrong? I'm curious. - Gehenna.

What do you mean why? Don't you know what he's doing with Sexlaf these days?

PS. Wait a minute. Who told you to steal a look at your memoirs? You even said your name with confidence.

+ Oh, was it a memoir? Well, the description is pretty detailed for a diary. By the way, who's Sextraff? Don't tell me he's...? - Gxxxxxx

Or not. A lewd angel who enjoys sex life with him a day away. Sextrap for short.

PS. But I think I know who it is just by looking at the first letter. I told you not to look, didn't I?

+ What are you doing? What do you mean a lewd angel? It is up to the users to write memoirs, but we will ask for an early revision of the title. - Seraph

PS. I appreciate what you said back then. Thanks to you, I was able to get the courage to say something that I couldn't say in a message.

What? Did you pay for yourself? What if you don't like it? You're a sex raff. If it's unfair, you can call me whatever you want.

+ Kko-Yeon-Chu. - Seraph

/ ?

+ Aha, take out the hyphen (-) in the middle and read. What you really like will be read. - xxxxxxa

/ These women are really! No! Before that, I told you not to look at other people's memoirs!

- Excerpt from the Atlanta Medical Castle Memoirs of the Shadow Queen.


Through the squint of the eyes, the wobbly eyes dimmed with dim light. My trembling eyelids slowly went down and my hair drooped. As of that moment, the movement, which had continued even slightly, stops.

After a while, a fine trembling white hand gently wrapped around the man's face, which was no longer moving.

The woman did not budge for a long time in that condition. He just gently caresses his rough cheeks from time to time and stares at a man in a deep sleep. As if not to forget the warmth of the warm cheeks delivered to the cold palm.

But the more she wishes for eternity in this moment, the more time she spurs at the speed of flow so that there is no gap in the moment….

Suddenly, a dark shadow casts the altar.

When did he come in? A man in a dark coat stood staring at Kim Soo-hyun. It is rare for two users to be in the summoning room together, but Seraf faced the man with unperturbed eyes.

"I kept thinking on my way here."

Kim Yu-hyun, who gently wrinkled her eyes, bent her knees slowly.

"Is it really okay to go on like this?Wouldn't it be better to talk....”

He reached out to Kim Soo-hyun, speaking quietly. As if dealing with beautifully crafted glass decorations, pat them gently.

"If you let me know later, I'll be very resentful."

There was a tone of regret. Like it's not too late, like it's possible to turn back now.

"Probably so?"

But Seraf smiled and nodded.

"But don't worry. If the message I left starts to be printed out, the resentment will pour out on me. And…."

He stopped talking and hugged Kim Soo-hyun with his arms and buried his head on the top of his head.

"I blame you, but you'll understand...I'm sure Su-hyun will understand any time."

The angel, who spoke more forcefully, let go of his arm, but stopped because of a sudden whining in his arms. Seraf stared blankly at Kim Soo-hyun, who kept digging into his heart. Kim Yu-hyun smiled bitterly as if she couldn't stop him.

"That's how it was on Earth. He's just big. He's young and sharp.”

"…Yes, it is. Oh, zero code...?”

Kim Yu-hyun noticed her opponent's voice shaking faintly, but shook her head quietly.

"I couldn't find it. Maybe Su-hyun brought it."

Kim Yu-hyun put her hand into Kim Soo-hyun's pocket and suddenly shivered. Soon, he slowly pulled out his hand and calmly moved it to another place.

Touching the armor or lifting the cape for no reason. While searching for Zero Code at a very slow pace, Seraf managed to untie his arm, like a mother bird, forcing a whining baby to push.

How long has it been?

Thirty minutes. It took a lot of time for a mere search for a bead. Soon after, when Kim Yoo-hyun pulled the zero cord out of the pocket where she first searched, Seraph sat on the altar and waited quietly as always.

There was silence for a while, but Seraf opened his mouth first.

"Thank you for waiting."

Seraf's original grand voice echoed the summoning room, as if he had finally made up his mind. It was an expression of strong will not to drag on any longer.

"User Kim Yoo-hyun. The people I'm going back with...?”

"Everyone is waiting outside the temple. They'll come in as soon as they see the signal."

"The passageway will be open soon. The duration is not short, but….”

"Yes, I haven't actually seen it in person, but it was the user's performance. We're done saying good-bye to each other and getting ready. So there won't be any delays."

Kim Yu-hyun, who said so far, burst into laughter.

"Some of us don't want the zero code to work."

"It is unlikely that the zero code will react."

"Oh really? Actually, I was hoping it wouldn't work either.”

"This is because Su-hyun and our wishes match."

Seraf continued with a soft smile.

"As a helper, user Kim Yu-hyun can exert her influence indirectly as my successor."


"More than anything, Su-hyun said to herself whether to open a simple passageway or not. I want to live a happy life as a human being.... As long as our requests and Su-hyun's wishes are the same, there's no reason why the zero code won't respond."

"…If it was a request that caused harm to Su-hyun, I wouldn't have accepted it in the first place.”

Kim Yoo-hyun smiled. It was then. Kim Soo-hyun, who was sleeping sweetly, suddenly groaned low. Both men and women's eyes widened at the same time.

"Oh, my God. No way."

"…It's a lot faster than I expected. I managed to calm her down because she was in a state of low spirits, but Su-hyun's user information was so powerful that....”

Seraf was speechless. If Kim Soo-hyun breaks it here, it is obvious that the plan he prepared will turn into a bubble.

Kim Yoo-hyun and Seraf's eyes met. Preparations for the cabin were completed early in the evening. It was just that we were not satisfied with each other.

"Now…, that's it….”

Kim Yu-hyun muttered. It was the same as a long sigh.

But what more words are needed.

Kim Yu-hyun carefully helped Kim Soo-hyun, who was crouching down, and held out his hand holding the bead. And I quietly opened my mouth looking at Seraf.

"By the authority of my heir....”

At that moment.

"…Request Zero Code to be activated."

Zero code, which had been shining softly, began to shine brilliantly.

Verifying Zero Code's response, Seraf said without hesitation.

"We confirmed user Kim Yoo-hyun's request. 25%, 50%, 75% 100%. Loading…. Approval. Your request has been passed. At this moment, Code Name, Zero is running."

Even while processing the work, Seraf's eyes were not expected to fall away from Kim Soo-hyun. Kim Yu-hyun hugs her younger brother more strongly and stares straight ahead.


Within a long time, the rusty machine began to sound.


At the same time, the zero cord, which escaped Kim Yu-hyun's hand, rose into the air and exploded with light.

After a while, the summoning room was filled with white light.



The light that lit up the dark dawn exploded. The mechanical clan members, who were waiting anxiously in front of the entrance, turned their jaws in unison.

Dark purple rises from the top of the temple. The group of lights soared to the sky at a terrifying pace, as if they would not leave a trace of regret. He stretched his tail as long as a comet and disappeared, lighting up the dark sky before blinking.

"You must have succeeded. In the end,"

Ko muttered to herself and looked back. Still, a group of people stood a little behind the sky looking blankly. One of them, who made eye contact, walked out.

"Why aren't you going fast? There's a signal.”

The wreath shouted sharply. Ko opened her eyes wide, curled her shoulders, and giggled.

"Oh, go as soon as you see it. Be heartless."

"They're having fun. Shall we hug each other and cry?"

"Do you want to do it?"

"No, Kim Soo-hyun wouldn't know. No, I don't know if it's okay with him. We're not that close anyway.”

Hwajeong snorted and refused coldly, as if she had nothing to think about. But Ko didn't feel particularly cold. Rather than go off like that, we were more like, "Don't worry about it. Go."

"Ha, ha, ha. Sa, isn't it bigger for people who are working than us?"

Shin Sang-yong said with a smile.

"Oh, you're going back five years, aren't you? And the way back to zero-code charging opens in five or five years. Z, you're gonna have to wait five or three years, but this, this one, a year?"

"…Shin Sang-yong. I know what you want to say, but it's not convincing to say it in such a tearful way."

Shin Jaeng, who failed to see gibberish, calmly said.

"But it's not an unlikely story at all."

Gehenna took a step forward.

"As he said, the timing is coincidental. In our situation, we may see the return passage open as soon as this situation is over. Really."

After supporting Shin Sang-yong's claim, he crossed his arms and looked at Ko Yeon-joo.

"Well, have a hard time. He's such a picky guy, so I think he'll have a hard time."

"Don't worry. I'll make you forget for five years."

"Hmm? If you're not going to be in that world, you'd better be a little bit cheeky.”

"Why don't you worry about how to soothe your heartbroken little girl?"

Ko responded without a blink. Gehenna was aghast. Soon the two women burst into laughter at the same time. As she shook her head, Gehenna spoke in a slightly subdued voice.

"That's enough for the hero. Anyway, just make sure you come back completely. Please."

Ko didn't say anything, but she answered with a wink.

That's it. The breakup was over and the signal came. It's not that time is running out, but it's not good to drag on.

After all, there's only one thing left.

"Tell Kim Soo-hyun! If you don't keep your promise, you'll die!"

The 40-year-old user disappeared into the temple, leaving the evil Vivien behind.

So while running in a rush, Ko calmly controlled the situation in response to Kim Yu-hyun's expectations. When they arrived at the portal, they lined up and started to let one person in at least two minutes apart.

The Summoner's Room was originally designed to assume both angels and users, which meant to prevent congestion because it could not accommodate dozens of people at once, but most of all, some of the Clan members knew that they would not enter the aisle.

"Uh, sister, I....”

"What's wrong with you here? You'll be back anyway.”


"Then do you want to stay? If you don't want to wait, you can stay here. Are you going to do that?”

Ko Yeon-joo, who had been trying to coax and soothe hesitant users, was not able to let them all in until about an hour and a half later. As the long line disappeared, the hallways of the temple, which were covered in darkness, became as silent as a daunt.

Before entering the final stage, the last remaining woman looked back. You can't see anything as long as you've already passed the long aisle. But Ko suddenly made an impression.

"Anyway, he's a hard-working man!"

He jumped into the light with only one word left.

Ko Yeon-joo, who escaped the portal, was able to see a purple portal for the first time in the center of the summoning room. And a beautiful angel sitting alone on the altar.

Ko opened her mouth.

"Are you…?"

That night.

Atlanta's sky lit up a total of 42 times during dawn.

…no, 43 times to be exact.

It is said that after 42 groups of purple lights soared into the sky in turn, a group of blue lights fell to the top of the temple.

============================ Review of the work ============================

After the epilogue, there are about two foreign matches scheduled.

Extraordinary 1 is about Ansol's diary (what happened in modern times) and Extraordinary 2 is about dealing with Hallplane in five years. :)

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