Marvel: Fusion

Chapter 360: Gotham Earthquake

The Himalayas, the Supreme Sanctuary.

"Mage, do you think I can use this weakened gem of time to travel through the past and the future."

Gu Yi immediately denied: "I don't recommend this. Since it is a weakened version of the infinite gem, unexpected consequences may occur when it is used."

Jude thought for a while, and thought so, after all, the strength of the fusion world is far greater than the world of the black robe picket.

Gu Yi has already told him that Thanos collects infinite gems for the purpose of dealing with Darkside. The relationship between the brothers is very discordant.

Even thinking about it, Mongo is fortunate to say that he is a fighting madman and is more inclined to fight with the strong. To enjoy this kind of fun, he does not have a strong desire for power.

But Thanos is different. This purple sweet potato essence not only has a strong desire to conquer, but also has no weaker desire for power than anyone. It is absolutely impossible for him to subdue to others.

Not to mention Darkside, if it were not for power, he would not kill his brother in order to **** the energy of Omega, and then kill his mother and create his own father's rebellion.

In that case, it would be interesting to give him infinite gems and sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

After leaving the Supreme Sanctuary, time passed calmly. A week later, the media reported that Gotham City ushered in a major earthquake.

A large number of businessmen and government officials were exposed to corruption, abuse of power, trading power and money, and organizing violent gangs.

Covering a wide range of people, it almost includes more than half of the people in Gotham's municipal and business circles.

The masses discovered that many businessmen who were keen on philanthropy turned out to be the bosses of the black society, but the prosecutors who seem to be incompatible with pornography, gambling, and drugs have been working with the gangsters all the time.

Even the mayor has been exposed to scandals. Imagine that even the mayor of a city is not clean, and it is not surprising how bad the city is.

After the incident was exposed, it naturally aroused public outrage. Gotham citizens gathered around the city government, shouting slogans demanding severe punishment of criminals.

Moreover, people have serious distrust of the judicial system in Gotham City, and they have unanimously asked the coalition government to send commissioners to clean up Gotham City.

Even many people don't even trust the coalition government. They ask Batman to stand up and uphold justice. The citizens of Gotham only believe in Batman who is always fighting criminals.

Things got worse and worse. In the end, Bruce had to appear as Batman, admonishing the public to trust the justice and the government, and the coalition government would surely give those criminals the punishment they deserve.

The chaos in Gotham continues, and it will definitely continue for some time.

After the coalition government working group entered Gotham, the staff dig deeper and deeper, and even the previous governments have been exposed to many scandals.

Many retired officials were caught, and even many businessmen and officials in other cities were involved.

This storm is getting bigger and stronger, and it has attracted the attention of people all over the world.

The origin of the big storm is naturally Bruce Wayne. His goal is to uproot the Owl Court, thoroughly clean up this tumor, and return Gotham to a bright future.

As long as he can do this, he will calm down about his guilt for not being able to save his parents. I believe that letting Gotham bathe in the sun is also Bruce's father and grandfather's greatest wish.

Looking back at Jude, playing with Ivy for a few days, and dispelling the other's dissatisfaction, Jude took the little spider into the laboratory again.

The first is the problem of the little spider. Without the protection of the spider armor, this kid is simply weak.

If it is really placed in the Marvel world, in fact, the little spider is not weak, but in this fusion world, there are too many powerful enemies, and it seems that he is very embarrassed.

Perhaps the only ability Peter can handle is spider induction, so the armor is still necessary, otherwise space survival will be a big problem.

But this time Jude didn't build it himself. His job was mainly to instruct the little spider and help him complete the development of the armor.

Peter is indeed very talented in scientific research. Under his hand-in-hand teaching, he quickly completed the development of the first generation of spider armor. Jude named him Black Widow 1.

Then is to develop a prop that can deal with the insect king Enerus. It has been more than a month since the Annihilation Zerg invaded the main universe.

According to the aggressive desire of these insects, it is estimated that hundreds of galaxies have been taken down at this moment.

The reason for this swiftness is that, on the one hand, the Zerg’s offensive is really crazy, and the soldiers are all suicide attacks. On the other hand, the number of soldiers stationed in a galaxy is actually limited.

For any huge cosmic civilization, the number of star coefficients in its hands must exceed a thousand, and each galaxy contains as many planets as a feather.

And the vast majority of these planets are waste stars with no use value. They want life without life, and they want resources without resources.

The better ones are resource planets and life planets. As long as the resource planets send a few troops to station and use high-tech machinery, they can continuously mine various resources, and then use resources to build warships and weapons, and then occupy more territory.

The life planet is one point more important than the resource planet. After all, the basis of all operations is human beings, no human beings, and everything else is just empty talk.

The best type is of course a planet with the same rich resources and life, for example, the earth belongs to this type.

Therefore, as long as the Zerg defeats the troops stationed in a galaxy, in theory, it can occupy the galaxy.

Then use resources to strengthen oneself and support the war through war. With the high reproductive rate of the Zerg, other civilizations will suffer too many deaths and injuries.

But the Zerg can recover in a single breath, and their troops will only fight more and more, endlessly.

If the Zerg is allowed to invade unscrupulously, one day they will grow to swallow the entire universe.

This is something Jude cannot allow He wants to get real freedom, and finally he must start with the integration of the world, and these outsiders cannot mess it up.

And to deal with such a huge number of enemies, the best way is of course not to attack from the front, but to destroy it at the genetic level, let these bugs collapse on their own, just like dealing with those bugs on the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, there was a frozen Zerg lying on the experimental platform. Jude opened its abdomen and took out its heart. The little thing was still beating slowly but powerfully.

The little spider exclaimed: "According to this low temperature, the known species on the earth may be frozen to death, but its heart is still very powerful."

"Yes, so we have to solve them even more. This is a very dangerous race."

Jude extracted the Zerg gene and quickly analyzed its modules. After many experiments, he found a way to instantly collapse the gene chain.

When it was time for lunch, a black-red black-red potion was prepared.


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