Match Point

Chapter 1019: 1 SMS

Staring at the phone screen, Emily Pulan was a little lost in thought.

A second ago, my head was thinking about how to edit the text message, but when I was thinking about it, I was lost in the sky, and the whole brain was filled with disturbing and messy thoughts, and it was almost about to explode:

Gao Wen lost, what should she say?

This should only be Gawain's second loss since they met, the last time being in London, to Djokovic, which ended the season.

And then, today.

Now, what are Gao Wen's thoughts, mood, and state?

Should she have said something?

I don’t know, I don’t know, and I’m startled when I understand.

It turned out that Gao Wen was like a Cinderella fairy tale. He was born out of nowhere in the past six months, and he wrote one incredible miracle after another. He is undoubtedly the hottest young genius in the current professional tennis world. Standing in the center of the world amidst the overwhelming news frenzy, Bathed in light.

Everything looks like another parallel world being staged on the TV screen.

After winning the Australian Open, is he also full of expectations for himself and put forward higher demands? Are you facing the pressure from the outside world swarming in all directions?

The momentum of fifteen consecutive victories stopped in Dubai like this, and what is it like to be attacked head-on? Stress aggravated or a sigh of relief?

The rising winning curve has not been able to continue, how does he view this loss? How would those journalists encircle and suppress him?

So, where is he now?

The hustle and bustle of thoughts filled the whole brain, so that the chest also swelled up, which made Pulan feel frustrated.

She knew nothing about professional sports.

She was worried that Gao Wen also cared about Gao Wen, and she wanted to tell Gao Wen that no matter what happened, she was always his supporter and believed in him unswervingly.

But she wasn't sure whether her "care" was necessary, and whether it could help Gao Wen, she didn't even know whether she should speak—

Maybe, or not?

After all, they are just friends, ordinary friends.

What if she acts so concerned that he misunderstands that she's trying to claim fame?

Pu Lan believed that with Gao Wen's current popularity and aura, it was as if he was standing on top of the world. There might be countless women willing to take off all their clothes and show up in his bedroom. Gao Wen became a trophy for himself to brag about and show off.

What if he misunderstood her as well, what if he thought their friendship was calculated from the start?

Thoughts, starting from one point, have already circled the universe in a blink of an eye, and there are more and more thoughts in my mind, which can hardly be crowded.

Taking a deep breath, Pooran realized that he had to stop—

The so-called cranky thinking is like this, the more you think about it, the more outrageous it is, and there are no signs of any signs of thoughts at ordinary times, and they also germinate.

If you continue to think about it, things will be endless, and you will finally push yourself into the abyss.

Take another deep breath.

Pulan raised his head and looked at the thin sunlight outside the library. There was still no spring in Paris, and there was hardly any sunshine in the gray sky. Gray still overflowed.

"...I just watched the game and you did a great job."

wrong. delete.

"A very regrettable game..."

Nope, delete it.

"Your performance was very, very good, and you still fought to the last point, you should be proud..."

No no no totally wrong, delete, what kind of tone is this to encourage puppies?

Maybe, she should keep silent, don't say anything, and pretend that she didn't see today's match at all. After all, when Gao Wen won the Australian Open last time, she sent a congratulatory text message, but she didn't get a reply, right?

She was not disappointed, because she knew that after Gao Wen won the championship, news of congratulations would flood in, and Gao Wen had no way to respond to them one by one. This is normal.

So, should it be the same today? Is this the best way to do it?

Pu Lan let out a long breath, the turbulent thoughts in his mind still couldn't calm down, and the uneasiness of worrying about gains and losses made his heart beat wildly.

She doesn't like and is not used to this kind of self, she needs the calm and calm version of herself to come back—

"Are you feeling okay?"

Close your eyes, press the send button regardless, and send the message. If you continue to hesitate, there will be no results.

It was sent, and it was sent after all.


Pu Lan let out a long breath, and his high-hanging heart returned to his chest. Now he can finally calm down and study hard.

Reading and reading, she still has a report to complete.


Unable to concentrate, the anxiety and uneasiness of being up and down made my stomach burn.

What happened to her?

Out of the corner of his eye, he quietly drifted towards the phone, paused for a moment, and then Pulan realized:

She knew it was a wrong decision to bring her mobile phone to the library.


At this moment, the phone vibrated slightly, and the message prompted!

Pu Lan reflexively grabbed the phone, glanced at the screen, and didn't realize it at all, his mood soared like this, as if he could hear the sound of fireworks blooming in his mind.

But Pooran's attention was entirely on the text message—

It's Gao Wen.

It really was Gao Wen!

"I'm fine, don't worry. Thank you for your concern."

Word by word, Pulan read this sentence over and over again. Since he said it was okay, it should be okay, right? There's no need for her to care anymore, right?

However, the stomach burned again, and the ups and downs of anxiety still couldn't stop.

The movements of her fingers were faster than her brain's reaction. Before she had time to think clearly, she had already edited the text message and sent it again.

"are you sure?"

Looking at the message she sent, Pu Lan was stunned for a moment, and then finally realized that she still couldn't control her impulse.

She cared about Gao Wen from the bottom of her heart.

Realizing this, Pu Lan calmed down instead and regained a little calmness, but he couldn't stop staring at the phone screen.


From the message dialog box on the phone screen, Gao Wen's avatar showed such a state that he should be typing an answer.

But disappeared immediately, it seems that Gao Wen deleted all the replies.

Pulan: …

Just as I was about to put down my phone, I saw—


Pu Lan held the phone in both hands, staring at the screen intently, watching the string of ellipsis buffering, buffering, and then disappearing again.


Pulan let out a long breath, put the phone back on the table with the screen facing down, and she no longer wanted to pay attention to that dialog box.

Looking back, she returned to the book, forced herself to concentrate, and told herself that she still had homework to complete, and she must not be distracted at this time.

She had expressed her concern, and that was enough. right! That's enough!


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