Master Summoner Online

Chapter 732: Son of Thunder

After the prompt skip, the MMs drilled out of the tent one after another, and everyone adjusted the state to enter the woodland. The trace left by the thunder wolf dragon yesterday in this open space in the jungle is still vivid. Keep moving forward. I look at the map. Now we Having crossed the outer and central part of Thunder God Valley, today we can finally enter the hinterland of Thunder God Valley and also the destination of our trip.

Go ahead and kill some Thunder Devil snakes. I also walk through the jungle, just before our forefoot, boom! There was a loud noise from behind, accompanied by a painful hissing sound that could break through human eardrums.

The crowd immediately looked back, and saw that a thunder snake rushed out of the jungle on the western edge of the jungle, but I clearly saw that there were a lot of thunder ants attached to this monster. The blood of the monster was quickly stained red by the **** bite.

Unexpectedly, since thunder ants can also be seen here, I still remember being chased by thunder ants yesterday. At this moment, the thunder snake was very painful, and the current was constantly applied to attack the thunder ants. Although the thunder snake was powerful But compared with thunder ant colony, it can only serve as food!

At this moment more thunder ants appeared, and the thunder snake was completely covered in an instant. The thunder snake quickly stopped struggling, fell to the ground, and the body became shorter and flatter at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Within a few seconds, no dregs were left, and they were swallowed clean.

About ten meters away from the Thunder Snake, we can clearly see the scene just now. This is the law of nature, ‘weak meat and strong food. The fittest survive. ‘If we ca n’t become stronger and adapt to the surrounding environment, then the experience of the Thunder Snake will be our best portrayal in the future.


It's inevitable that everyone's mood will be affected by seeing such a tragedy early in the morning.

After walking through the open space behind a jungle, we came to a valley entrance. I looked up and saw that it was a huge fortress made of blue stone. This fortress blocked the valley entrance, and the city wall was 30 meters high. Countless thunder and lightning in the sky fell on the mountains on both sides. If we try to leap past, the bones that will be split by the thunder and lightning will be gone.

The gate of the fort was open. There were no monsters guarding the fortress around. If you want to enter the hinterland of Thunder God Valley, you must pass this fortress.

"How do we get in?" Erica asked.

Yinyue held her chest and said, "Of course it was killing!" The answer was very in line with her style.

I smiled: "I like this way!"

Just do what I say. I walk in the forefront and enter the fortress. The inside of the fortress is empty. Our environment is very dark. The surroundings are blurred. Fortunately, we have thermal scanning. The darkness is not too big for me. influences. That's why I have to go ahead.

I walked ahead and everyone followed, for fear of being one step behind. I didn't take two steps. There was a deep hissing in my ears. I raised my head and quickly found the source of the sound. I saw a lot of creatures that looked like bats dived through the air through the goggles!

"Be careful!" While reminding, the Amber Dragon was transfigured to the left arm. The dragon arm lifted up and exhaled and spit out, and a large group of bats screamed and started rolling and planting. The burst of flames burned the bats seven or eighty-eight, and Erica issued a piece of ice magic to destroy the remaining bats. The surrounding bat colony was quickly cleared.

Just after we cleared the bat, a click sound came from our ears, and Mo Yan immediately cast a lighting technique!

There were eight humanoid monsters wrapped in black armor directly around us. These monsters pulled out the huge swords behind them. These huge swords were entangled with thunder and lightning. We rushed from all directions!

"Everyone be careful! Black God, you protect Mo Yan, Mo Yan is good for our blood." I said in a deep voice.


"Got it!"

We protected Mo Yan in the middle, threw a hand at a monster, and threw out 'Wei Duzun' to bite this guy. At this moment, the other monster waved a giant sword and slanted it diagonally at me. I turned away and avoided, turning around. The black dragon stuns it, then slams it at the monster that was bitten by the sole of our self. Tianzhao goes to deal with the monster recovered from the dizziness, and I and Tianzhao entangle the two monsters. Xueyue and Yun Lan both haunted a monster.

Yinyue raised her hand, stunned a monster first, and then drew a bow. This monster rushed up towards Yinyue, but Yinyue was not afraid to show her body skills immediately to take that guy away. Kicked from the ground to the sky and then from the sky to the ground, the silver moon equipped with a thunder suit can be said to be 'good mood, walking on the street. ’And that monster was relieved of stun and was baptized by Erica ’s ice magic. It could n’t move in the snow!

There were two monsters in front of Hualian's Moonlight for less than a minute. The two monsters were cut into pieces by Hualian's Moonlight, and the rest of the monsters screamed and fell to the ground.

I also solved one side on the other side, and the other side was also repeatedly under the sunshine, and finally fell down. The monsters continued to emerge all the way. After walking this way, we entered a hall. The hall was not so dim. There were some dimly-lit magic crystal lamps hanging on the surrounding walls, and a coffin was placed in the middle of the hall.

"You guys say what will be in that coffin." I couldn't help it.

Erica laughed: "Look at it and see." After I closed it, I threw out an ice blade, which was sharp and not weak in attack. I cut off the coffin cover of this coffin and threw it out. An ice storm "banged", the coffin cover smashed into pieces, and numerous pieces of debris and ice fell to the ground.

Everyone was surprised when they went up.

I saw this dry body in the coffin with body jewelry around it, and a lot of jealous gold coins. At first glance, there are at least tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and many pearl agate colored gems.

"I didn't expect to have so many gold coins, this time developed." Mo Yan said with a look of surprise and wanted to reach out and I called her immediately: "Don't move!"

Mo Yan quickly retracted her hand, Mo Yan asked, "What's wrong?"

I said, "Don't you feel a lot of strange things in front of you?"

Xueyue said: "Yes, the system will not put a bunch of treasures in front of the player."

"I feel the same, and observe the situation before talking." Yun Lan said.

Yun Lan's voice didn't fall. Suddenly, a dark mist arose in the coffin, and everyone took a step back to see the situation in front of them. The next moment, two blood-red dots appeared from this dark black mist, followed by a huge body, which looked like a person wearing a blue robe, his face covered by a hat, and only two fists were visible. Size of red dot.

The guy smiled and said, "Dear intruders, please enjoy my thunder and lightning meal!"

Suddenly, a red lightning illuminated the entire hall. This was not just another lightning. Its scope was huge, and all our members were enveloped in it all at once. -1000! Everyone has a sharp damage value.

This guy really launched his skills to attack us as soon as he came out. Seeing this, Yinyue opened his long bow with seven arrows and landed on this guy to interrupt the monster's skills on the spot. I also took the opportunity to launch a fire-eye golden eye scan-the son of Thunder-Hiller, a 140-level elite BOSS. Introduction: Hiller was originally the chief disciple of Thor's Church. Since Thor's Church was completely destroyed by the Demon King, Hiller's soul was taken away, and the body of the devil became a guardian of the thunder god's main gate 'Thunder Fortress' and killed everything. Intruder.

Everyone does n’t talk nonsense directly. This guy is a French BOSS. The blood and defense are not much to kill and difficult. Yinyue first shot and fired an arrow entangled with lightning, hitting the son of lightning. The son of thunder and lightning shook his body, and the number of 11101 injuries floated on his forehead.

After being attacked, the son of Thunder and Lightning quickly put on a shield for himself, while Xueyue and Yun Lanxin attacked at the same time! The slaying poisonous dragon sword slammed on the shield of BOSS, and then Yun Lan's iron fist slammed on the shield, and the shield kept shaking.

In the rear, Silver Moon's arrows kept falling on the shield and sent out a series of damage values. I summoned the beast to attack the wolf emperor, water dragon and thunder eagle, and Erika quickly threw the frost dragon howl, and I also tore He fired a shot on the shield, and in addition, Hualian hit it almost simultaneously.

But after hearing a series of bangs, the shield of the child of the thunderbolt became lighter. The whole person was also shaken back by our strong attack power.

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