Master Summoner Online

Chapter 766: War begins

After discussing the battle, the army of the five guilds entered the map of the city occupied by the Lingyun Pavilion. The plains around the outermost periphery of the city were full of traces of mounts and tramples. The grass on the ground had already died for most of the time It's full of signs of tow. Obviously, there are only a lot more people here.

Our five guilds gathered from different directions to a position about 200 meters high on the hillside near the city of Yunxiao. There were low-lying areas everywhere, and a large army of five hundred and seventy thousand people gathered here. This battle was destined to be loaded. History of the Second World.

The core figures of the guilds gathered here, and Assassin's Creed said: "We now have at least 100 guilds in this city."

Fire Dance: "Creed, what do you think?"

Assassin's Creed groaned and said: "Xiao Jiuquan's time limit for launching a war order is 20 hours, which is double the crusade order. Xiao Jiuquan will not use the 20 hours to attack. They will definitely be at ease. Wait for the cannon fodder in front I ’m almost dead before I start. ”

I asked, ‘your interest? "

Assassin's Creed said: "We'll be attacking after they start. But choose the course of attack."


Assassin's Creed: "That's right, surrounded by a circular river around the city of Clouds. On the periphery of the circular river is the entry to Luoyue Ridge, Yan'er County, the Los Angeles Basin, and the wildfire plain opposite you. You think they are most likely to go from there Offensive. "

I looked at the map and said, "It's a bit difficult to judge. Now there are players' guilds all around, but they can't see the shadow of death. Obviously they don't want to come forward at the beginning. The shortest distance between these four roads is the Firefield Plain, but the place is too wide If there is no cover or barrier, it will be a living target. "

Shu Tao: "I think they will go to Luoyueling."

"Why?" Ai Ying asked.

Shu Tao said: "Looking at the topography of Luoyueling from the map, we should be good at concealment."

"But the little woman thinks it is Yan'er County." Leng Yufei said.


"Woman's intuition!"

Everyone: "..."

The cheating father laughed: "Today this is what makes me feel, we kind of want the princes of the Eighteenth Route of the Three Kingdoms to crumble Dong Zhuo."

"It doesn't matter if he is talking about Dong Zhuo or Cao Cao. We should now think about how we should attack there." I said.

Xueyue said, "We are here to fight, not to argue."

"Yeah, don't just think about others." Assassin's Creed.

After intense discussions, everyone agreed that absolutely, no matter which direction Death is attacking, we chose to attack through the Los Angeles Basin, because the monster level there is not high, and there is no good setting point. Where can the player guild be the strongest The devil kissed the idiots. We can destroy them for warm-up before siege again.

Time passed quickly, and now there are ten minutes before the start of the war. I brought four scouts in this battle, even the commonly known as Ding Dong. Although the siege battle can bring the NPC troops in the city, my troops are all my heart. I'm sad for a long time. In addition to this incident, in addition to the reconnaissance accident, there is something called a display instrument. This thing is similar to a tablet. With this I see what the scout can see.

At this time, I saw the entire Sky City and the situation of Sky City through the scout. Sky City as a whole was a crescent shape, surrounded by dense player forces and warlike machinery. In addition, the city walls of Yunxiao City seem to have been reinforced with emphasis. Such a city wall can't be broken compared to ordinary siege vehicles. The huge number of troops inside the dungeon pool that is easy to defend and difficult to attack makes it clear that there is an attack and defense with players outside war.

If you want to attack Yunxiao City, you must first pass through the outer river and the ring-shaped fortifications they laid out. The ring-shaped fortifications may be difficult to cross and the river is a bit difficult. There are so many monsters in the water that it is impossible to cross the river by force. The iron chain is left. If it is not the default, the gadget cannot be broken. The blade of the king's blade will certainly destroy the iron chain together.


"Now we're going out of the basin, everyone will keep up, don't fall behind!" Captain Ye Shuang, riding the armored Raptors in front, shouted, making himself like the commander in chief of the Third Army.

"I see." The players behind them shouted that these three words had different tastes.

Just two hundred meters away from the basin exit when we came, suddenly a group of people set up a line of people blocking the front.

"Eight ways get out." Ye Shuang said very politely.

The other side stood out and said very arrogantly: "This place has been contracted, please change your place."

All of us looked at each other and laughed loudly.

This guy shouted angrily: "What's laughing, you're welcome to laugh!"

"You guys see it, this guy said he's welcome to us." The butcher said with a big iron anchor: "I've heard this joke for the first time when I was so big."

"what did you say!"

"I'm not convinced! If you're dissatisfied, single out!" The butcher said, holding out his **** towards the guy.

"Okay, you go ahead!"

"Next!" Shouted and threw the anchor in the butcher's hand! The other party never expected that the butcher was really waving, and suddenly the reaction was smashed by the iron anchor, and the upper body was directly smashed into meat sauce. The butcher's attack power can be comparable to that of the Dragon Slayer's heavy cannon.

Shu Dao Jianfeng raised: "The sharp blade iron rides, kills the defense in front of you as fast as possible! Enters the attack position." The next group of war horses with burning flames rushed up. The number of these groups was about 20000+. The commander rushed to the past.

I sat on Garuru's head and shouted, "Fast Raptor, quickly break through the defense ahead!"

The Raptor Cavalry rushed out, and suddenly, the sound of iron hoofs shook the earth. With the cavalry of the Sanhedrin, War Soul, and Canghai, the smoke billowed, and they overwhelmedly rushed towards the wall in front of us.


After killing for about ten minutes, the players blocking us in front collapsed and stepped back. The basins from which our five families came came out. At this moment, more than 40% of the area here has been stopped by our five families.

Looking at the river in front, I sent a scout to scout, and the function of the scout was to detect the situation of the river through the display. The river is densely populated with countless monsters of all types. These monsters are at least level 100 creatures. It is estimated that the river was torn apart by the monsters in the river before the river was forcibly crossed.

After coming down from Gaurulu, gathered the guild leaders and took out the display. "Let's discuss how to cross the river?"

"Swim over?" Said the butcher.

I said, "There are too many monsters in the river. Swim over too many casualties."

"How about flying?" Leng Yufei asked.

Shu Tao said: ‘We do n’t have enough flying summons to transport our hundreds of thousands of troops over. "

"Also." Leng Yufei poetry asked: "Then we should do this, this heavenly insurance outside Yunxiao City is really a big trouble."

Fire dance said: "It is not enough to repair the bridge."

"It can be repaired, how can we repair it? We haven't brought artisans here," I said.

Xueyue said: "The consciousness of Fire Dance is that we can gather all the ice magicians of the Five Guilds to seal the bridge with extreme cold."

"But if we do that, the enemy will certainly take precautions." Shu said.

Xueyue prepared to speak, and Yun Lan came up and said, "So we first send a group of main elites from the water or in the air to want to set up a cover on the bridge. Let the troops pass after the bridge is frozen.

"Hey! Why grab my line!" Xueyue was upset.

"It's just that we happened to think of one piece away." Yun Lan replied with both hands behind his head.

Assassin's Creed states: "It will be very rare from the air. Air defense weapons have been deployed in the other side of the fortifications.

Sui Ying said: "Then pass by the water. On the water war, we dare to recognize the second, and nobody dares to recognize the first."

"Then the sea battle will be assisted by the sea, and our guilds will send experience to support them." Lonely was singing.


As soon as everyone agreed, the system sounded that the battle had begun.

The start of the war reminded that the surrounding small and medium guild coalition forces had begun to occupy the city and began to attack. A large number of ladders and trebuchets were slowly advancing, and more tide-like shield soldiers were covering the front. However, in the face of this dangerous moat, the group chose to use strength, or use flying to summon beasts to pass through the air.

In front of me, a high-level player from Lingyun Pavilion in the ring fortress pulled out his sharp sword, and said loudly, "Attack!"

Suddenly, the arrow across the river fell like rain, and a magic storm raged. With the defense belt built on the river to rely on, the players were anxious.

When a large group of players not only endured the piercing river and the monsters swarming in the river, when approaching the other side, they had to face the dense arrows in the city.

After an hour of charge, the bodies of thousands of players have already floated in the river. The monsters in the river will never let go of this rare meal. One after another, they scrambled to the surface to slay the dead body or corpse. After being dragged into the water, not many whole rivers were stained red, and the war was very fierce. Although these player guilds played in an orderly manner, they were helpless in terms of strength, and the other party occupied the geographical position.

The offensive is not just the place where we can say that it is all around, but at this time a new situation came for the reconnaissance over the plains of Firefield.

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