Marvel: Fusion

Chapter 361: Destroy its foundation, then 1 is all 0!

Latest website: Earth, New York City.

In the laboratory, Jude packed the black and red potions, took out the teleportation gun, opened the door, and returned to the Star-Moon.

"Veronica, manufactured in large quantities according to the formula of this potion."

"Master, do you need a lot?" Veronica asked.

"The more the better, this is a big killer specially used to deal with the Zerg, of course the more the better."

Veronica has seen the horror of the Zerg, and the vastness seems to be impossible to kill forever. She immediately said: "Don't worry, master, I will start horsepower production. Are we going to eliminate those disgusting bugs?"

"Yes, so you have to work harder, as long as the potion is almost ready, we will go to end this war."

"By the way, what happened in more than a month? Is everything normal?" Jude asked.

"It's nothing. After all, this is the Milky Way, a primitive backward galaxy in the eyes of other civilizations. It has no value. Wars will not burn here."

Then Veronica remembered something and said: "By the way, Master, Groot and Rocket Raccoon are gone, they left almost half a month ago."

"Gone? What are they going to do?"

"Said to help Groot find his hometown, Rocket Raccoon transformed a small spaceship, and this little guy doesn't like parting, so let me not notify you."

Jude nodded and understood. Although Groot and Rocket did not introduce their backgrounds in detail in the "Guardians of the Galaxy" movie, they certainly did not come out of the rock.

Groot's home planet is called Planet X, and all the people living on the planet are Treants.

However, unlike Groot, the trees living on planet X are cruel and a war race, keen to launch wars of aggression.

And the reason why Groot wandered in the universe was because his kind character was not accepted by the clansman, and because he kept the prisoners private, he was exiled by the clansman.

Therefore, Jude is not optimistic about the two people's decision, and can only hope that everything goes well for them.

At this moment, Xingjue and Camora, who knew Jude had returned, came to him. As soon as the three met, Xingjue wanted to hug him in tears.

Jude lifted his foot and kicked him flying: "Get out of the way, how many times have you said that, I'm not interested in men!"

A shoehorn print appeared on his face, and Xingjue felt aggrieved nosebleeds and said: "I've been on this broken spaceship for more than a month, and I'm almost boring to death."

"Yes, I admit that this spaceship is really big enough, but no matter how big it is, it will be finished, and many places are repeated. You can't expect me to look at a scene for the rest of my life."

Jude said silently, "That's it? There are millions of alien races living on the **** Star-Moon, won't you chat with them?"

"Moreover, there are bars, libraries, gyms, cinemas, games halls, and everything a civilized society should have. What else do you want?"

"I...I want to go to Earth." Xing Jue said hesitantly.

"Don't you hate the earth, don't you want to go back in your life?"

"Yes...yes, in principle it is true, but..."

Jude didn't bother to listen to the way he was struggling to speak, and waved his hand at will: "Follow me if you want to go to the earth."

But seeing Camora also want to follow, Jude turned her away.

"You can't do it, Thanos' adopted daughter and spy, just stay in Xingyue. If you go to Earth, I'm afraid you will have trouble again."

"Veronica, take good care of her!"

"Okay, Master."

Going through the portal and returning to the laboratory, the little spider saw Star Lord, and immediately greeted him enthusiastically.

"Long time no see Quail, how are you?"

Xingjue laughed a few times: "It's not very good to be honest, but I think it will be much better next. What are you doing?"

"As you can see, the way to deal with the Zerg is being studied. This requires a lot of experimentation."

Xingjue nodded first, and then shook his head: "Well, this thing is a bit super-class for me, then I won't bother you."

Seeing him leaving, the little spider reminded: "Quil, the earth is not what it was before you left. You must not know her anymore. If you are willing to wait a while, I can be your guide."

Xingjue didn’t even think about it and said: “Forget it, I prefer to go shopping alone, and you look down on me too much. Am I more knowledgeable?"

Jude drove away the Star Lord impatiently, he still had important things to work on, let this guy fend for himself.

"Peter, the next step is the key link. We have to develop equipment to deal with the Insect King. If we can't kill the Insect King, it will be useless to kill all other insects. They will make a comeback."

"You have been studying with me for so long. Now I want to test you to test the results of my studies."

The little spider coughed nervously: "But, I didn't participate in that war. I don't understand the insect king you are talking about."

"Idiot, that's why you can see if you are making progress, right?"


"Listen, the insect king's ability is the reorganization of molecules and atoms, not simply changing the arrangement and combination, but fundamentally disrupting the structure, ignoring the physical rules."

The little spider rubbed his temples: "Mr. Herbert, can you make it clearer?"

"For example, the insect king can add or remove atoms, nuclei, and electrons at will, such as adding a hundred, one thousand, or even ten thousand electrons out of thin air."

The little spider widened his eyes exaggeratedly: "Doesn't that mean that it can create everything!"

"In theory, this is the case, but the big beetle is a scumbag and has not developed the ability to create."

"It is mainly through changing the molecular structure to cause a regional spatial reorganization, which can make the space as heavy as a white dwarf, and can also perform spatial transformations."

"Tell me Peter, if it were you, how would you deal with it?"

After listening to the description, the little spider fell into deep thought. He paced back and forth thinking about one solution after another, but after thinking about it, he denied them all.

Jude sat aside leisurely drinking a little wine and closing his eyes.

Tick ​​tick...

Time passed by, and suddenly, the little spider's eyes lit up and shouted: "I know, I know what to do."

Jude looked at the time: "Eleven minutes, that's okay, but the result depends on your answer."

The little spider fiddled with his hands excitedly and said: "Mr. Herbert, I just thought about a lot of ways to deal with sudden changes in the molecules, but they are not perfect after deliberation, and there are all loopholes."

"Until I figured it out, why do we have to stick to passive coping? The best solution should be to attack and destroy the elements directly."

"Destroy its foundation, and everything will return to zero!"


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