Master Summoner Online

Chapter 727: Lightning Iron

Looking at the dense blue sea surrounding the layers. How much we are physically killed is not enough.

There are too many thunder ants around and how to annihilate them is not clean. Thunder Ants launched the charge without fear of death, but under the constant bombardment of everyone, they were slaughtered without any resistance! Fortunately, the AI ​​of this thunder ant can be low, just just rushing to us continuously based on the instinctual response to living things. Otherwise, all the turtles will be retracted into the hole. Even if I can kill it, it will take a lot of time. !!

Suddenly when I wiped out a large number of thunder ants, I shone a golden light all over! A warm current flows in my body, I'll pull it! Since the upgrade! The poor experience of this thunder ant has wiped out hundreds and thousands of thunder ants. Even if its experience accumulates less, it is obvious. See if there are endless thunder ants around, if they can really kill them all, how many levels can they upgrade?

With the drive of huge experience, everyone's confidence is even more full. With the thunder ants that are constantly coming up around us, our various skills are constantly bombarded. Although it is supported by a lot of potions, the magic in the body is still consumed. Fast! Everyone around us has been upgraded with the support of a huge amount of experience. We have only upgraded in just a few hours. It is simply the speed of the rocket upgrade. Watching the pieces of Thunder Ants who died in the magic skills. They, and the rising bar of experience, everyone laughed like a flower!

Suddenly, the thunder ants around them stopped moving together. It seemed to be stuck in place as if by immobilization. The strange scenes made everyone's hairs involuntarily, and the rhythm of the attack was slowed down.

I said, "It seems that the situation has changed. Everyone gave up and insisted, and broke into the interior." I heard before my words fell-oh! laugh! laugh!

The thunder ants moved again, they raised their heads, widened their palate, and the antennae on their heads touched countless small currents and shot their faces at us.

These currents hit us one more spark at once, and I saw a forced injury on my head, although only one point looked at the tens of thousands together. What a horror, I urged: " Hurry up, hurry up! "

Do n’t need me to urge everyone to understand, start to go deep into the Thunder God Valley behind the nearby Thor Road, and the countless Thunder Ants are crawling towards our direction. The front of them do n’t want to rush forward and send out Each of the small current attacks was very tacit.

They cooperate tacitly, and we are invincible. There is no thunder ant blocking to stop us along the way. So we rushed and poured the BUFF potion I distributed to everyone before the departure and plunged into the endless thunder ant army. Fill one bottle of each BUFF potion, and all other auxiliary skills, our summon beasts rush to the front and bring up a piece of damage figures!

The Thunder Ant itself is very fragile. It has a low attack and low blood volume. It is very fast. The summoned beasts of various BUFF can deal with this group of guys to kill one or two. I will change the title back to Beast God and start. The above additional skill attributes doubled to summon the beasts to become more powerful, especially when the powerful Ark doubled the attributes since the surrounding thunder ants were not enough to kill them!

I was holding a red-eyed dragon gun and swept continuously to send these thunder ants into **** one by one! The people around them also command their own pets to show their might! Everyone is going to kill the thunder god's path in an explosive manner. Looking at the followers around him, there is a continuous stream of thunder ants. I am a little scared at the same time with emotion! Fortunately, his summoner has a strong summoning beast as his backing. If he wants a soldier like Xueyue, I am afraid that even if his strength is against the sky, he will be swallowed up by this endless ant wave!

Slaughter, crazy slaughter! As soon as the cooldown time of all skills is reached, they are immediately thrown out! The experience value keeps rising. I see that the experience value has increased a bit at a rate that is visible to the naked eye. I am so pleased to see it. We have been rushing into the front and being constantly hit by the current. Although 1 point of damage is harmless. But thousands can't stand it. Thunder ants are still surging like a tide at this moment, and there doesn't seem to be timidity in their dictionary!

In this way, everyone madly ransacked, madly slaughtered, and I don't know how long it took to kill this **** thunder ant! But I haven't finished the Thor road, because the system hasn't given me the prompt to enter Thor Valley. Fortunately, the thunder ants have escaped from the pursuit of thunder ants, and they can breathe a sigh of relief.

"Finally came out!"

"Eun, yes, it's tiring, although I have gained a lot of experience."

After this dialogue of common thoughts ended, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly a strong fatigue hit me, which made me unable to bear and sat on the ground. The MMs are sitting back to back, and I lie on the ground as a 'big' character directly. The summoned beasts are so tired that they are breathless, and the contract summons the beasts to return to the end of the summoning time. It can be said that everyone is unable to move .

Look at the time, it's eleven in ten minutes! I didn't expect to be soaked in the Thunder Ant Colony all morning, seeing that only 05% of the endurance value is left. When the endurance value is less than 30%, the player's body will become tired, and if it is less than 10%, it will be exhausted. Phenomenon, if the endurance value is less than 1%, it will be unable to move, and the less the endurance value is, the slower the recovery speed is.

Looking at the experience bar, my experience gained along the way went up to 94% of level 112! Nima's is too fast, it's faster than sitting on a rocket, I can upgrade after about an hour with Thunder Ants! The surrounding MMs are already 111. At my level, I do n’t know how long it takes to practice a level. Entering even made me rise to a level almost two levels early, so happy! But it's too tiring!

So everyone decided to go off-line for dinner early, so various tents were taken out to go off-line.

Everyone went offline after lunch and went online. They got out of the tent and headed forward.

The next section is calm but not very peaceful. There are constantly high-level and intermediate-level lightning monsters such as electric beasts, plasma worms, and thunder beasts. In this section, we encountered four lightning bolts with a height of ten meters. Devil, when these guys appeared, they hurled fiercely at us. This Thunder Devil is a 130-level mutant beast. The strength is very strong. It took a group of us to kill the four Thunder Devil.

Even so, these guys have very rich experience, and the equipment of several MMs is very elite. Although it is not easy to defeat them, everyone is not afraid.

After walking all the way for about two hours, the spacious avenue in front of us turned into a cave. Only the road around it can only go in. Everyone came carefully to the lightning. After I carefully scanned the surrounding area, the cave was not Usually because it is not dim inside, it is very bright. The surrounding rocks emit blue and white light, and both the rock wall and the rock are swimming with blue and white currents, and each current is thicker than my thigh. Fire eyes and thermal energy scan search Found no abnormalities around.

When I saw the rock on the wall, I suddenly thought about it and took out the super iron pick.


Iron picks and rocks make a crisp knock!

"Ding ~! You get Lightning Iron, purity 40% ~!"

Lightning Iron (Material), Level: Level 9 Mineral, Purity: 40%, Effect: Synthesize Lightning Stone or make weapon armor. Introduction: A necessary material for synthesizing Thunderstone. In addition, the Lightning Iron can make hints for armor and weapons. Very good lightning effects.

"Big Ben! When did you practice your side job?"

I laughed: "I don't have a subprofessional."

"Then why can you mine?" Yinyue asked.

"Because of this." Said to show the properties of Super Iron Picks on the team channel.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Big Ben Long Lai Pi! Other miners have worked hard until now to be advanced, you add a master mining technique to a broken pickaxe, it is unfair and unfair!" Yin Yue shouted unfairly, And I thought that if I took out the Yaowang gloves, Mo Yan would probably scream unfairly.

After thinking about it, I continued to mine, because I found that this mine is a material that synthesizes mine, and it is still a grade 9 mineral. This is a rare good thing. I remember the Gaia Mountains. I have dug up a maximum of seven minerals in that vein, and now all kinds of minerals and herbs are very sought after. The number of life players in the game is not less than that of combat players. The demand for this mineral is very large, I remember on the forum Fortunately, a hidden mine in the Snow Dragon Mountains dug for the first price of a level 10 mineral for two million RMB, and caused countless players to enter and search for hidden mines. As a result, they were buried in countless monsters. Under the claws.

Everyone waits a little, because I have to make up the 100 copies of Lightning Iron that I need to synthesize Thunderstone. I stayed here for half an hour and got the 100 copies of Lightning Iron that I needed for the mission. After all kinds of mine ore said: "Let's go after we dig"

Yinyue shouted, "Big Ben."


Yinyue said: "Strong demand for dividends!"

"You're so sorry." I despise a little.


I'll dig all the way next! Continuously collect all kinds of mines and some other types of rare ore, but my behavior shocked the residents here.

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