Match Point

Chapter 1018: hearty

With the left leg, kick the ground, and the strength explodes.

Body, sprint, off-string arrow.

In the previous shot, I barely saved a shot in the backhand position; in the next shot, I immediately returned to the forehand position to defend, and the sprint with sudden stops and turns still maintained the top state, and the flexible movement was already in place in a blink of an eye. Come out, this is the twenty-second stroke of the ball—

match point.

This point is Federer's second serve and also the second match point.

After relying on serving to establish an advantage, Federer's follow-up attacks continued continuously, and the airtight attacks were woven into a net, trying to complete the fatal blow.


Can't attack for a long time!

Gao Wen showed top-notch defensive ability and tenacious will to play on the baseline. Even at the match point, he still maintained his state at a stable level.

And, wait for an opportunity to counterattack!

Just this shot.

Gao Wen showed a beautiful touch of inspiration, but the defensive shot controlled the return of the ball in the deep area of ​​the bottom line, so that Federer's one-handed backhand bounced at the foot of the ball could not control the arc, and the return of the ball was smooth. The parabola was slightly higher, and Gao Wen took the opportunity.

Forehand, sweep.

Sweeping with one shot, hitting the ball diagonally, fully exerting force, and aiming at the dead corner.

However, in order to seize the rhythm of the attack, Gao Wen hit the ball a little more eagerly, and the forehand shot could not completely break the angle.

There is still one step away from the dead end of the bottom line triangle.

The moment he hit the ball, Gao Wen had already realized that his control was slightly insufficient, and this might be an opportunity for Federer to counterattack.

So, should he follow up to the net for a blocking interception?

An idea flashed through my mind.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Wen still chose the method he was best at. After a pause, he moved to his left side, preparing to defend against the backhand position.

kick. A rush.

The footsteps have just started, and Federer can be seen in the corner of the eye.

The footsteps are a little confused, the center of gravity is a little shaken, but Federer's forehand is very crisp and very decisive—

It can be seen from the swinging action that it is not a small ball, which also means that Gao Wen's judgment and choice are correct, there is no need to rush online.



However, Federer flicked his forehand lightly. It was not a thunderous explosive shot, but a rebounded tape-style skateboard shot.

The tennis ball, wrapped in side spin, sprang out.


Not a straight line!

It turned out to be a slash, Federer chose a repeated landing point to return the ball, and sent the tennis back.


He stopped and turned sharply, his body started for the second time, but his footsteps were trapped by the two colliding forces, and he couldn't move for a while, and then he could see Gawain flying out.

Kick off!

Finally, he stepped out, stretched out his forehand, extended it as much as possible, and tried to touch the ball. Then he realized that his judgment was still wrong.

Slash, shallow area.

Outside corner, hit lightly.

Facing the second match point, after a stalemate of twenty-five shots, Federer hit the ball with a forehand lightly with a curling skateboard, and the hit had an effect similar to a serve. After that, it rebounded and flew out, wrapping the tennis ball in a strong side spin and flying towards the audience stands.

unexpected! Sudden! Raid!

Accurate! clever! magic!

Gao Wen, powerless.

Then, everything stopped abruptly.

Federer, still the same Federer, facing the match point, still made subtle changes in rhythm throughout, seemingly understating but actually thunderous.

With one slap of the ball, all of Gao Wen's efforts were for naught.

The game is over.

"7:6(6, "7:6(5.

In the encounter between Federer and Gawain in their careers, the two sides dedicated a grand slam final-level duel. The Swiss king grabbed the key points in a more outstanding, determined and inspired way, defeating Gawain in a double tiebreaker.

This victory not only marked Federer's first meeting of the two players' careers, but also ended Gawain's 15-game winning streak.

Worth recording!

The audience, boiling—

Federer stopped Gawain's unstoppable upward curve, prevented the "beating the Big Four Badge" from being collected by Gawain in one go, and prevented Gawain from completing the feat of defeating the Big Four consecutively in just one month from Melbourne to Dubai. The Big Four rule the roost in tennis.

The strength and tenacity of the "Big Four" lies in the fact that the overall strength of their four players is higher than that of other players. Even if some of them fluctuate, other members can hold the line with unparalleled performance and defend the majesty of the Big Four.

At the Australian Open, Gao Wen won the championship with a strong performance of defeating the three giants in a row, kicking off the epic masterpiece of the new season "Big Four vs. Challengers", seeing that the dynasty of the Big Four is about to face the biggest crisis in ten years; But Federer still stood firm and re-stabilized the situation.


The Big Four are indeed the Big Four!

However, Gao Wen doesn't need to regret and be frustrated, because the season is still very long, because his career has just started, and because there are no losers in this game.

Watching the last ball fly into the audience stands, Gao Wen stood where he was, and let out a soft breath—

Failure is not good at any time.

The first time, the second time, the tenth time, and the fiftieth time are all the same. If one day you start to get used to failure, it means the demise of the desire to win, the disappearance of high-spirited fighting spirit and the dissipation of fighting spirit, maybe then you should turn around and leave.

Today, failure is still bitter.

But the bitterness was very, very short-lived. Immediately afterwards, a smile rose up. Then, Gawain raised his head and chest again, and walked towards the net.

In this match, Gao Wen has no regrets, he has indeed played his best level; it's just that Federer is better, it's as simple as that.

One game allowed Gao Wen to see his own shortcomings and room for improvement, as well as the strength and diversity of the Big Four, as well as the goal of continuing to work hard.

Therefore, this defeat is different from any one last season.

Despite the bitterness, the warm heat wave overflowing in the chest is more of eager anticipation and eager fighting spirit, and there is also hearty catharsis and release—

The strong collision between the top players always makes people look forward to the next time, and the next time.

From a distance, Gao Wen could see Federer waiting for him with a smile on his face.

The two held their right hands, and Federer patted Gao Wen's and said with a smile, "Lady Luck is on my side today."

Gao Wen also laughed, "Fortunately, the fans didn't stand on your side."

Federer was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Gao Wen was complaining about Melbourne, so he couldn't help laughing happily.

The smile in Gao Wen's eyes also overflowed, "It was a very exciting match, and it really met my expectations, but it would be even better if the result of the match could be slightly different."

Straightforward, frank, but not sharp, but with a little ridicule.

Federer's eyes were full of smiles, "I don't want you to say that, but when the press conference is over and you return to the hotel, you will see that you are practicing again on the training ground, sharpening your sword and waiting for the next meeting, right?"

Facing the ridicule, Gao Wen asked back as a matter of course, "This is the correct way to open after the game, isn't it?"


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