Master Summoner Online

Chapter 506: Capture intelligence

"Roar!" Baijiadilong rushed at us, and Gallulu rushed to the 'explosive breath' first, but Baijiadilong directly hit the explosive breath and collided with Garulu. Fly out and hit!

At this moment, Tianzhao was approaching the scroll, and the moment when Baijiadilong turned around, a wretched white energy beam sprayed out of his mouth!

I hurried to a counter-call to take back the skylight, just a few minutes after the skylight was taken back. This beam of light directly swept over the seat where the skylight was just now, leaving a trace of fierce burning on the ground. Thinking that this guy still has such a terrible trick, if it hits himself, it will be seconds. At this time, the amber dragon and the black **** launch a pincer against the white armored dragon!





Damn, since you can only beat less than a thousand points of blood? The monster ’s defense really turned against the sky and summoned the skylight again. At this time, the white armored dragon was holding the corpse deadly. It is estimated that I would grab the corpse with it outside of it. I am not interested in the corpse. But if it doesn't go away, I can't get the scroll.

But how to try again, Tianzhao sneaked into us to attract her to attract the attention of Baijiadilong. Baijiadilong raised her head and sent out a dull dragon yin, while the amber dragon also made a loud dragony, a dragon. Claws and a beast claw that resembles a dragon claw, two huge front claws snapped together!



So powerful, since the attack power of this white armored dragon is above the amber dragon, this attack power is also a bit against the sky!

The level difference is too big, the level suppression appears, although this kind of thing is random, it can exceed the limit. The probability of this suppression appears infinitely close to 100%, all suffer, and at this time the guy blocked the body under him. It's difficult for us to get started.

No way, this guy's AI is not low, how to attract this guy just doesn't leave, it seems that he can only make a positive breakthrough! Heroic charge!

boom! He slammed into the head of Baijiadi Dragon, and then crushed the blow!


Fuck! The damage is ridiculously low. At this moment, the white armored dragon roared, and its claws waved fiercely. Although the shield is open to resist this claw, although it has been blocked, the body is still swept away by it for more than ten meters, the blood and blood dropped nearly 3000 points, and it fell heavily on the ground. This guy is so strong!

At this time, the huge body of the white armored dragon suddenly rushed out and knocked the amber dragon. At the same time, the sky came forward to prepare for the scroll. However, the tail of the white armored dragon lifted up, and a strong thunder floated on the tail. Power, issued a thunderous thunder sound of "snap", the next moment, the huge tail smashed towards the sky, but at this time the black **** quickly rushed out to smash the sky, and raised the sickle to resist, "Ah!" With a terrible blast, followed by the tail of the white armored dragon, the black **** was swept away directly, and his life fell sharply to 7280.


I was stunned and frightened. Since the black **** had so much blood in one hit, it was almost empty. This attack is enough?

At this point we saw that we were not attacking. He continued to eat the corpse leisurely there. The defense, attack, and blood of the white armored dragon were quite against the sky, and there was level suppression. Before this trick, it should be enough to freeze it for one second.

Guarding Gatling the blasting dragon, said to Tian Zhao: "Tian Zhao asks you again."

"Relax, master, Tianzhao must be successful this time!" After entering the invisibility, he went forward again. This time, Tianzhao slowly approached the white armored dragon that was eating the corpse. At this time, the white armored dragon did not find her, but was now At this time, Baijiadi Long roared suddenly, and flung towards the seat where Tian Zhao was!

In the flash of light, Tian Zhao responded, and a cat avoided the attack of Baijiadilong!

"Now! Gallulu! Absolutely frozen!"

Immediately, Garuru rushed out, a cold cold in his mouth came out, and the white armored dragon was drowned. At the same time, the skylight also flew out, rolled directly to the body on the ground, and then grasped the scroll with one hand. He got up and ran hurriedly, and at the same time, the scales on the frozen white armored ground dragon suddenly lifted up, and immediately shook the wrapped ice layer and shattered it into his hand, and immediately withdrew!

Just as Tian Zhao ran back, but at this time, the white armored dragon suddenly yelled, pushed his body and rushed at me. Don't look at this guy, he can run up without any slowness, three or two times. I caught up with Tian Zhao, aside from the fact that the electric light stone fire started, and the body swept away at this moment. At this time, the white armored dragon came to Tian Zhao and waved a huge claw to her, and it suddenly frightened Tian Zhao Huarong. When the claws fell, the combination of the flashlight and the heroic charge allowed me to pass in front of the white armored dragon faster, and at the same time held out the skylight and rushed out.


There was a loud noise in my ear after passing, and I turned to see that the seat had been hit by a huge pothole by Baijiadilong. Baijiadilong raised his claws and saw that he blew out an angry roar, then his eyes turned instantly. A huge roar flew over me, but now!


An artillery shell exploded on the white armored dragon, and a layer of frost suddenly appeared on his body. Garulu fired the cannon at the same time. At the same time, the black **** squatted on the amber dragon and flew beside me, and the amber dragon lowered his body and shouted the black god. "Master is coming up!"

I nodded my head and jumped on the back of the Amber Dragon, followed by the wings of the Amber Dragon, and then I counter-summoned Gallulu back to the summoned beast space, completely losing the target's white armored dragon on the ground. It kept roaring until it saw that the corpse hadn't moved and it stopped roaring and walked back step by step to continue eating.

After seeing this scene, I gave a big sigh of relief, and placed Tian Zhao on the back of Amber Dragon safely. At this moment, Tian Zhao Qiao's face was slightly red, and after finishing her armor, she took out the scroll: "The master gave you."

I took the scroll and laughed: "Thank you!"

She hid the scroll into her backpack and patted the back of the Amber Dragon towards the outpost.

Crossing the boundary of Tyrannosaurus Valley, I saw a small fortress not far away. At this time, I saw that the NPC soldiers were there, let the Amber Dragon slowly descend to the outside of the camp, and take two MM from the Amber Dragon. After jumping on their backs, the NPC soldiers came forward very actively, and I stepped forward, took out the intelligence scroll, and said to Bled, "I brought your intelligence!"

"Ah? The adventurer, you are amazing!"

Brad was surprised, picked up the scroll, and exclaimed: "Young soldier, I am amazed by your courage. I did not expect that you really took back this precious information. This is a reward for your courage. The Empire is very grateful. Your contribution! "

"Ding ~! Congratulations, you have completed the S-level mission [One Hundred Thousands of Rush Information] (Part 1), gained 800,000 experience points, one thousand gold coins, Reputation: 1,000 points, whether to continue [One Hundred Thousands Rush Information] (Part 2)! "


amount! Sure enough, I will say how easy it is for the S-level task to come, I am a little sorry for this task without a boss.

Click to continue and say, "Mr. Bled looks at your expression, what more help is needed, though I will do my best."

Bled with a happy expression on his face said: "The adventurer thank you so much for sharing our concerns. This intelligence says that a group of orc criminals entered our country's borders, burned and looted in some small towns and villages, and this group of wicked orcs spend money Bought through the rotting nobles, but this information has only arrived now. The adventurer hopes you can take this information to the Thunder Fortress and tell the fortress guard that he will send his troops to destroy these abominable orcs! "

"Ding ~! Do you accept S-Class missions [One Hundred Thousands of Rush Information] (below) ~! Mission conditions: Go to the Thunder Fortress and hand the information to General Thunder Carrel!"

Click OK without hesitation, then search for this Thunder Fortress seat, and then found that Thunder Fortress is located on the back of the Snow Dragon Mountains is one of the five fortresses of the Dragon Kingdom to resist foreign enemies, and this path coincides with my route Haha! It ’s the heavens that help me too, and there are so many wonderful things in the world.

After taking the task, what should I do now, go back to the Tyrannosaurus Valley to kill the raptors and earth dragons. Those guys have a lot of experience, and they do n’t know if they can be promoted to one level when they have eaten. To be honest, it ’s almost better to be promoted now. The child is hard and depressed!


Returning to the Tyrannosaurus Valley and continuing to kill monsters, I have no sub-profession. If I have a harvesting technique, I should be able to collect a lot of good things from these guys. Unfortunately, I will not continue to practice.

But this is a message from Xueyue. I came over and called me offline.

"What's wrong? Lihui has more than two hours!" I asked

Xueyue said politely: "Fool, let's go out and buy something, don't we go empty-handed to someone else's house, and don't wear too casually at the party! I will accompany you to buy some formal clothes you like."

I'm speechless and want to go shopping again. Why do women like it? I really yelled at the entire Tyrannosaurus Valley, ‘Who told me why! ’

But I still didn't shout to know if this voice would attract a group of raptors and earth dragons to answer my question.

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