Master Summoner Online

Chapter 765: War is approaching

On a huge area east of the Dragon Empire, this place used to be a barren land, but now there is a huge castle. There are large mountains around this place, which are all towering mountains. There are various mineral resources produced in the mountains, and there are also many advanced leveling sites, which can be said to be a city suitable for construction and development.

"Notify the entire army! Quickly gather in the city!" A majestic voice echoed in the huge castle.

On the teleportation array that did not fall inside the castle, white lights kept flashing, and one high-level player stepped out of the teleportation array in order.

"Repeat the entire army's rapid assembly in the city!" The sound of this light flashed again more quickly this time.

After about ten minutes, whether the four cities in the southeast, northwest, central city, or the innermost tower of Tiantianzhu have been lifted up in the castle, people have gathered.

The blade of the master of this city is a 40-year-old uncle-class figure, although he is old, he looks like an old man. At this time, eight main core characters stood in front of the King's Blade.

The eight stood upright in front of the King's Blade, respectfully respecting an extremely standard military salute, and said in unison: "Good head!"

"People are all here." The King's Blade was indifferent and calm: "Report each one individually."


The crowd responded in unison.

"All members of the Red Cloud Iron Riding Regiment are ready, please ask the head of the delegation. Speaker Red Cloud!" A soldier wearing a crimson armor shouted.

"All members of the Lightning Iron Riding Regiment are ready. Please give instructions from the head. Reporter Thunderstorm!" The thunderstorm carrying a large axe and a heavy armor returned loudly to report.

"All members of the Purple Rhino Iron Riding Team are ready. Please give instructions from the head. The reporter fell to the sky!" Said a young man with purple armor.

"All members of the Black Iron and Iron Riding Team are ready. Please give instructions from the head. The reporter has changed!" Qian Qian, wearing a new black armor, reports loudly, but the helmet on this guy's head is very strange green.

"All members of the Lingfeng Infantry Regiment are ready. Please give instructions from the leader. Reporter Avengers!" Shouted the earth-colored armored Avengers, but this cargo was standing in the middle of the team, but this one is the most The short one. Letting a half of this horizontal line be indented makes people feel very discordant.

"All members of the Demon Soul Master are ready. Please ask the chief. The reporter is chaotic!" Said a man in a blue magic robe. The person's face was white and tender, giving a white-faced scholar feeling.

"All members of the Eagle Rebel Regiment are ready. Please ask the head. The reporter is wearing Yang's hand to shoot!" An archer carrying a silver crossbow reported loudly.

"The Holy Cross Medical Corps is ready. Please give instructions from the head. The reporter sees blood!" The only woman among the eight. A white gold robe covered her whole body, and her entire head was covered in the cape's brim.

There was no nonsense on the channel, and everyone reported their situation quickly and briefly.

"All the members are here, and they can join the battle at any time." The eight shouted in unison.

"I see." The blade of the king calmly said: "It is still three hours before the start of the war. Everyone has to fight one hundred and twenty points. This war is about our future, we can only win or not, do you understand?"


"Shout louder!"


"Very good preparation!"

Compared to the inner and outer people, there are no idle and vigorous preparations. At this moment, high-level players gathered from all over China are gathered in the city. Another identity of these players is soldiers. A total of close to a million troops are gathered here. The wall structure of the city where the King's Blade is located is not usually rectangular, square or round. It's crescent. This design was not made by him, but the original unchangeable basic design of the city. On the outer walls of the four cities, there are more than 10,000 sorties of various types of war machinery and Fengyun cheap cannon fodder. Inside the wall are countless arrow towers and a small number of turrets, as well as heavy turrets that cost a high RMB! These turrets are only a dozen powerful but more terrifying than the arrows and turrets combined.

The outermost area is a river that surrounds the city. The river is 500 meters wide and the water depth is two to three hundred meters. Countless aquatic monsters living in the water. These monsters have a minimum level of 100 creatures. The river was originally a chain bridge connected to the four city gates. However, at this time, the wooden boards on the cable bridge have been completely destroyed, leaving only four thick iron chains that are indestructible by the system by default.

At this moment, Lingyun Pavilion should be said to be the army's collective strength so far. To stop the Blade of Death from siege. Waiting for them to come.

Adjusting the perspective back, at this moment, the second floor of my steel capital, Xingling Hub, is full of high-tech atmosphere in the open conference hall.

This battle was unprecedented, and Xiao Jiuquan used a war order instead of a special crusade order. Everyone can take part in the fight as soon as they take things, but even if they can really capture such a city, only a few super guilds are the most competitive. The rest of the past can only be cannon fodder, and through the war order Obviously, the beginning of the territorial battle was not to capture the city. Since the family doesn't want that, naturally someone wants it. So this topic looks like today's discussion.

From War Soul, Sea, Rose, Mingshen, Scarlet, and our Dragon Fang as the host. A total of more than 60 core members started the discussion.

To be honest, such a high-level meeting is really out of the imagination of those big brothers.

The layout of the meeting room where we are now is very large. All of us are seated around an oval table with pictures of guild leaders and core members.

In the center of the oval conference table, there is a huge three-dimensional sand table. Through this sand table, you can clearly see that this is a large map of the entire China region, which shows the entire dragon empire and the large map of the surrounding neutral area.

These maps clearly show the distribution of various forces in the current game, of course, a detailed description of the system is impossible for you. In addition, if you click to zoom out, it will become a ball.

In fact, according to the official background information, the Second World is also a huge sphere like our real inhabited earth, and the geographic environment of the entire large map is not much different from that of the earth. There are five continents, four oceans and so on.

The distribution of the game area is basically the same as the distribution of the actual country. In the middle, many other foreign elements have been added. In addition, the size of the game area is enlarged by the size of the country's territory in the real world. Well, let's get back to business.

As a host, I coughed like a deceit and then said, "Everyone is here now, let's have a meeting."

As soon as the words fell, Fire Dance began: "Death and Lingyun Pavilion are fighting. Definitely not to capture the city. All I can guarantee is that Xiao Jiuquan will destroy Yunxiao City if it takes more than eight floors if it captures Yunxiao City."

The president of the Canghai Dianying gave a haha: "In my opinion, it would be better for us to take over if the death does not occupy the city."

Lonely singing Shen said: "Take it for you?"

Sui Ying shook his head and said, "I already have a resident. Although adding a good one, then we will become a public enemy."

Leng Yufei said: "In my opinion, I will give Shu Tao the Ming gods well. Last time, they launched the battle for the territory so generously. Now it is our turn to pay back."

"Thank you so much," Shu said with a smile.

I laughed: "Please don't thank him so quickly, the territory hasn't got the hands yet. And no one can guarantee that death will not be destroyed if he takes the city or he will be able to take it."

"It makes sense," said the legend all his life.

Suffering said: "Is it difficult for the beast **** to forget what we are doing here? Death ca n’t be beaten, so let's fight. Death will be killed and we will occupy the city. We can't kill it. You are right or butcher. "Speaking of that elbow butcher's waist. But the butcher didn't respond for a long time. He didn't respond until he patted the butcher's head severely.


Suffering from the shadow was almost not drowned, adjusted after a second and shouted: "I ask you what you can say. What **** do you take!"

"I haven't lost my mind," the butcher replied.

"Then I ask you why don't you answer."

"I just saved it offline, and went off the gas line. Your question is being said again." In this remark, there are rows of black lines in the head.

"I won't tell you anymore." Su Ying shook his head silently.

Assassin's Creed said: "That's a good idea. Let's do it like this. Death can't beat us and we will take over. If death comes down and chooses to occupy it, we will kill him."

I said, "Agree with that, please raise your hand."

Swipe all the people to raise their hands and I laughed: "All votes are passed. The implementation is like taking down the city, and the rest of the territories belong to God ’s spoils are distributed by our five families."

"That being the case, I would like to thank everyone on behalf of Mingshen's brothers and sisters." Shu Tao stood up and raised his fists.

I said, "The meeting is over. Let's go back and prepare!"



The guild leaders successively left the steel capital to return to their camp. I immediately found Ye Shuang and slept: "Ye Shuang, how are you prepared, how is the situation at the guild, can you all join the battle?"


Ye Shuang said, "Brothers, don't worry! All the members of the main league go to the eight leagues of Qi to go online at a rate as high as 97%, except for the eighth league, which has a thousand middle- and low-level players who cannot participate in the war. Already ready to go, waiting for a word from my brother. "

I smiled happily: "OK, you immediately contact the fanghuoyuan all dragon dragon teeth forces to gather at the station! Then call off!"

"Well, I see. Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Two hours before the start of the war!

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