Chapter 573 Anger of the Iron Blood Queen, Kim Soo-hyun's delight. ============================

The passageway was still dark. Although Vivien revealed Wright's spell, it was not enough to drive out the darkness in the cave, perhaps because orthodox magic was not his major.

Suddenly, I missed Hayeon. This is because users who are so well versed in traditional magic can be of great help at times like this, as well as battles. Although it is possible to recognize objects in the dark by increasing vision, it was still a problem on a different level from brightening the view at all.

Anyway, is it been about 50 minutes now?

It's been a while since I entered the main entrance. I never saw the monsters while marching from the front. I didn't feel a little strange. The feeling of walking so far was nothing more than an empty passage.

It's actually quite boring to keep marching without anything happening. The children started to relax little by little, and they were chatting in a small voice 10 minutes ago.

In the first place, Sun Yoo-woon sometimes looked back with a disapproving air, perhaps because he was silent or the whispering sound was annoying, but he shook his head to let it go, and never looked back again.

"Hey, Clan Lord. I suddenly have a question."

In the midst of such a boring march, Helena approached and talked to me. His eyes sparkle with curiosity and his mouth with a strange smile, perhaps he has a real question. After asking Sun Yoo-woon to lead for a while, I slowed down a little.

"What do you want to know?"

"It's no different…Aren't humans trying to cross the Iron Mountains?"

"That's right."

"Then why do you want to cross the Iron Mountains? Even at the cost of death. Humans have already settled on one continent, and there's nothing missing in life."

"That's because if you cross the Iron Mountains, you'll find a new continent."

"Do we have to discover and have that new continent? Can't you be satisfied with what you're given now?”

Hmm. From a dragon's point of view, not a human's point of view, is it bound to be different?

Helena's voice, which was playful at first, was getting lower as it continued. Like a way of asking for answers from a wise man. Come to think of it, Sasha is sneaking up and pushing her ears. I cleared my throat for a moment and opened my mouth quietly.

"It's a little different from satisfaction. First of all, how much do you know about users?"

"I've heard of it a little bit, but I know a little bit."

"Okay, first of all, Hallplane is a world dominated by power. Users have a duty to be strong for survival. But the way to be strong is very limited.”

"Isn't there a way to train yourself?"

"Since the user information is set up, there is a limit to being strong with training. It's determined by its own potential, so it's like a line drawn from the start. That's why we have to find another way. Traveling around the outside, dealing with monsters, discovering ancient ruins, exploring and getting good weapons, class gold coins, etc. …but in the end it also has its limits. The resources or achievements that sleep on a continent are never infinite. If you keep digging and digging, it will disappear one day. And that's what the North Continent is all about right now, and users keep coming in."

"Ho. So you're pioneering a new continent for new users?”

"Of course, there is a way to make room for new users, but that is not the ultimate goal. It's a joke, but we call the new continent a land of milk and honey. As it hasn't been pioneered yet, you think there are valuable resources and salty results that you can't reach on the new continent. There's a continent like that, so how can users stay still? You also risked your life to participate in the expedition, so you should enjoy your privileges. It'll probably be open to other users only after you've had some filling."

"You're pioneering a new continent for development, but you're still guaranteeing priority to those who have suffered."

I nodded my head slowly.

"But I still don't understand. I don't know if it's because of the difference from my perspective, but I think that's the only secondary reason. Why, so, why do you have to cross these Steel Mountains? If it's a new continent, isn't there an area that hasn't even been pioneered north? Why don't you set up a large expedition like this?”

Helena continued to ask questions tirelessly. At that moment, I had to feel my heart prick. It seems that everyone is focusing on this story because it is suddenly quiet around it. Suddenly, I felt the need to be careful of what I said.

"Because there's no certainty. And you can't stay still."


"There was a time when Barbara was an unexplored area eight or nine years ago. Now, like the Iron Mountains, we went through the central forest and attacked Barbara, and later we found other cities and set up a home called the North Continent. In the process of targeting it...To be exact, the ancient library in Barbara discovered a new continent called Atlanta. On the other hand, there was no mention of the unexplored area in the north."

"Well, that's what certainty means. Then you're saying you can't stay still..”

"The continent of Atlanta will one day reach saturation. Then we'll have to find a new continent, and the problem is that there's more than one north continent in the world of Holplain than there is in Atlanta."

"Not one?"

"If we go south of the Iron Mountains, we'll find a new continent called Atlanta, right? It's the same on other continents. If the East Continent walks through the barren wilderness, Florence, if the West Continent moves through the frost canyon, Iris, and if the South Continent moves north of Oak Castle, there is a new continent called Ragnarok. Then think about it. If each continent continues to push in the opposite direction of its current location, what will happen in the past?”

"…we bump into each other.”

That's correct. We have to compete for the last continent, Terra, but we can't say that.

Fortunately, Helena no longer asked if she had solved enough curiosity, and soon nodded slowly.

"Thank you for the nice words. I feel relieved because of you."

…feel relieved?

In time Helena returned to her original place with a slightly lonely look. Then suddenly, many thoughts crossed my mind.

Why did Helena ask this question out of the blue?

What does it mean to feel lighthearted?

And what is the meaning of the lonely look at the end?

"Clan Road!"

However, Seon Yoo-woon urgently called me without any time to think deeply. Seon Yoo-woon, who stopped walking and stood tall, pointed to the front as he approached the lead. I immediately sent a stop sign and looked carefully at the direction pointing to Seon Yu-woon.

Was I too into the story? I could forget the boredom for a moment, but before I knew it, a murky light was leaking out. There was still some distance left, but now there is a new entrance to the end of the passage. And in there, something is standing upright and facing us.

It was not one. They looked like users in a way, but also like scarecrow in a way. Even if you raise your eyesight to the fullest, you can't see it clearly from this distance.


It was then. Following the sudden sound of something ringing, one of the upright collapsed. At that moment, my eyes were tense. Soon I felt the Clan members gathering quickly, and I quietly pulled out the weight.

…at least I could see for sure. The moment one collapsed, a black shadow quickly grazed the space beyond the entrance.

"Suhyun, shall we send a shadow?"”

"You can enter the fog."

Ko said at the same time. But I shook my head calmly. This is because even though I just turned the mana detection up to the maximum level, I couldn't feel any signs. In that case...

Are you sure?

"We'll be right in."

After giving instructions, I moved without delay through the aisle. Walking so fast for about five minutes, I soon reached a wide cavity beyond the entrance.

The murky light leaking out was none other than a torch hanging on the wall. The area was about two-thirds larger than the cavity earlier, and a total of nine burrows were drilled in the direction we entered. In other words, it means that all channels are connected to one space.

But that wasn't the point. As soon as I finished searching around quickly and looked to the center, I heard Seon Yoo-woon, who was next to him.

"Suhyun, what's going on?"

asked Ko Yeon-joo. However, he soon stopped to see if he had checked the center and turned his head around and started running to the other side.

Standing upright in the middle was not a scarecrow. To be exact, there were eight bodies shaped like scarecrow.

At the end of the eight wooden sticks embedded in the dirt floor, users were each stuck from their chests. The lower abdomen had been torn apart, and the intestines or organs were completely devoured. The only thing that's intact is the head and the arms that are loose.

I approached the body of the most frontal man and examined it closely. The man's whole face was distorted, perhaps quite painful when he died, while his mouth was torn to the bottom of his ear and fixed. The blood still flows out, and it has a strange shape that you don't know if you're laughing or crying.

"This is Joe, the second player from the right."

Nam Da-eun, who kneeled on one knee, said as she turned over the collapsed body. The second group from the right...Joe included a woman who tripped over a bone when she first entered the pit. The woman who cursed Yoo Ji-tae's joke as a poor way of welcoming him.

In other words, a group was exterminated. What I just guessed came true.

Wait, come to think of it, I don't see the woman's body, I only see the man's body.

"Clan Lord, wait a minute. Look at this."

Nam Daeun removed the stick stuck in her head and pointed to the floor. It was the spot where the body collapsed earlier. When I bent over a little bit, I could see the crooked red blood on the ground. It was the same handwriting I saw when I first came down the pit.

How dare you complain about this? You've come in.』

"So I paid a little attention this time. What do you think? Isn't this low quality? Hehe, hehe!

PS. Oh, I'll thank the other three.』

"You bastards!"

Ahn Hyun's angry voice rang the cavity. I glanced at Anhyun and turned to the touch of his shoulder. Ko Yeon-joo was looking at me with a slightly puzzled look to see if she had finished her search.

"Suhyun, it's weird. There's no sign of it."

Turbock... Turbock....

"There should have been signs of going out or coming in….Suhyun?

"Go Yeon-joo. Shh."



Did Ko Yeon-joo hear it now? I signaled to be quiet and looked back at the burrow that had just entered.

The sound of someone walking weakly. The sound is coming from the right side of the cave, based on the direction we are looking at.

plodding... plodding....

It's not a normal walking sound. He seems to be walking slowly and weakly, but sometimes he even sounds like he is dragging his feet dragging. And...

"…The smell of blood is vibrating.”

Sasha, who wiped her nose, spoke in a low voice.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Oh. I was really busy solving the comprehensive income tax today. According to someone I know, it's neat to print out the receipt and pay at the bank, so I went to the PC room a little after lunch. The printer is broken. But what's the problem? I don't know if there was a problem with the security keyboard crash, but the password kept going weird. I wrestled for about an hour and finally came back home. And I solved it in 30 minutes with electronic payment. You scared me that the local tax payment was complicated, but I solved it quickly because I did what I was told. -_-a

I personally hope that all of your questions will be resolved in the beginning and the middle of the day. I want to draw a map for you, but I'm not good at drawing. I've drawn it once, and it's nothing more than a circle and a square, nothing less. I couldn't show you the picture because I was embarrassed, and I just explained as much as I could in writing.

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