Chapter 191 Start Inn =========================================================================

A small sandwich was stuck on a thin fork. On the pierced surface, the hot liquid that produced the hot steam flowed and fell down the fork. The yellow liquid that flowed out of the solidified dairy products was dripping with gloss. I don't know if it's going to be expensive, but it certainly looked delicious.

When I took a bite of it, I felt like something was popping in my mouth. At the same time, I could feel the sweet and refreshing scent filling my mouth.

The kids quickly reached out to the sandwiches in front of them, as if they saw me eating. But it's a sandwich, no matter how small it is. Ahn Hyun held it up and poured it into his throat. Then he mumbled greedily, and soon he saw his turmeric moving from top to bottom. I felt like I swallowed it without chewing it properly.

"Wow, it's really good, but I can't even imagine my liver."

Ahn Hyun smacked his lips and picked up a cookie. Clan members also ate sandwiches and tried to compare them to high-performance foods. Sandwich tasting continued for a while, and fortunately, the evaluation was good. Everyone said that the food made by Ko Yeon-ju was delicious. At the words, she snorted, "That's enough. You said what the inn was like earlier." But there was a soft smile hanging around her mouth.

I put down the sandwich with the teeth marks and touched Hayeon slightly. Hayeon was chewing her mouth and turned her head in surprise. When he rolled his eyes around and noticed, he looked at me once or twice to see if I understood what I meant. Soon after, she also slurped her neck and gently opened her lips.

“───. ───. ───.”

You don't have to tell me. Rather than being self-centered, it meant that she had experienced a wealth of these externalities and was well-adjusted. Of course, the inner parts may be a little lacking, but those were the things I could care about.

It was not long before her clear voice rang around the table calmly, as if she had memorized all the spells.

"Block Field. Reverse."


Block field to reverse. Again, the block field can block both internal and external sounds. However, Hayeon seemed to have slightly touched the outer part due to the expression of the magic circuit application. In other words, if you look at the intangible curtain now, you can hear the outside voice, but the inside voice does not go out. It was a small difference between those who learned the ability to deepen their skills and those who did not. Of course, this slight difference will determine the life of the battlefield.

"User Highness….”

Before I just opened my mouth, I organized for a moment what was to happen. Currently, the Golden Lion Clan and the Friend Clan were at a stage of power reduction due to the failure of their expedition to the Steel Mountains. And now it was time for the poor control of the North Continent, including the metropolitan city of Barbara, and the poor, who sought to break the ice. The gap is about a month long.

When I looked up after thinking about it, I could see Ko Yeon-joo staring at me. Perhaps he reacted to the voice calling for himself and stopped talking for a while. So, I connected the words right away.


"…Yes, go ahead."

"We need information on the Iron Mountains expedition."

"I'm actually trying to find out. But I think it'll take some time. What exactly information do you need?"

"This is the status of the participating clans and the damage count. Small things are not necessarily necessary. Please let me know the big ones. I need information one step ahead, even though it will be revealed soon. The sooner the better."

"Well, I got it. Let's move as fast as we can."

Ko replied in a refreshing way and winked. When I saw her reaction, I felt like a part of my heart was secure.

In the future, the mistakes of the golden lion will continue. One of them was to try to reduce the damage from the expedition. It's like a desperate measure to maintain control, but it's like covering your eyes. For your information, their actions will have a significant impact when the representative clans of other cities become independent in the future. Of course, there is a direct cause, but it is an excuse.

I turned my head to the other Clan members, leaving such an important job for Ko.

Ansol was crying. Maybe Ahn Hyun ate his share of the cookies. I stopped her crying by giving her my share of cookies. Vivien's eyes were shining brightly looking at the sandwich I had left behind. As she handed over the fork, she began to lick the yellow liquid, which flowed as if it were a strut.

After calming down like that, I was about to get to the point.

"Hey, you didn't even finish it. Why do you have to get up?"

"Be quiet. I told you it was weird. I think the block field is broken.”

"You said everything was fine. I told you there was no sign.”

"I don't know if I was mistaken or if I couldn't find any trace. Let's get out of here. If it's the latter, it's too uncomfortable to be here."

A group of users walked from the front to the entrance caught my eye. The user at their forefront was somehow unfamiliar. I didn't see an impression. I couldn't see my face exactly because my hair was stretched out to the side of my neatly cut bangs. However, I felt used to the atmosphere of my body. I activated the third eye again.

1. Name : Heo Yu-ri (4th year)

2. Class: General Mage Master

3. Country: Barbara.

4. Clan: Reverse

5. Jinmyeong · Nationality: A clown of crazy flame · Korea

6. Gender (Sex): Women (25)

7. Height · Weight: 165.5 cm · 45.5 kg

8. Tendency: Improvement and Aggressiveness (Sharp)

1. [Muscle 55] [Intensity 48] [Intensity 64] [Strength 56] [Magic 92 (+1)] [Lucky 52]

1. Kim Soo-hyun : 544/600~

(You have 12 points left for the capability point.)

[Muscle 96 (+2)] [Integral 92] [Integral 98] [Integral 72] [Magic 96] [Lucky 90 (+2)]

2. Heo Yuri: 367/600~

(There are no Capability Points left.

[Muscle 55] [Intensity 48] [Flex 64] [Strength 56] [Magic 92 (+1)] [Lucky 52]

Hur Yuri. Reverse Clan. As soon as I read the information of the user in the lead, I automatically laughed. I thought I'd seen them somewhere, but they were also memorable.

Reverse Clan is a clan that exists until the second half of Hallplane. And it can be seen as a unique place in its own way. In the Clan, there are no exceptional users to reach the top ten. There were only one or two secret and rare classes.

However, I once wanted to join the Reverse Clan. Perhaps Han So-young was looking so good that she would have signed up for it if she hadn't scouted me. Because Reverse Clan can be defined as a group of users who try.

Swings have shown that the average user can be strong enough. One famous anecdote would be the battle against Clan Odin formed in the South. At that time, Odin had many users who were great enough to be considered the highest in terms of the quality of their users, but they fought against the Clan without backing down.

That's how much they were belligerent. And standing at the pinnacle of that belligerence was an elite organization called Cheek Sal Joe, which runs within Rivers. The reputation of the chuckle was known to the users of other continents. Did the vagabonds say that they should avoid the ulcer group no matter what?

A little sudden, I was wondering why they were here now. At the moment, there were 50,000 complicated thoughts, but soon they quickly went out of the entrance. I shook my head calmly as I stared at the entrance where they went out for a moment. If they are reverse, they are not enemies. There was an alliance in the past, and even in the light of the first round, it didn't really bother me.

The clan I'm currently aiming for is Odin's elite clan. The biggest disadvantage of a minority elite clan was that it did not produce any supplies. The answer, then, was to ally with other clans to replenish the supply, which was a highly qualified clan. It's a clan that has enough people to make up the majority, and becomes so powerful that it's called the master of combat.

I grinned and watched the seats where the swings had left for a while and then turned back to the table. I was nostalgic for a while because I met my old friends in an unexpected place. Contact with them will be a little later, so the current meeting could be considered premature.

Anyway, it was time to tell Clan One why they came to Barbara.

Since the establishment of the Commercial Clan, we need to establish a base for future activities. Assuming there is enough money, everyone will think of Barbara. But I never intended to catch a bass in Barbara. I knew too well what this big city would look like after the civil war. However, the reason why I came here now was because there was a need to gauge the current situation.

I looked at Vivienne again, sucking my fingers, and slowly opened my mouth.

"Let's continue to talk about what we couldn't do in Mule. Please listen carefully."


The children answered at the same time. I checked the block field one more time just in case, and continued in a low voice.

"As you've all heard, the Golden Lion Clan failed to make its expedition to the Iron Mountains. As such, I will wait and see how things will go for the time being. If you want to see the trend, you'd better be in the middle of the flow, the most sensitive place. I don't need a long time. As of now, only one week. I will stay in Barbara for a week and leave for another city. Of course I don't mean to make fun of that week. If you have any other questions, please do."

Hayeon raised her hand right away at what I said. I nodded and allowed her to ask questions.

"User Ko said he would collect information. You said you weren't going to make fun of me for a week. So what should the other Clan members do during that time?"

"Yes, actually, there were a few things that took place in Mule. If I leave for another city, I will start full-fledged activities. And before that, I'm going to take care of everything that's going on. I'll probably have a week to sort things out."

"What's taking..."

"It's also about personal privacy, so it's hard to say this openly. It's just that these are the problems that we have to solve. I can't tell everyone at the meeting, so I'll deliver it to the Clan members individually."

There were many reasons for coming to Barbara. The main reason for this was, as I just said, to watch the flow of the Hallplane from the nearest distance. The recruitment of new colleagues, equipment organization (Mimic's attribution), and Clan design registration were only secondary events.

Many things have changed from the first car. So much has happened in Mule that there is no guarantee that the future I know will happen. That is, we don't know how it will change in the future. At this critical juncture, it is impossible to predict how things will change rapidly, so we may be able to check the changes and revise the plan accordingly.

Complicated thoughts filled my head. I sighed loudly and looked out the window. Before I knew it, the sunset sun was disappearing little by little, and dark dusk was looking for in the empty space. I stretched lightly. It was time for users to slowly return from exploring outside the city. It would be better to move ahead than to catch a crowded inn then.

After preaching a few more precautions, I slowly lifted myself up. The Clan members also stood up as I stood up. When I went to the counter to pay, I saw the first waitress with a sullen face. I didn't mean to give you another tip, though it seemed a little too bad.

"It's four golds and 70 silver."

"Thank you! Come again!"

After calculating the price of snacks that I thought were still expensive, I moved out of the entrance. When I opened the door of the breeze, the cold evening wind wrapped around my body and soon passed by as if it had been released.

At the same time, thoughts about Kim Han-byeol crossed my mind for a moment.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hello, I'm Ro Yu Jin.

Fortunately, I was able to upload it before 4 o'clock. Yes, it's Yeon-cham. Yes. @_@ Since I'm so sleepy, I'll update the ripple after I wake up. Thank you. I wrote (__), but I think it's better to just use it all and sleep comfortably. So, I made 5 re-riffles. So lucky. Oh, my. Why do I make so many typos? I'll do my best.

리 Ripple 『

1. Hwi-eul: Congratulations on winning first place. If I didn't get to do the re-repell this time, I think I would have made you sad.Anyway, please enjoy this episode as well. :)

2. EyeSeeYou : 음. So you mean Ansol > Vivienne. Oh, hahaha. I see. What? Vivien is so sad. He's shedding tears!

3. Scare-blooded God, God, God, God, God, God, God, God, God, God, God, God, God. Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom, boom boom.

4. hohokoya1: Thank you always. I can't wait to go to bed. Lol. My eyelids are round and round.

5. C.E.O :! I was startled for a moment. That's always a question for me, too. I promise you, I can't do the first part of the midnight series. I'm going to give it a try at midnight today. This is a challenge.

Your recommendations and comments are the driving force behind your annual leave. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don't feel too sad about not being in the re-reply.

If you have any questions, write me a note and I'll answer them!

Then I'll leave you alone for today.

I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

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