Chapter 574 Anger of the Iron Blood Queen, Kim Soo-hyun's delight. ============================

…we had to lose considerable power on nine roads, as enormous enemies emerged from every road.

After barely gathering in the second joint, user Han So-young, then commander-in-chief, ordered to consolidate all personnel. And without saying a word, he began his march toward the fifth road, or the path of a trap.

Suddenly, Clan Lord (Han So-young) was a little strange. I didn't show it on the outside, but I remember being angry.

In fact, I was very worried about Han So-young's rapid progression at that time, but it was ironically the best way to do it now. Since then, our hands and feet started to match.

Yeah. Something in the expedition would have started to change since then. And I dare say, that change was one of the driving forces, or foundation, that we were able to successfully attack the Iron Mountains..

- The ancient library in Atlanta, New World. Excerpt from "Memoirs of Exploring the Steel Mountains."


After a while, a group emerged beyond the dark passage. It was the users who participated in the pit attack, not to mention the face. But unlike us, the way we look is not very good. The users of the murky lights on the entrance were covered with blood all over the equipment.

"…Are you all right?"

It was Ansol's voice. The man walking from the front was Moussa Rod Ko Oh-hwan.

"Darn it, you can't tell? I've been attacked once."

Ko Oh-hwan came into the entrance, shaking his head vigorously, and pulled out the arrow stuck in his chest. A little blood spattered, and the spot where the arrow was pulled out quickly turned red. Ansol quickly tried to memorize a treatment spell, but Ko Oh-hwan, who shook his head once again, pointed to users coming in. Other users were also about the same or worse as Ko Oh-hwan. First of all, the ninth user is the last person to come in.

"Two people have been killed. I saw it exactly the same as the guys who were stuck in the valley, and I got it right."

"Was there a lot?”

"There were more than us. But I thought I could win without any damage...Swords, bows, magic, even healing! How the hell can they use user settings?!”

"…First of all, let's get the treatment.”

I opened my mouth quietly thinking I'd calm down for now. Then Ko Oh-hwan, who was in the middle of his anger, suddenly stopped talking, and soon he came out and glanced over the Clan members.

"…but you weren't attacked? You look pretty good."

"We didn't take it."

"What about us?"


I pointed to the middle floor without saying a word. Ko Oh-hwan's eyes seemed to follow in a daze, but with the sound of "Eok," they grew to be as big as a lantern. I heard a confused voice about what the hell was and what happened, but I couldn't afford to reply any more. Before we knew it, we heard a new sound of footsteps coming from the cave just to the left of the entrance.

That entrance was an oyster with Han So-young. I stared calmly beyond the darkness, suppressing the rising anxiety.

It was not long before exactly 11 people arrived at the second joint. Fortunately, Han So-young and her group were all in normal condition, as if they had been attacked separately.

"Mercury Road."

Han So-young walked in calmly at first, but when she saw the badly injured user or scarecrow bodies, she stopped walking.

However, Han So-young was also calm.

"What happened to this?"

"The warrior rod was attacked on his way."

"I heard the news of the Moussa Lord Joe's raid on the way. And what about these bodies?”

"It had already been built when we arrived. I think he's done some kind of work in this community before we've done it."

"What kind of work?"

"…Look at this.”

I felt a little reluctant, but I pointed blood to the writing on the floor. Han So-young's face, who lowered her head, hardened in an instantaneously. I watched Han So-young's reaction a little more and turned to the entrance. This time, countless balloons were caught simultaneously in various burrows.

It wasn't Moussa Lord's attack. There was one group who was attacked in the remaining six groups. Fortunately, the other five groups have entered safely, and the damage to the group that was attacked is quite minimal.

"It was just like the Battle of the Valley. There were fewer of them, and they ran away before they could hit it. I didn't communicate because I didn't think it was necessary to report."

The man, who brushed his hair neatly, shrugged and said.

I was still lost in thought. One group was exterminated at all, one group suffered great damage, with two people killed and several injured, and one group only slightly touched. The rest of the group is safe.

This clearly shows the intentions of the enemy. The head of the enemy knows all our circumstances now. And we're using the situation to engage in a guerrilla war with psychological warfare.

In other words, they are trying to nibble away as little power as possible to their homes and at the same time make the board they want.

How long has it been?

The treatment of the injured users was almost complete. After thinking, I looked at Han So-young again.

Han So-young still seemed to be looking down on the floor. I can't see my face because my long hair is covered. Looking at Han So-young, I felt a little confused.

The result was a clear mistake by Han So-young. Of course, when dividing the number of people, Han So-young would have considered and thought about various aspects.

As a result, however, the enemy penetrated Han So-young's intention and even used it as a station. While the enemy knows everything about our situation, we don't know the enemy, nor do we know the city in detail. It was a defeat brought by the absence of information.

Of course, I was in a position to know more than Han So-young. If I had been in the lead again this time, I wouldn't have lost 13 people, which is 10% of the total power.

However, within the pit, Han So-young took command. As such, I had no choice but to give advice, but I should not open my mouth if there was no evidence to support the advice.

Anyway, for whatever reason, Han So-young lost her first battle in the pit. In a good way, you can say that you can't help it, but in a cool way, you've played into the hands of the enemy.

It was the moment I thought so.

Suddenly, Han So-young clenched her fist.


A calm voice that is indifferent and unfeeling.


Only when Han So-young slowly raised her head, I had to revise the idea.

What the hell should I say? The face was still expressionless. But not with both eyes. In the black crystal-like eyes, a north-winded snow that had never been seen before was raging like a storm. The storm stares at five entrances across the street, to be exact in the middle.


Han So-young was angry and angry now.

"Align it."

Han So-young's voice continued.

사용자Check user Han So-young's unique ability charisma (Rank: A Plus).』

Invoke the power, destruction, and charge of Field Maestro.

User Kim Soo-hyun's speed, destructive power, and aggressive power increase dramatically.』

The cool energy sank on my body. I took a step toward Han So-young feeling possessed by something. Not only me, but all the users were finding their place and making one. Han So-young now looked as if she was watching the ice burning cold. Han So-young was still looking forward.

"From now on, we don't divide the number of people anymore. Through the oyster in the center, I will attack the pit as fast as I can. I'll leave the rest to you."


"Well, let's go."


Finally, Han So-young ran forward like the wind. Is it the influence of power? Han So-young's body disappeared into the entrance before anyone could stop her.

The first person to run after Han was the Clan members of Eastantel Low. I hit the ground right after that. Only then did I hear the buzzing sound behind my back and rushing after me.

As we entered the new entrance, darkness fell again in the space. Suddenly, I felt my body was infinitely light and overflowing with strength. My heart was beating so fast. Something, it's different from what it's been.

Han So-young was running forward without hesitation. The darkness around me passes by quickly. Unlike what has been on the march as carefully as possible, progress suddenly begins to progress.

"Cho, Commander General! Hold on, hold on!"

It was then. Someone rushed and barely caught up with Han So-young. However, Han So-young does not give a single glance, but rather spurts her steps.

"Why, why are you in such a hurry? Let's find out what's going on first..”

"I don't need it.”

Han So-young replied simply.

"I've already heard information about the attack.”

"Well, still....”

"All I can think of is more information than that. It's like giving the enemy time."

"Ha, but! Then at least step back from the lead! I don't know what kind of trap there might be, and I don't know what kind of danger there might be!"

The man spoke as if he were evil.

"Then do it."

However, Han So-young stopped talking again.

"Yes, yes?"

"If you see a trap, dismantle it, and let me know if you notice a danger. Didn't you say you'd take care of the rest of the roles?"

The man showed signs of daze while running.

"Ha, but I'll take it as I please..”

"Why is it my own way? If you're an archer, isn't that a given?"

"…uh, well, that's right."

"I don't need my conclusions, or I don't need reports that I can't conclude.”

Only then did a glimmer pass through the man's eyes.

"Should I do it or not? Before you ask, do it first and then report."

It was the moment I heard that.

"We've found a trap. See you. Clan Load."

Sun Yoo-woon, who has been running next to me all this time, uttered a word. Then, he suddenly speeds up and runs forward, passing by Han So-young and moving forward even more. Then he stopped walking for a long time in front of him and bent his knees to start smoothing the ground. I don't know what's going on with him. However, Sun Yoo-woon's hands move so brilliantly that it is unrecognizable.

Soon after, about 30 meters away from us, Seon Yoo-woon suddenly pulled something and stepped back. At that moment, the standing earth floor of the Seonyuun opened wide, creating a huge hole.

Then Han So-young lightly jumped over the unexpected pit.

I didn't see or ask what the hole was. Just jump and keep running.

But it's not over yet. Sun Yoo-woon, who got up after shaking his knee, turned and raised his arm toward the ceiling ahead.

Ping, I heard an arrow firing. Did the arrow touch something? The ceiling opens up in a circle. Soon there, dozens of iron bars, the size of adult legs, fell in unison and were embedded deep enough to barely see the end.

However, Han So-young didn't bat an eyelid. The iron bars on the floor were used as supports to jump over the place. Han So-young's body cuts through the air like a bird, and her pitch-black hair rushes strongly in the wind.

It was a tremendous pace of progress. It was literally a fast march that even I, who loved to teach, had never made. If we can keep this pace, we can reach their base in no time.

I stared at the back of Han So-young, who was running in front of me, a little blankly. Han So-young's appearance, which can be called swift, felt very unfamiliar and familiar on the other hand.

I'm sure if I speed up, I'll catch up quickly and pass by lightly, but why do I feel like I'm chasing you?

Otherwise, am I doing this on purpose?

Han So-young now looks like she's seeing the iron-blooded queen of the heyday, who used to command and lead thousands and thousands of users in the first car..

Then, suddenly, an idea crossed my mind. I stared forward with my eyes tightened. Then, he approached Han So-young by organizing his thoughts.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Personally, I want to play the BGM that I heard when I wrote it down today, but I can't find it anywhere. It's not an official song. It sounds like someone wrote it. It's a BGM like New Age. I changed the name to make it easier to categorize. Where the hell did you get this?.

It sounds like this.

Bam bam. (Ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-d The sound of the universe?)

Bam bam. (Ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-d The sound of the universe?)

Bam bam. (Ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-d The sound of the universe?)

Bam bam. (Ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-ddu-d The sound of the universe?)

Bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam.


Papara papara papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa....

It sounds like this. Is there anyone who can feel it? ㅜ.ㅠ

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