Chapter 192 Start Inn =========================================================================

Barbara is a large city located in the heart of the North Continent. And Mule is just a small town north of the North Continent. Also, the development was slow and remained at the level of the pioneering city that was discovered in the early days.

It was a simple one-letter difference in words. However, if you can actually feel it, the difference was as far as the sky and the earth. The size, the floating population, the level of active users. Neither was comparable.

If only two cities come and go, users who see Barbara for the first time will be very unfamiliar with its size.

The children were no exception. Of course, I've been working at the user academy for three months. During that time, however, he was locked up inside, and after completion, he went straight to the Warp Gate and could not find out more about the city's internal situation. Perhaps that's why Anhyeon, Ansol, and Lee Yu-jung were quite unfamiliar with the big city of Barbara.

Just looking at the surrounding environment around the inn where we are staying now, it seemed to have come as a considerable shock to the children. I didn't set the inn as a good place on purpose. After paying the rent for a week now, it was named Morning Sunlight, which could be considered a lower grade in terms of rank. It was full of money enough to stay at a top-end inn, but I wanted to let the children see and experience the lives of ordinary users.

Users grieving for losing their colleagues after exploring. Users begging for money to eat and sleep. Users who get kicked out of caravans and travel from place to place to get a colleague. Lack of ability to explore, users who work part-time jobs every day because they have no way to make ends meet right away. Looking at those users, I wanted them to recognize their situation in their own way.

It has already been four days since I came to Barbara. As the day went by, I heard desperate news for some Clan and news that could be sesame salt for some Clan. One by one, the flow of the North Continent was fluctuating day by day as communication came in. I was closely monitoring those trends and matching them with the futures I remembered.

Of course, I didn't care only about those external factors. As I said earlier, I was also pointing out pending issues about Clan One inside the Clan. I was going to work out what I could now and at least look into progress.

A week in Barbara could be a break for some Clan One and an opportunity to solve problems and improve their abilities for some Clan One. It is said that the solidarity is good now, but from the perspective of Clan Road, there were still areas that had not been refined.

Should I say that it feels like it's not straight and it's spreading out recklessly? Some of them will need my hands and others won't. However, it was the duty of Clan Road to pay attention even if it was not necessary.

The first user to pay attention to was Shin Sang-yong. He inherited the rare class just before leaving Mule, so he didn't seem to know much about his class yet. As such, he needed time to understand his class and reflect on how he would grow in the future. It would have been hard if I was alone, but fortunately, I had a good teacher, Vivien. Therefore, I thought it would be better to trust and leave it to him than to tell him what to do.

The next target was Ansol. Ansol was now the most troubled user of Clan members. I thought the answer was to slowly solve the problems one by one rather than hastily touching them.

So, I was going to bring up the long-awaited lucky ability. I've been thinking a lot about her luck skills, and I've decided that it's better to raise it to 101. Frankly, there are four points as a reward point, but I felt it was a waste to invest in luck.

Let me give you an example. Suppose a wizard named A has a muscle strength of 50, a horsepower of 59, and a wizard named B has a muscle strength of 30, a horsepower of 60. If all other variables, such as classes and equipment, were equally matched and the premise that the same magic was used, the wizard B would win with a chance of over 70%. The remaining 20 percent were the odds of a draw, and the odds of a wizard with 10 percent being A winning.

The above example shows that the importance of magical powers to wizards and priests differs from other classes. Perhaps Ansol would never have felt the same way if he had less than 100 luck, and if he had not obtained a ring to raise his mana capability by one point from the ruins' lab. My desire for 101 points made me wonder if I could.

That's what I thought, but I couldn't help but worry about the payment. In the first round, he had never seen or heard of his lucky capability of 101. Unlike muscle strength, durability, agility, stamina, and horsepower, luck would not be effective immediately just because it hit 101. Because of that, there was a lot of hesitation when I tried to bring it up.

Luck was originally such an ability. Despite going through more than a decade of hallplanes, I'm defining it as an unknown ability. However, the sense of direction and anxiety that Ansol showed when exploring in the small town of Mule impressed me. The value of her two abilities was enormous, and the idea that there was a possibility of further development in the future was an irresistible temptation.

Of course this is just my opinion. Even if it was a Clan Road, it could not put the greed of individuals ahead. As long as she is a friendly user, respecting the rights of one was a natural thing to do. In this decision, Ansol's doctor was the most important, and he was going to put it first.

The kids didn't know that I knew their user information. Ever since I was a user academy, I've always spoken like a horse. Hide your skills whenever and wherever. And never reveal your information to other users. Even if it's us. It was very subtle to change the subject now. If you do something wrong, you can give the impression that you know your skills.

I was worried about how to coax Ansol gently. In the end, there was only one way. To induce her to articulate her intention by twisting it roundly. However, it was never easy to ask her intention. I was able to prepare myself and set the stage for conversation with her, and I was able to experience the feeling of resignation for the first time in the second round.

"Yes! Sol has a lucky 100!"


"And the other skills are... Let's see.

"Oh, no. Hey, no, Sol. Wait, wait a minute.”

Yes. I forgot the most important fact that my contact is Ansol. All the things I was worried about before the story were covered by her own radical development.



When he cut off his words along the way, Ansol closed his lips tightly. Round eyes and a smiling face. It must have been a good sight, but suddenly I felt dizzy in my head. I feel like I'm denying myself.

In the end, I was only able to get to the point after a lecture on user information security.

"I've been getting a lot of help from you when I was exploring. I think that ability is closely related to your high fortune. As far as I know, there's no capability limit. That is, I wondered what would happen if I increased it from 100 points to 1 point.”

"Yes! Great!"

"…It's a little bit of a waste to spend so much of your reward points, but you're still wearing a ring that lifts up your mana by one." Anyway, this is what you think, but I want to hear Sol's thoughts."

"Yes! Great!"

"Ha... No, Sol. Listen, brother, I, uh? Yeah, I told you, I want to hear you. Don't just say yes. It's your user information for your ability. Let's think about it. Please."

I just saw them as kids in Mule. However, since I entered Barbara, I decided to treat the users in my own way. When I decided to do so, I felt very frustrated in the conversation with her. Barely suppressing my heavy insides, I cut off one by one and raised my voice as if I were playing a staccato.

This time, for sure, Ansol tilted his head. Soon after, she flashed a question mark over her head and soon turned into an exclamation mark. I could tell what she was thinking just by her expression.

"Yes! I think it's better to post it, too!"

"Well, yeah, what makes you think so?"

"Because you said you'd better do that!"


When I saw Ansol answering with a bright smile, I felt shock and fear. In time, I sighed and clasped my face with both hands. If I were an enemy, I would have slapped my ear or cut my throat right away, but I couldn't think of a way to do it because I was a friend and I was following him around because I liked him.(Of course, I didn't think I was to blame to some extent.

In the end, the problem with Ansol and his luck capabilities ended with a very simple solution due to his active attitude. Ansol was a scary user. Not only was it shocking and frightening, but it also made me proud with the wise saying, "Good things are good things."

Anyway, Ansol said he used one out of every four points he earned from the Academy rewards right there, followed by a lucky 101. Of course, it didn't happen, such as a sudden cash crunch or a sharp increase in ability. Meanwhile, Ahn Sol suddenly stared at my face with innocent eyes, as if she had learned only bad things from Yoojung. He took off his robe and slightly revealed his shoulders under the pretext of being hot. Of course nothing unexpected happened that she expected from me.

I squeezed her head hard and kicked her out. Once I threw the dice, I didn't mean to be impatient. In the first place, we were expecting the ability to select directions and detect anxiety during the expedition, so we could go out of the city and check it out later.

Only after solving Ansol's most difficult task could he turn to other tasks. I could mention the issue of Lee Yu-jung and Vivien if I had to do something else.

First of all, Lee Yu-jung decided to watch a little more. When I thought about exploring the Cave of Scream, I wanted to take the sword away immediately, but there was no ambiguity when I measured it, including other parts. Above all, he liked it so much that it was better to leave it at least for the time he was in Barbara.

Vivienne has been spending more time absent-mindedly these days. Of course, I was studying hard and I was doing my best as a teacher of Shin Sang-yong. Other times, however, I often just looked into the air with a blank face. It seemed that he had a clue about the Young Yak platform.

It was something I would like from my point of view, but from her point of view, it was stressful. Vivienne said early on that there was a possibility. However, the more research you do, and the more you shape the process, the more details within it, the more factors that contradict your thoughts, start to pop out.

Under-80 +4 physical elixir, under-70 +2 physical elixir, Vivien's fleet, the heart of the superior Ma Pegor, and Ma Jung-seok of Horrence. Things that go into research materials have enormous value like one. Even with her pride and the scarcity of materials, failure was bound to be a blow. On top of that, he sighed occasionally and looked tired, thinking that he was looking forward to it. I comforted myself that I was fine, but it would be a lie if I didn't feel pressured.

But all I could do was just wait. The podium will have to be settled and then a workshop will be built in earnest, so I will trust her and wait until then.

While watching the flow of the hallplane, I kept clearing and looking inside the clan. The first start is important for Clan. This is because the original members who first founded the Clan must work properly to give faith to the new Clan members who will come later.

So I roughly inspected the inside, but there was only one thing left. It was a vague relationship between Ko and Ansol.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hello, I'm Ro Yu Jin.

Everyone. I'm definitely done with my exams. But why are they sitting in front of the desk doing their homework? There are four of them. Not at all, I don't feel like the exam is over. I was just happy on Friday and Saturday, but now that it's Sunday, the reality is coming. Hahaha. Yes, the conclusion is that I'm staying up all night today. I'll have to cook ramen for a late night snack. It's delicious to eat frozen dumplings together. :)

PS. The notes are being answered in order. Hahaha. If you haven't received it yet, please wait a little longer. :D

리 Ripple 『

1. Hurt: Congratulations on winning first place. Oh, you played early in the morning. I used to be a role user at dawn. There were people in the same team. Sitting in a PC room, playing games all night, and eating a bowl of ramen was my joy. Everyone is busy living now, so it's scattered, but sometimes I miss it. ㅜ.ㅠ

2. Kim Min-sun's teeth: Haha. I'm planning to conclude the first part after a little more progress. If you tie it up like that, part 1 ends too quickly. :)

3. Juan: Huhu. Just a little bit of information, but Hanbyeol wasn't an advance team. Even if you win the Secret Class, it's hard for you to enter the elite as you're a zero-year user. Then, is it the main college or the rear guard?

4. EyeSeeYou: No! I'm against this relationship! Besides Ahn Sol, how about Park Dong-gul? :)

5. Heavenly bloodless zone: Well. It is very complicated and subtle. It's beyond description. Hah, hah, hah.

6. letzgo02 : Yes. If you look at it at the moment, it can be divided into three or four chapters. You can look at it as intestines, or wealth. :)

7. Good day for Myung-bak: ……! Oh, no. What do you mean first love? What do you mean lover? What do you mean unrequited love? Never. Never. What are you talking about? Hahahaha. Hahahaha. Yes, absolutely not. :)

8. User Gandalf: Whoa. You must have been very tired. I can't believe you've spent most of your Sunday in sleep. I'm really nervous.

9. Stealing~~: Thank you for the coupon. (__) I'll do my best to deal with these tasks and take my annual leave. Awakened! Wow!

10. hohokoya1: ahaha. My heart is 100 consecutive years, but the reality is 2 consecutive years. I'm all better now! I guess my body isn't dead yet. :)

Your recommendations and comments are the driving force behind your annual leave. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don't feel too sad about not being in the re-reply.

If you have any questions, write me a note and I'll answer them!

Then I'll leave you alone for today.

I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

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