Master Summoner Online

Chapter 759: Work together

All the equipment in this group of players is at least orange-red. They swept across us like a spring breeze. And these are the elite players of our Dragonfang.

"Brother, we are here to support you!" Ye Shuang said on the guild channel.

"Long Ling, you are too kind, so since the opportunity to experience such a good experience is not shared with us," Feng Xiaoyue said.

Ziyue said, "I don't think I'm late."

Looking at you, I was very touched at the moment, which made my back shake. Ye Shuang's elite army of dragon teeth joined the battle for a few seconds, and then there was a roar again. And there was a roar of beasts that resembled distant thunder.

The number of new rushed groups was less than that brought by Ye Shuang. All of them are about three to four hundred or so, but they are divided into giant bears whose cavalry mounts are white on the ground and the sky.

"Fly Dragon--!"

I yelled because I was too surprised. It's a group of flying dragons with iron gray scales, and each dragon has several times the length of the head from the head to the tail. Dragon's forehead, chest, and flashing armor at the front of the long, thick wings.

Players sitting on the back of the dragon are holding the silver chains that extend from both sides of the dragon's forehead armor to be born. Emblems on the shoulders of players on the dragon's back, these are the players of the war spirit.

I never expected that since the War Soul had a Dragon Cavaliers, although there were only a dozen names. Such a team has been hidden inside the guild, and even the forum can't find any news at all. This group is flying in front of their eyes as it is in the legend.

I was surrounded by a sense of excitement about which my whole body of blood was boiling, and suddenly someone spoke to me from behind.

"It's not kind to leave us in such a good place."

Turning around, the person standing there was wearing a set of Fakai with orange-red hair, a female mage with a national appearance-lonely singing. And the legend of the nightmare riding on her side said, "Haha! Beast God, what do you think of our dragon knight army?" The legend asked all his life.

I laughed: "I want a team too. By the way, where did it come from?"

The legendary life said: "It was found by the pit father in the forest of dragons, and it is a combat mount. The attributes are very powerful, and a high-level foundry was hired to create these people's equipment and dragon armor. In order to catch these dozen dragons, our guild dropped an average level and now our guild's property is empty! "

I put my hands around my chest and said with a smile, "That means you'll be bankrupt if you die here."

"But say so." Lonely sang.

"It seems that you really take great pains." I arched and said, "Thank you, everyone for your help. The monsters here are basically unlimited, although they don't explode, but the experience is good, brush up for an afternoon to ensure upgrade."

At this moment, loneliness appeared in a ball of fire in the right hand of the singing singer: "Start!"

After nodging each other hard, the three looked at the white shadow guarding wall in front of them and sent a large number of teams to meet our large troops. Although Xueyue and his companions were still fighting fiercely in the central government, everyone also noticed the presence of reinforcements. I saw that everyone stopped continuing to charge alone but cooperated with the large army attack.

Lonely was singing, raising her right hand, and shouting with her clear and pleasing voice: "Flying Dragon Team! Breath attack attack preparation--!"

A team of ten dragon knights lined up in the air. I saw the flying dragon with its wings spread out, narrowing its neck into an S shape, and then exposing a little orange light from the depths of its teeth.

Immediately after, Ye Shuang shouted on the ground: "Raptor, ready to attack!"

The Raptor Cavalry troops in a tight square also advanced, while holding the blade of the right hand over their heads, all the captains of the armored Raptor Raptor issued a roaring claw with an orange-red light.

Because Ye Shuang reached quite a lot of players, the shadow guards such as the termite swarm made strange noises while killing here.

Lonely sang until the shadow guard in the sky flew into the range of the dragon's breath, and then vigorously waved his right hand, raising his voice and saying, "Roaring flames, launch!"

When the ten dragons heard the order, they spit out the raging fire in their mouths. The dark red line of fire dragged its long tail across the sky. Ten pillars of fire rushed across the eyes of the crowd to the shadow guard group.

The dazzling light illuminated the whole snow with a loud boom. A few seconds later, the inflated fireball exploded and formed a huge flame barrier. The violent explosion seemed to shake the whole world. The Shadow Guard gradually burned to ashes in the blazing flames.

But the near-infinite Shadow Guards immediately began a new group from the wall, and they immediately began to forcibly break through the burning fire. They are like a huge mouthful, seemingly ready to eat the frontline crowd.

Before these shadow guards are killed, the War Soul Masters who dance with the feather fall dust quickly wave their magical staff and start to growl! Therefore, the first-line magician can freely splurge to release his best skills. In addition to the more than one hundred bear cavalry and ten flying dragons in the sky, the war spirit brings troops into the team of magician archer priests. Instead, all the people brought by Ye Shuang were soldiers riding armored raptors.

The entire sky was covered by a cloud of fire, countless fist-sized fireballs descended from the sky, and then blue wind blades also flew out at almost the same time. In addition, there were lightning, ground spurs, and ice. The scarlet letters that fluttered on the battlefield at that moment. The damage is almost sea-filled, countless monsters are hit by fireballs, pierced by the ground, or cut off by the howling wind blade. Thousands of monsters are suffering, struggling, screaming and wailing.

Fortunately, he survived the magic. However, they were rushed into their positions by the following Raptor Cavalry. The glaives in their hands burst through the void with lights of various skills, cut off, or run through the shadow guard group. Countless shadow guards were hit and turned into fragments.

Everyone attacks in an orderly manner. The Shadow Guard here is completely infinite. No matter how much we kill, but also with the support players who have great experience, they are fighting more and more bravely. The large groups of Shadow Guards are constantly being smashed by our attack. So we really brushed the whole. Everyone was upgraded in the afternoon, and the wall formed by the shadow guard finally produced a large depression under our hard output. But the surrounding shadow guards began to change places and began to bulge slowly.

It seems that there is no need to continue the delay, and immediately summoned everyone to come together to start the advance. And loneliness is singing the same judgment. So with a sharp voice, it stretched to every corner like a whip.

"All members, assault!"

Fire, magic, and arrows attacked intermittently at the rear, and the Shadow Guard was continuously attacked and dropped down. In order to penetrate deeper holes in the flesh wall, the Raptor Cavalry with a dense warhead formation constantly cut down the monsters that went straight with their blades.

Standing at the tip of the projectile are me and the summoned beasts. They piled up a BUFF and pulled out the Ruyi stick to launch the Tiangong Temple. Although Ruyi stick's attack power is inferior to that of the red-eyed dragon gun, the additional skills are not even better than the red-eyed dragon gun Inferior, Ruyi stick in his hand, that rapid swing no matter what it touches can make him fly away.

I was shot to death by a shadow guard in front of me. At this moment a shadow appeared behind me, and the skylight quickly reached behind me. She blasted my shadow guard from behind with a double-knife in her hand, and then the black god's sickle was close to the opponent's body. After sweeping the sickle horizontally with all his strength, the upper body of the Shadow Guard flew up into the sky, and the lower body also fell on the snow.

I looked back a little and said, "I'll take care of you behind my back!"

"Leave it to me!" The two beautiful bodyguards said in unison.

After answering this with sight, we started to hit it with all our strength. I turned on all auxiliary skills, and the shadow guard in front of me fell like a wheat harvest.

If it is one-to-one, this is a much lower-than-average shadow guard than a normal monster of the same level, and it becomes a very easy opponent to defeat. At this moment I suddenly felt that I had become one with the summoned beasts. The nerve that connects us with this feeling allows me to know the movement of the beast around me without turning my head. A shadow guard was slashing with Tian Zhao, and when Tian Zhao swayed, the black **** immediately replaced the sickle and swept off the enemy's head. Gallulu just slaps a hand on a shadow guard, and Gatling Blasts it into a sieve with a series of bullets.

At this moment, all of us seem to be integrated into a light and heat energy source, and begin to melt, dig and deeply penetrate into the constantly appearing human wall. As long as you keep going, the moment when you reach the end will come.

"Master, we have entered a distance of 300 meters."


The red-eyed dragon gun was raised, and the ears sounded like a thunderbolt across the sky, like a storm that swept the sea; like a huge waterfall flying down the cliff, the huge sound penetrated the earth. Straight into the clouds. Roar of life at the apex of the world!

"Boom!" Burning its flames, burning the whole earth, the burning flames melted the snow, and the shadow of the dragon emerged from the flames. Although there was only one head, the sharp teeth. Crimson eyes. And black scales. All exude a domineering overriding everything.

The surrounding earth was all melted. The evaporated rocks turned into a hot fire and mist, which shrouded the earth.

"Come on! Come on! Break through! Cross through! Leap forward! Soar! Go to the end of the world!" Almost at the same time. Behind the huge dragon shadow shook the world and shouted, spit out a dark black flame, the breath of the red-eyed black dragon!

"Black Announcement-Hei Yan Bomb!"

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