Master Summoner Online

Chapter 758: Infinite Shadow Guard


"Longling Brother!"

"Dragon Spirit!"


sound! When I opened my eyes and listened to the bastard's puppet, I realized that our eyes were not a dark death hallway, and a beautiful face appeared before me. The owner of this face shouted in tears, "I'm sorry ..."

The one who comes is the guardian. The guard stretched out his hands and hugged me strongly.

"very very sorry!"

The guard held my head in my arms and kept apologizing.

"It's okay, guard me not to blame you. But ... I'll be alive."

"Because of me." Ark's voice appeared in my mind.

I smiled bitterly: "Thank you, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"What trouble ... I ... you are not my summoner yet."

When it was about to say that I didn't feel any trouble at all, I said, "I said if you could let go of me, I can't stand up."

"Oh." The guard immediately let go, and I immediately stood up. I turned to look at the snow in front of me. At the moment we had left the area, the shadow guards had returned to the snow.

I said, "It seems we can't do it alone."

"Although we have strong firepower, we still need to destroy so many monsters with insufficient power." Brother Superman said.

I said, "Maybe, but there will always be a way to get to the bridge and we will go offline first, take a good rest and come back tomorrow."

The crowd nodded and everyone immediately lifted the tent and went offline.

When the helmet was removed, there was a knock on the door.

"Can Dragon Spirit come in?" The guardian's voice rang outside the door.

"Come in," I said.

The door opened to guard and walked away, "I'm sorry ... me."

I stood up and said, "No need to apologize, I don't blame you."

"I know you don't blame me, but ..." said the guardian, and tears were shining from the corners of his eyes.

I said, "Don't do that. It doesn't matter if you continue to cheer tomorrow. Come on and wipe off the tears." He said, giving her a tissue.

"Thank you." The guardian took the tissue and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

I said, "Let's go. Let's go eat."


It will be online at the same time the next day, but this will seem like something is going to happen today, but I can't remember it. It's all about the task. At this moment, everyone is online. On the snow in front of the huge stone facade, I ca n’t think of the dead body on the snow at the moment, not only the shadow guards but also the players. The equipment, potions, and debris exploded all over the ground. After seeing this, I said, “What the **** is going on now? ? "

Go online first, and Erika smiled and answered, "It seems that before us, someone found this place and went to explore it, but it was completely destroyed by the monster."

Brother Superman said: "What's the plan today that those Shadow Guard attributes are not high, but the gushing pattern can be said to be quite abnormal. According to my inference, the closer the stone gate is, the higher the proportion of gushing will be, and they will fly. At this speed ... it can only be said that the difficulty of this task is set at a level that cannot be attacked, not at the level of SSS. "

"Well." I nodded and agreed with Brother Superman.

"Yes, these guys can be solved by hitting one or two times, so it is not easy to notice, but they are like the invincible BOSS. I think the system will not create an absolutely impossible to complete. All tasks I think must be able to break through. "Xueyue Road.

I said, "Yes, let's break through first, wait for the shot to come in and destroy the door."

"You come? What are you going to do?"

I said, "It's like I used to smash the walls."

After everyone looked at each other, Xueyue said, "I know. Then let's try it once. Everyone will do their best to send you over the range."

Everyone has understood it, and began to discuss tactics. After the discussion, according to the strategy that was discussed in advance, the door sprinted rapidly from the beginning. Mo Yan and Xiaolou 0 were sitting in Mo Yan's Han Bingyu, keeping their distance and began to sing to recover the magic.

I summon all actions to summon the beast. The shadow guard in front of us attacked with a terrifying roar. When the first wave of Shadow Guards staggered with players who seemed very small compared to them, the sound of thunder and explosions shook the snow.

The volley of the crowd suddenly killed countless Shadow Guards, but even so, the number of enemies was too large. Shadow guards are constantly coming out of the snow, and the scale is already beyond imagination. At the time, I thought the number of ant waves in Thor's Valley was already terrifying, but the speed at which the monsters were flowing out was nothing compared to this.

When we solved the shadow guard in front, the shadow guards in the rear gathered into several units, and then attacked us in groups. Whenever they rushed through the crowd, they were greeted with all kinds of skills. The ground was divided by our players. The body of the shadow guard in the air that called the beasts, pets of war, and the mounts of Warcraft mounts fell like snow flakes, but every time we killed Dead Shadow Guard is almost three new Shadow Guards appear.

The distance of one hundred meters that we only advanced, the blood volume of people in front of me, Xueyue, Yun Lan, Yanyuliiann, and Liefei Fei have all fallen by about 30%, and the blood of everyone in the back has decreased At least about 10%. But under the treatment of Mo Yan and Xiaolou, the green light on our body flickered, and the blood strips began to recover.

But a terrible thing happened just as the treatment fell on us.

A group of shadow guards in the air immediately made a short strange noise and looked at Mo Yan them.

They now felt that the shadow guards' projections from the depths of the mirror mask were completely focused on themselves. This made the two MM can not help but clenched their teeth.

Immediately, several shadow guards hurriedly raised and dived down at a slanting angle toward Mo Yan's small building standing on Han Bingxi. At the front line, I want to rescue them, but the shadow guards around me don't give me such a chance, we will be pinned down if we turn around and wait to be pinched by the other side.

At this moment, Frost's wings launched an ice attack skill. The light blue ice skates radiated in a fan shape, hitting the shadow guard flying up and slicing their bodies. Although the shadow guard's damage only reduced the value of nine cattle and one hair, it was very effective in restraining the opponent's actions.

Twisted roars were heard from the shadow guards, rushing frantically towards the ice gurgling, but there was nothing they could do in the storm.

A group of Shadow Guards died, and another batch was immediately added from the rear. Unconsciously, we have killed tens of thousands of Shadow Guards. All of us have been upgraded to the same level. These guys have good experience but nothing. Burst did not even give a copper coin. But the number of monsters is endless.

"Fuck, such a quantity can't be broken at all!" Tears Wujin said as he kept casting his skills.

"We have been playing like this for six hours. If we do n’t break it, we will not be able to keep up with the supply and hang back to the city," Brother Superman said.

Fire Dance Road: "Mo Yan and Xiaolou removed all buffs from buffs. The treatment was changed to select who has the least blood to heal. The magic value is used to restore the endurance value. The blood supply depends on his own medicine."

"Understand." Throwing the dragon gun: "Woo-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!"

The Dragon Soul Blast exploded in the monster group, retracting the dragon gun and turning on the power of death to fight in the monster group like a **** of war, the mouth-screaming cry, the long-range troops launched a group kill attack, various magic elements Intertwined in the monster group, bring out a number of damage numbers, the guardian army of machines hanged in the monster group, although it is unstoppable but can not break through, of course, the most terrifying output is the five-headed dragon attacking the monster's blood brush Swipe down! No tears, Big Brother Superman, Fire Dance. The group killing magic of Long Xin and others has almost swept the entire battlefield with various large-scale attacks, and the sound of tragic sounds has continued for a while.

"Hmm ..."

The great sword guarded by the intrepid Shadow Guard desperately stabbed us at the forefront with sword blades. Each of our armors brought out a number of damage figures. Blood and blood fell straight, and Mo Yan and Xiaolou continued to supply quickly. When we pull our blood volume past 50%, we stop relying on our own medicine supply.

But when we killed countless shadow guards, I glanced at the giant gate in front of me and was surprised to find that the giant gate had been guarded by a large group of shadows. There is not only the ground but also the sky. It completely squeezes all the space in front of the giant gate, and it is even a small red dot at this moment even if it reflects the huge ark. Whenever the giant axe in his hand flashed light, many broken shadow guard limbs fell down. The breath in the mouth was filled as soon as a gap broke out. This attack was actually just a move like Jingwei reclamation. The white wall formed by the body of the shadow guard was only slightly sunken under our constant bombardment, and then immediately filled up and blocked our whereabouts.

Just at this time……

There was a tsunami-like roar from behind, stimulating our nerves.


I threw the Red Dragon Roar and hurriedly turned my head, and what caught my eyes at this moment was a large group of players wearing bright shiny armor appeared in the field of vision.

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