Midnight bar.

Located in a hidden area of ​​the metropolis, it has always been a favorite place for half-blood angels and half-blood demons.

Absolute neutrality, not favoring heaven or hell, this is the foundation of the midnight bar.

The owner of this bar, Midnight Dad, is also a powerful African witch doctor and exorcist.

However, this man seems to be tired of the endless killings. He has already washed his hands and used magic to build a bar in a hidden alley on the west side of the metropolis to earn some money to spend the rest of his life.

In a bustling bar.

Rhythmic music and lights are intertwined, rendering the color of the wine glass.

All kinds of good-looking men and women joked and talked with each other, and from time to time they walked to the corner in pairs.

Chaos and decadence are the main theme of this bar.

The witch corpse with a stiff expression opened the bar door.

Gino and Zatanna walked into the bar side by side.

The noisy music made the girl frown slightly.

But Jino was looking at everything nearby with great interest.

Everything he saw was a pair of eyes with red or golden eyes.

"These are hybrid angels and hybrid demons. The ones with red eyes are hybrid demons, and the ones with golden eyes are angels. These guys are commonly known as unclean ones. Neither angels nor demons want to see them."

While the two were observing this group of mixed-races, many mixed-races in the bar were also observing the two of them.

There is a unique blood connection between mixed bloods, but they did not feel it in these two people.

In other words, these two people are pure human beings?

This made many mixed-race people interested.

"Hello, handsome guy~"

A blond woman with red eyes and big boobs swayed and walked towards Keno in a black dress.

Zatanna's face darkened, and she stepped in front of Gino, staring at the hybrid demon warily: "Sorry, we are not here for fun."

After hitting a wall with the girl, the half-breed was not angry. She smiled charmingly and pulled out a warm card from her chest and stuffed it into Gino's hand. She winked at the boy and said, "If you want, please feel free to contact me."


Jino watched the woman leave, her plump and round figure was eye-catching.

His cheek seemed to be stared at by a cold gaze.

Turn around.

Zatanna stared at the boy expressionlessly: "As a professional, I need to remind you that hybrid demons will be greedy and drain people of their essence."

"What a half-blood succubus." Gino chuckled and teased, throwing the card in his hand to the girl: "Let's do business."

The two men walked to the counter.

The bartender in this bar is a tall black man with a strange bone ring on his hand.

Seeing the two people approaching, the bartender said, "Drinks are five dollars, and there is a reward of 30% of the agency fee."

Gino looked up at the blackboard hanging above the bar.

There are all kinds of weird bounty requests written on it.

"He spends a lot of money to find a good half-blood angel, investing 3,000 US dollars."

"Finding materials for the devil's bones and ashes, we will contribute $5,000."

Jino took a quick glance and it seemed that the owner of this bar was quite good at doing business.

"Hang up a reward for me."

Jino knocked on the table: "Invest ten thousand dollars to find the whereabouts of the psychic body."

The bar nodded, without asking for the other party's identity. He took out the credit card machine and said, "Cash or credit card."

Times are changing, and even the magical world is advancing with each passing day.

"Swipe the card, use mine." Jino threw out the bank card in his pocket.

As the card reader beeps, it means that the reward will be hung on the blackboard above the bar for everyone's attention.

Constantine opened the door and walked into the bar.

"Hey, look, who's here? Isn't this Constantine?"

The moment they saw this man walking in, many mixed-blood demons jeered.

"I heard that you got lung cancer from smoking and you don't have many days to live?"

Before he finished speaking, sarcastic laughter rang out from the crowd, and the whole bar was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"Go to hell, you bastard!"

"You don't deserve to live!"

Constantine was silent, lowered his head, and walked towards the inner room with his head lowered.

People hate dogs, which is the best way to describe him.

Pushing open the door and entering the inner room, a luxurious office comes into view.

Luxurious and eccentric skulls with golden luster are placed on the oak table made of precious wood.

A stocky black man wearing a mink coat was leaning on a chair and puffing away smoke.

Regarding Constantine who walked into the room, the black man didn't even raise his head. He just flicked his pipe and his thick voice echoed in the office: "Look who is here?"

"Our counterfeiter Constantine."

Just a few months earlier, Constantine had coaxed Papa Midnight into purchasing a batch of magical fakes.

The price was that three of the customers who bought Midnight Dad's goods were killed. For this reason, many people ran into the store to cause trouble, which caused him big trouble.

The angry Father Midnight even hired a group of thugs to beat the opponent severely.

The reason why Constantine was not killed was because Father Midnight wanted to see this guy die miserably.

"I heard that you have lung cancer."

The strong black man grinned, showing his big white teeth: "Lucifer recently released news that when you die, he will personally rush to the place of your death to collect your soul."

"I heard." Father Midnight leaned forward and sneered into those black eyes: "He built a devil's playground for you in hell, where there are a hundred lust demons waiting to taste your white and tender body. .”

"Wow, I'm extremely honored." Constantine smiled nonchalantly, but the heaviness in his eyes was not fake.

"I want to ask you if there is any way you can keep me alive."

Rejected by the angel, Constantine can only hope to prolong his life.

"Survive? Of course."

The black man grinned and said in a sinister tone: "Have you seen the witch corpses standing at the door of my bar? Transform your body into theirs, let alone survive. You won't have any problem living for five hundred years."

He could hear the ridicule in Midnight's father's words, and he didn't want to help him.

The witch corpse is a human puppet made from a human body by magicians in Africa. Although it has its own thoughts, everything is controlled by its master.

It's better to die than to live like this.

"Fake Squid!"

He raised his middle finger, then took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth. He stood up and left without looking back.

Since you can't survive, you might as well make a fortune and enjoy yourself in your last days.

Constantine came to the bar and ordered a glass of wine. After asking the bar not to spit in his glass, his eyes scanned the blackboard above his head.

"Looking for the psychic body, the reward is ten thousand dollars."

Seeing this news, Constantine's eyes lit up.

He remembered that the policewoman who came to him before seemed to be a psychic.


Constantine pointed at the blackboard with a smile on his face: "Please take down this task, I will take it."

Ten thousand US dollars is enough to last me a long time.

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