Master Summoner Online

Chapter 505: Baijiadilong

Dragon Knight? Riding God? That jumped out!

Wu Canhua groaned: "People who have never heard of Ying Chengfeng, the dragon knight is an exaggerated job! I also have a team-type skill, which is simply a commander-in-chief of cavalry ...

"Um. ~" I take it seriously, saying: "A dragon knight plus a cavalry-type exclusive skill, as long as an organization would want to recruit such talent."

Ye Shuang said, "Should we go too?"

I said, "Crap!"

"Brother, add his friend, and give him the news in person, so the recruitment rate is a little bit bigger." Ye Shuangdao

"it is good!"


A few seconds later, I said helplessly, "No way ..." It seemed that he was a sham, and Bombing Dragon said that he appeared late and it was true.

"what happened……"

I lighted up the system prompt just now "Ding ~! Your search user is in a special location and cannot connect."

"Whoa! I also practice retreat!" Wu Canhua stunned.

Ye Shuang laughed: "It's a pity."

I scratched my head and said, "Okay, you are here to start the formation of the cavalry regiment. I have to leave and I have to do the task." Then he threw the sealed raptor into Ye Shuang.

"Thanks" Ye Shuang waved with joy: "Brothers!"

"Chairman walk slowly!"

"Goodbye!" Farewell companions continue to want to go deep in Tyrannosaurus Valley to find the missing scout team, but at this time I saw the four or five embarrassed NPC soldiers in front of me, don't think they are the scout team and rushed up and said "Is this one of you scouts?"

An NPC said, "Yes, is there any adventurer?"

I said, "When I came in, the captain of the outside camp said you were in trouble and asked me to help you."

Saying that the soldiers who were overjoyed by the NPCs said, "It's great, we have a rescue, thank you, the adventurer, you can just leave us some city rolls and I can leave."

"Oh." I said, "Well, what about your intelligence?"

The soldier said: "The intelligence is on our captain, but the captain was captured by the abominable group of large lizards. The life and death are still unknown. Can the adventurer retrieve the information for us?"

I said, "Sure."

"Thank you, that big lizard ran south. You may still catch up with it now."

"I see!" He said, taking the sky photo, and the black **** set off!

Walking through the piles of rocks, after turning over a hillside, there was a fierce battle.

One side is seven or eight NPC soldiers, while the opponent is a group of giant lizards.

Each lizard is three meters long, and the blood basin is drooling, which encloses this group of NPC soldiers. These lizards have at least a hundred heads.

Seven or eight NPC soldiers were surrounded by tight siege. These people built a rudimentary wall with rock walls. Archers were throwing arrows, while soldiers blocked at the exit, holding giant shields and resisting lizards. Shock.


Several lizards struck a heavy shield in turn. After the shield was hit by seven or eight times, the soldier was knocked down with a shield, and suddenly a group of lizards rushed up with a terrible roar, tearing all the arms and legs of the soldier. Down, less than a second a large living person was stung by the flesh and blood, the gap was exposed and several lizards rushed in for a while and screamed.

I glanced over and needed a rescue!

Look at those lizards. They are ordinary bloodthirsty lizard 107-level beasts, as long as they are not more than 120, except for BOSS, which basically cannot stop me.

"Everyone, we're on!"

I screamed, summoned the beast, rushed down the hillside with the summoned beasts, and rushed in from the flanks. Garulu rushed in first, and an explosion breath fell directly into the monster group, and immediately an explosion sound was raised. A laser sweep of Trincombustor wiped out a series of **** lizards.

Tianzhao and the Black God also entered the monster group at the same time. The two MMs are like the lizards around the reaper in the hands of the two killing gods. The amber dragon also sprays flames to flood countless lizards in the sea of ​​fire. I am in these big lizards. There are red-eyed dragon guns around, and a group of bloodthirsty bloodthirsty hunting lizards screaming and falling to the ground. The experience of these common beasts is not much, but they can be accumulated for a small amount, and there are thousands of monsters here, and my experience is endless. Experience is pouring in again, I am a bit sorry for not rising to 95 today!

The Lizard growled and waved its claws on top of me, causing Mars to splash and bring out the damage figures one by one--





These guys are really good. They are not fighters. They have no passive skill bonus for defense. However, more than 3,000 defenses are quite good. But it was really a little scared to get 5,000 more blood from being clawed by a group of guys. , But it does n’t matter that the summoned beast leans around me, relying on the special attributes of the cloak to steal 20% of the life of the red-eyed dragon gun, and bloodthirsty strike.

But at this time our entry attracted all the attention of the surrounding hunting lizards. I quickly threw out a thunderstorm and killed a lizard, and at the same time commanded Gallulu and the Amber Dragon to pounce out.

Immediately after the Gatling blaster launched missiles, overwhelming missiles exploded from the black crowd of hunting lizards from under the cover, and then a few seconds after the laser was swept away, hundreds of lizards died.

Gallurus roared and rushed into the group of hunting lizards, and each of them flew up, but their teeth and claws could not pass through the armor of Gallulu's armor and caused minimal damage.

The Amber Dragon waved the claws of the dragon, patted one head after another, and then the flames swept away a large number of monsters. However, more black lizards swept up, but the wings of the Amber Dragon flew into the sky and hit high. This group of hunting lizards lost their temper.

At this time, the trapped NPC soldiers were extremely surprised. They never expected that these fierce hunting lizards were so fierce in their eyes, and I had nothing but my slaughter.

Garulu's muzzle opened, and countless missiles drew a beautiful trajectory in the air and fell into this group of hunting lizards. "Boom!" The sound of explosions rang out, and countless missiles fell one after another, and suddenly a large number Seven-knock smoke from a hunter lizard being blown up.

Aizhao and the Black God are not weak, and various skills explode among the hunting lizards. However, after seeing the crowds of hunting lizards being ripped open and falling to their deaths, with the efforts of everyone, soon, hundreds of hunting lizards were completely cleaned up. I got a lot of experience points, and the experience of the experience slot rose to 526%, very good, there is hope to see experience.

With the summoned beasts walking into the NPC soldiers, a NPC knight with a heavy epee came forward, with a line of words 'Bled' floating above him, saluting me, saying: "Adventurers, Thank you for your help. Without your help, we would have been lost under the teeth of the lizard. "

I nodded and smiled: "You're welcome, who are you and why did you come here?"

"We are a forward squad, and I heard that the scouts came to the rescue in the valley, but they did not expect to be sieged into the territory of this group of large lizards."

I laughed: "You're going to be in front of the scout team, but their captain has been taken away by a monster, and I'm going to pursue it."

Bled said, "Really? The adventurer is so kind to you, so please take care of me. I will take care of you in the outpost."

I laughed, "Thank you so much."

Bid farewell to these NPCs and continue to pursue with the summoned beasts. After walking for dozens of minutes, I saw a white body with large scales and a dull roar from the huge body. The most important thing is that this guy has a dead body next to him. There is a glowing scroll on the side of the corpse, that must be intelligence. In this matter, first scan the information of this guy-

White armored dragon, level 150, quasi-BOSS, introduction: One of the earth dragons resembles the white dragons of the dragon family. The snow-white scales are very dazzling. Although they are side branches of the dragon family, his strength is naturally extremely powerful without having the blood of the dragon. In the tyrannosaurus valley, the raptors and earth dragons have been fighting for the site, although the raptors dominate the majority of the site, this does not mean that the strength of the earth dragons is very weak.

I secretly drank the air-conditioner, MD, 150-level quasi-boss. This time, it really hit the iron plate, it has exceeded the limit level, and it is a dragon, but fortunately, my task is to get information, not kill. It, I will certainly not kill it if I kill it, and the experience beyond the limit level is reduced, and the gain is worth the loss.

"Tianzhao you went in stealthily and took the scroll down."


"Okay, let's attract this guy's attention, I'll be right away!" The voice disappeared immediately before the words fell, and at the same time we suddenly attacked this earth dragon!

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