Master Summoner Online

Chapter 726: Thunder wave

After half a month's hard leveling, Yun Lan and Xue Yue finally successfully rushed to level 110. In addition, they also reached level 110, Hualian and Mo Yan, and Erika and Yinyue. The remaining dragon teeth were 105. ~ 109 has been flooded into disasters, such a powerful guild can not find the lantern. So this weekend I decided to take you to the map of Thunder God Valley to see what kind of gain this trip will bring us. The rewards of the emperor must be very good. The experience in this map is definitely not less. of.


After breakfast the next day, everyone returned to the room and started today's game journey. Now all players in the world are leveling. We can't be exception.

Go online and have enough food, fresh water, and food in Panlong City. There are also some BUFF potions for strength enhancement. I will not buy BUFF potions because I do n’t need them at all, but I ’ll buy more for today ’s formation.

After all the preparations are made, we will put everyone into the team and pull them into the team. I said in the team: "OK, everyone is full of potions. This trip into Thunder Valley is definitely dangerous and everyone must be careful!"

"Uh-huh!" Several MMs nodded again and again.

"After bringing good things, everyone gathered at Dongmen, the ghost place was quite far from here."

"I know, Big Ben! Hurry up, people are already waiting for you here!"


I immediately teleported back to the east gate of the dragon capital. A familiar figure had a long black hair, plain white leather armor, a blood-red long bow on his back, and a pair of blood-colored eyes. With charming charm, the twin peaks on the chest showed signs of breaking out of restraint.

Yinyue shouted immediately after seeing me, "How slow you are, Big Ben!"

I laughed: "Sorry."

Seeing that everyone around was here, I called out Amber Dragon and everyone sat down, patted the head of Amber Dragon and pointed in front of Thunder God Valley.


Open the Thor's Valley map to open the road to Thor's Valley. After flying for two hours, I arrived on the road to Thor, the must-go place to Thor's Valley!


As a special map, it is still an unknown area.

The sky is no longer so clear in the sky, and there are endless dark clouds. There are rolling thunder and lightning in the dark clouds. In the situation, I dare not continue to fly in the sky. I can only go down and walk slowly, and then wait for the flight. Hit by lightning as a living target.

I landed on the ground and walked dry and dry leaves. Although the thunder kept here, the thunder and thunder didn't rain. It didn't take long for me to enter the Thor road, and the local indigenous people came out to meet us, just about the size of a mouse. The blue ant screamed wildly in the open jaw, as if it was a warning to our group of unknown origin.

Thunder Ant, Level 120, Ordinary Beast, Introduction: Ordinary ants on the road of Thor are absorbing the essence of thunder and lightning. After thousands of years of evolution, they have evolved into what they are today. The contact of the antennae on the head can release powerful lightning energy and teeth. Extremely sharp can bite anything, it is terrible!

Erica threw her hands at an ice storm, and Xueyue sword fell!

—10939 Thunder ant groaned. A pair of tentacles above his head lifted a lightning burst. Xueyue hurriedly avoided and then killed the poisonous dragon sword against a crosscut to cut off the ant's tentacles. After getting the thunder ant's body, the thunder ant who was pierced through the body made a few screams, and after a few struggles, he no longer exploded a few gold coins. There is not much experience. After all, ordinary monsters can't give much experience.

If there are such monsters along the way, then this map is too bad, but you must continue to move forward regardless of whether or not there is a bad one.

Along the way, Xueyue, Hualian, Yunlan, and me opened the way. I also summoned the wolf emperor and thunder eagle. The wolf emperor explored the road. The thunder eagle was on the alert. The thunder eagle as a thunder creature was not Fearing the thunder and lightning in the air, these thunder and lightning have made it more spiritual. Yinyue and Erica have remotely output the arrow magic at the rear. The sky and the black **** help protect Mo Yan, and Mo Yan is happy under the protection of everyone. Have experience.

Just ten minutes after we killed, all of a sudden a sudden shaking on the ground around them, and everyone heard a creepy snoring sound clearly.

"Look, there are a lot of ants coming out!" Elika shouted, pointing at the thunder ants drilled out of the grass not far away.

Everyone looked in the direction she was pointing at, and a terrifying scene appeared!

I saw the rock crevices around us, in the low grass, countless number of thunder ants drilled out one by one from these places, gathered together and quickly moved in the direction of all of us. Rush.

The screams they mingled together are enough to make any normal person tremble!

Many ants bite the elephant, and a thunder ant appears, which can be easily crushed to slag, but one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand?

Everyone present felt a chill rising from the feet to the top of the head. Needless to say, everyone spread their feet and ran to the place where there were no thunder ants. This place was extremely dangerous. I just encountered the ant tide when I came in, but I knew what else would come next.

But within a few steps, a large number of thunder ants appeared behind us, like a tide, as if at that moment, the entire thunder god's road had become a sea of ​​thunder ants. Under the rocks, in the grass, in the gravel piles, one by one the ant nests were lifted out, and the thunder ants hiding in the ground swarmed out like rushes, and gathered from a trickle of countless streams into a torrent, towards our group People chased wildly.

This scene is enough to make people's scalp explode!

"Oh my god! This map is too scary," Mo Yan said as she grew up.

I said, "It looks like you can't escape, then fight!"

"Everyone come out!"

Water Dragon, Wolf Emperor, Thunder Eagle, Ice and Snow Dragon, Ark, Garulu, Gatling Blast Dragon, Amber Dragon All of my summoned beasts are summoned, and Xueyue also calls Ice Crystal Phoenix and the Storm Dragon just hatched. Yun Lan also summoned Lanshi and Amethyst Dragon, Mo Yan summoned Frozen Wren and Broken Dragon, Erica's Feather Snake, and Silver Moon's Battle Pet a humanoid pet, all wrapped up to see the current flowing upstream. giant.

"Give me a killer!" The mouth yelled at the dragon gun to cast Dragon Soul Break and Dragon Sword to form a Dragon Soul to strike and kill a thunder ant. The fire dragon of the amber dragon annihilated countless rushed thunder ants, then Explosive inflammation breathed out immediately and cleared a long vacuum zone, at least thousands of thieves killed! At the same time, other summoning beasts suddenly burst out!

Garulu spewed out absolutely frozen gas, and then the cannons on the back of the explosive stream continuously fired shells. A pair of steel claws did not stop. One claw could shoot hundreds of thunder ants and Gatling blasting machine guns. Sweeping, countless missiles continuously bombarded behind, laser swept, Tian Zhao's own skills could not cope with this situation, so he opened the Scarlet Time and Space, and the black **** summoned the chariot to kill in the ant colony. Of course, the fiercest thing is to count me. Ark, it can clean up a large vacuum zone casually. In addition, the breath of the Snow Dragon, the claws of the wolf emperor, the strangulation of the water dragon, and the 100,000 volts of the Thunder Eagle.

Xueyue replaced the deadly poisonous dragon sword in his hand with two swords and swung quickly. The countless ranges of ice crystal phoenixes in the sky continued to smash magic. The huge storm in the air sprayed thunder and thunder, and the large group of thunder ants continued to surge upwards. , But it is blocked, it is impossible to break through the powerful lethal thunder net laid by the storm dragon! The wings also fanned out fierce storms entangled with thunder and lightning. Thunder ants in the storm wandered around and were finally killed!

Yun Lan launched waves of cannons. The cannons' range damage is much stronger than her punch and punch. Lan Lion's flames are soaring and burning, and they can burn everything, relying on the strong burning of the lava shield. The burning effect bears the thunder ants attack and shatters countless thunder ants. Manny is still outside the strength of the blue crystal dragon, and naturally has nothing to say. He has unreservedly turned the whole body's strength into a powerful attack! Such a violent side, like the Storm Dragon, stiffly resists the attack of Thunder Ants alone!

Thunder ants rushed on both sides, with the help of everyone's killing, temporarily suppressed the thundering surge of thunder ants!

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