Master Summoner Online

Chapter 731: Thunder

"Roar roar!"

Thunderwolf lifted his paw and patted a thundering snake into a meat sauce. At the same time, a thunder glided across the air and violently bombarded the tree behind Thunderwolf, making a loud noise.

The loud sound attracted the attention of the wolves, the wolves who were eager to protect the cubs. They could not help looking at the direction of the sound. There was only a large hole in the trunk. The four-headed wolverine cubs were under the tree. The huge explosion sounded terrified and shivered.

At the same time, a blue light, like a sharp blue light gun, hit a thunder dragon's neck with a cyan scale. The thunder wolf made a sound and couldn't help but take a step back while leaving a neck. A deep wound.


The thunder wolf growled in pain, and more and more attacks landed on the thunder wolf dragon. The thunder wolf dragon kept guarding in front of the tree, and did not let any snake close to the other cubs, who wanted to pass The Thunder Snake here will be killed by it.

At the same time, the thunder snake king in the distance attacked again, but this time the thirsty dragon didn't give it to this guy, and a thunder ball was sprayed towards the position of the thunder snake king. The thunder snake king was extremely fast without being able to avoid it. Suffering from the huge explosion pain, the scales flew out while being blown upside down. It can be said that the thunder wolf struck it all around with a single blow.

At the same time, a thunder snake sneaked through thunderwolf's feet toward the thunderwolf cub in the tree hole, but thunderwolf was not a fuel-saving lamp. The giant tail slammed the self-made smart thunder monster. The snake patted into a meat sauce.

It can be said that if there are no cubs behind Thunder Wolf, there are no more Thunder Snakes who are not opponents of this Thunder Wolf. Even their leader, the Thundering Snake King, will not be able to persist for a few rounds under Thunder Wolf. Will be torn.

Mo Yan said, "What should I do? The thunder wolf dragon will lose this way."

Erica said, "Yeah, we have to find a way."

"But what should I do and how can I rescue those little thunder wolf dragons, big stupid dragon you think of a way." Yinyue holding my arm constantly shaking and said anxiously.

I said, "You call me a big dumb dragon. What else can I do?"

"Attack the past." Hualian, who didn't say a few words a day, spoke again, and our attention gathered in the past Hualian continued: "We are now attacking to attract their attention."

Xueyue laughed: "Good idea we divided into two parts, one group launched a storm and the other took the opportunity to sneak into the tree hole to rescue the little thirsty dragon."

I said, "Okay, that's it. Xueyue Yunlan, you two will rescue the Little Thunder Wolverine, the others and I attack the Thunder Snake as much as possible. The Thunder Snake will attract as much as possible and alleviate the pressure of the Big Wolf."

"Well." The crowd nodded.

I nodded, so all the summoned beasts were summoned from the beginning, and there were everyone's pets. I said, "Hurry up!" After finishing talking, the Dragon Soul was thrown into the Thunder Devil Swarm.

At the same time, Xueyue and Yun Lan said that they ran towards the giant tree immediately, because my motive was a large group of Thunder Devil's heads. It seemed to me that I quickly added a white dragon shield to myself, and then there was an overwhelming mine energy to charge me. Drown.



Not surprisingly, White Dragon Shield Thunder was immune to launch!

"The power of death!" The dragon gun waved wildly before the snake group, and a row of numbers appeared ——— 6791—6899—6904—6931

Many Thunder Snakes gave up and besieged the Wolverine. They turned to us, and the surrounding beasts attacked the Thunder Snake group, and the Ark walked sideways in this group of snakes. Catch it and throw it out.

At this time, the thunder snake king raised his head, and the next moment had spit out a lightning bolt!

Lightning fell, there was no way to avoid, and at the same time, the maintenance time of the White Dragon Shield was reached. When you saw the lightning that couldn't be avoided, the attack quickly turned on, but the fragile attack shield turned into fragments in the lightning!


Suddenly, there was a blank space in my head. The whole man flew out and felt numb. When I looked at the blood strips, there were only less than two hundred points left!

Immediately after the thunder snake king had a thunderbolt!

True and false action!

The real body flashed away and swallowed the potion at the same time while Mo Yan's healing technique fell, and his blood returned to fullness. The Thundering Snake King flew up again, but this time the Ark was blocked in front of him, and a pair of dragon claws fisted firmly against Thundering. The body of the snake king.

Now some of the thunder snakes are also attracted to me by the boss thunder snake king. Other thunder snakes are entangled in thunder wolf dragons. Now it is an opportunity for action. Xueyue Yunlan rushed into the tree hole and picked up two thunder wolves. Baby Dragon, on the ice crystal phoenix riding on it, the ice crystal phoenix wings spread a loud phoenix ringing, and the beautiful and noble attitude flew into the blue sky.

Now that the little wolf dragon is complete, he shouts: "Thunder wolf dragon! Your child is already safe, let go of it!"

Thunderwolf seemed to understand me. His head was raised and a loud roar was emitted, and a thunderous breath was sprayed out when he opened his mouth, as if Changhong passed through the sky and fell among the thunderous snakes on the ground. Swipe countless Thunder Snakes into spikes! The terrifying horror that thunderwolf let go of his fist and let out a dragon's groan in his mouth, once again exhaling breath.

"Booming" a horrific blast exploded, and the thunderbolt fell and caused a violent explosion that not only killed the terrible thunder snake on the ground but also exploded the ground into a large pit.

Before it was over, a thunderbolt rushed into the sky on the back of the thunder wolf dragon, and countless blue and white thunderbolts fell instantly, smashing wildly at the snakes on the ground. The power of King-level BOSS skills is amazing, and the explosive BOSS skills are even more amazing!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Hopefully, countless loud bangs exploded, and at the same time I retracted the summoned beasts and retreated with everyone to avoid being affected.

After the thunder and lightning, we stood up and saw that there was already a scorched earth within a dozen meters of the circle at the moment. The surrounding ground was filled with the bodies of the thunder snake. Only the thunder snake king survived, but the thunder snake king looked very much. Not good, the thunder wolf roared and thundered at the thunder snake king. At this moment, the thunder snake king's long tail suddenly burst into victory.

In the next moment, the thunder snake king's long tail cut through the sky like a lightning bolt and hit him **** the front leg of the thunder wolf dragon.


The severe pain made the thunder wolf scream, and he turned and hit his thunder with his tail and thundered on the thunder snake king. The thunder snake king flew out a few hundred meters away, and then thunder wolf jumped on the thunder snake king. Before he turned over, the wolf dragon became huge and pressed it under him. Immediately after the thunder wolf dragon turned the thunder snake king with his claws, then a claw grabbed the thunder snake king's jaw and pulled it back, and threw the thunder snake king's chin together with a large piece of flesh under his chin.

This caused the throbbing pain to the thunder snake king, and thunder wolf dragon repeated thunder finally thunder snake king finally stopped moving and lay down there.

When the thunder wolf saw that the thunder snake king was not moving, he did not start, and turned towards us. Xueyue and Yun Lan hurriedly put the four little wolves on the ground. We stepped away. The little wolves from the wolves came in front of them and licked them with their tongues. He shook his head and threw it on his own back, and glanced at us slightly and nodded and walked towards the deep forest.

"Hey! Why not even say thank you. I don't understand how polite." Yin Yue muttered.

I laughed, "Willn't it say thank you?"

"You see that snake isn't dead!" Erica said suddenly.

I immediately scanned it with fire and golden eyes, and sure enough! The thunder snake king hasn't died yet, but he still has more than 10,000 health. However, it is declining at a rate of 100 points per second. I also admire its vitality very much. His chin was torn off with a large piece of meat and he was scratched in many places Both eyes were cut off, the tail was chopped off, and the tongue was torn off. Since it is alive, its vitality is too tenacious.

I said, "Well, let me end its pain."

So he sent two wolf emperors and waved his paws a few times before it ended his pain.

After the thunder snake king died, he did not give experience to the equipment. I saw that this should be the gratitude of the thunder wolf dragon. Identified them one by one with an invincible magnifying glass. I am really grateful that it would be quite difficult to get the thunder snake king to death without the help of thunder wolf dragon.

Thunder Cry, Grade: Dark gold, attack +5050, increase the user's long-range attack power by 30%, qi and blood +3000, attack speed + 40%, 25% chance of ignoring defense, and 60% chance of enemies entering the shock when attacked Status for 3 seconds, special attribute: Ignore 10% of the target's defense. Additional Skills (1): Lightning Blade: Consumes 2,000 mana and moves forward instantly, causing damage to all enemies along the way, and being stiff for 1 second. Cool for 20 minutes. Additional Skills (2): Thunder Breakthrough: Consumes 1700 mana, ignores opponent's 100% defense (halves the BOSS effect) for 5 seconds, and cools for one hour.

Thundering suit effect: attack +600, hit rate + 50%, strength specialization +30, agility specialization +30, attack range + 30%, damage to enemies in the state of electricity increased by 30%.

Additional skills (1): Seven-star chain, consumes 300 magic points, increases 10% damage and 20% attack distance within 10 seconds. Each time the enemy hits, chain lightning will cause 1000 constant damage to the surrounding seven. Cool for 30 minutes.

Additional Skills (2): Ben Lei breaks the moon, consumes 500 magic, seven arrows bursts to damage the target and forcibly interrupts the opponent's casting (50% success rate for BOSS), and cools for 10 minutes.

Equipped with a thunderous suit, Silver Moon is now the strongest archer of Dragon's Tooth, even if it is one of the few in China. After packing up the loot, everyone went off to bed.

Going online the next day, a little episode just popped up.

"Ding ~! Player: Leng Yufei Poet (Mage Ziling) successfully broke the barrier of strength, broke through its own limits, and realized the exclusive skills-[Qingcheng]!"

Allure: Improve yourself and teammates in the same team by 25%. Exclusive player: Leng Yufei Poem.

"Ding ~! Players: Yin Yan (Herald of the Holy Spirit) successfully broke the barrier of strength, broke through its own limits, and realized the exclusive skills-[Death Prophecy]!"

Death Prophecy: Designate a player unit to die after 500 seconds (cannot be used in PK field or similar PK matches), and cool down for 100 seconds. Exclusive player: Yin Yan

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