"Is such that."

Zatanna stared at the woman nervously, and she said slowly: "Gabriel, I want to know the whereabouts of the psychic body."

Gabriel, Seraph, archangel, gatekeeper of heaven, God's favorite angel, and the shepherd of God's sheep.

All of these are titles owned by this angel. Since Lucifer's morning star fell into heaven, his authority has continued to increase.

Zatanna stared at this woman with a perfect face and wavy golden hair and said, "You have an omniscient eye. I need you to help me find the whereabouts of the psychic body."

The so-called psychic bodies refer to children who can see ghosts, demons, and angels since birth.

This unique ability also has a proper name "Yin Yang Eyes" in the mysterious Eastern country.

It is a gift and a curse.

For children who have been able to see ghosts and demons since childhood, this experience is tantamount to a kind of terrifying torture. Therefore, most psychics will go crazy or commit suicide due to the tremendous pressure before they reach the age of eighteen. , or depression and social derailment.

Therefore, if Mammon wants to find a suitable psychic body, there are very few candidates. As long as she finds the psychic body, she can stop Mammon's plan, and this is Zatanna's idea.

Controlling the psychic body, he is waiting for work.

Zatanna stared at the angel stagnant in the human world with a serious face: "The son of the devil wants to use his psychic body to return to the human world. I must stop him."

"Huh? Son of the devil, psychic body."

The angel whom Zatanna called Gabriel had an inexplicable smile on his face.

She lazily sat back on the chair again, her legs resting on the glass table, looking naughty.

"Please forgive my presumption, Ms. Zatanna."

"I wonder if you still remember how the devil's son came to earth?"

She was talking to herself: "The Spear of Destiny, the psychic body, and the help of a high-level angel."

"Do you think there might be a traitor among our angels?"

Gabriel gently curled his long hair with one finger and whispered softly: "We are all God's obedient children, and no one will release the son of the devil."

"So, your worries are unnecessary."

"The war between hell and heaven does not require the participation of you humans."

She waved her hand arrogantly: "Please come back."


Zatanna was irritated by the woman's arrogant posture, and the rising and falling of her chest was enough to prove the anger in her heart at this moment.

"Let's go, Keno!"

Zatanna was furious and turned towards the church door.


Gino followed Zatanna and left, not forgetting to look back at the woman sitting on the sofa before leaving.

The strange thing is that the other party is also looking at him at this moment.

The two eyes collided and quickly separated.

Gino and Zatanna walked out of the church.


A slightly solid object hit Gino's shoulder.

The black-haired young man in a windbreaker looked embarrassed and fell down the concrete steps. The woman beside him laughed sarcastically, and then walked past the man into the church without looking back.


The young man who was knocked down cursed and got up. He glanced at the tall young man with some confusion. He seemed to have hit a steel plate just now.


Zatanna on the side recognized this person, and her expression suddenly showed a hint of disgust.

"I don't see you as someone who can come to church."

"Just came to ask a few questions."

The guy whom Zatanna called Constantine dusted off his trousers and walked into the church expressionlessly.

"Are you traveling with us?" Jino narrowed his eyes and stared at the man's back.

He remembered this guy, the famous gangster in the DC universe, who always wore a brown trench coat and had a slovenly temperament.

But looking at the guy who was dressed in black and looked exactly like Keanu Reeves, Keino guessed that this person might not be the image of Constantine in the comics.

"Ah, he is very famous in our exorcism community." Zatanna shrugged and said with a smile, "He is a model worker in the industry."

"If an exorcist like me works for money, then that guy doesn't want anything in return. He is willing to exorcise demons as long as there are demons."

"Listen to what you said, maybe he is a good person?" Jino also smiled, what kind of Clark in the exorcism world.

"No, on the contrary, this man is foul-mouthed and selfish. He never attends church activities and does not pray to God. But paradoxically, I heard that he exorcises demons just so that he can go to heaven after death."

In a familiar church.

"Father, my sister's funeral must be held in a traditional way."

The woman who had bypassed Constantine before had approached the priest to talk.

The old priest sighed and shook his head firmly:

"Sorry, Angela, Isabella's death was a suicide. It is an unforgivable sin. People who commit suicide cannot have a traditional funeral."

"But she loved God, Father, and you know her, she would never kill herself."

Discussion, argument, anger.

These things themselves have long been numb.

Constantine rubbed his head and turned his gaze to the blond woman under the altar looking up at the Crucifixion.

In his eyes, a pair of oppressive black wings slowly appeared behind the woman.

"I know what you want, kid."

Gabriel looked down at the candles on the altar without looking back.

Constantine walked silently behind the woman. He circled around and came to the woman, and then said: "Maybe you should consider giving me more time, so that I can help you send more demons to hell."

"That won't help, Constantine."

Gabriel turned around and looked at the thin-faced exorcist: "No matter how many demons you exorcise and send them to hell, you will not be able to ascend to heaven."


Constantine couldn't help but grit his teeth, and a little sullenness appeared on his pale cheeks: "Didn't I contribute enough?"

He rushed up to Gabriel, their faces almost touching. He asked in a cold voice: "I sent countless devils to hell."

"No, Constantine, that's not enough." Gabriel said with a smile: "If he repented, it would be dedication and sacrifice."

"And you have none of these things."

"Besides, you're going to die soon, and the reason is just that you've been smoking fifteen cigarettes a day since you were eighteen to relieve your fear."


"Meet your end"

She pressed her cheek against Constantine's and said heart-wrenching words:

"Maybe only hell."

Constantine walked out of the church in despair.

His story is simple.

Since he was a child, he has been able to see terrifying creatures such as demon ghosts that others cannot observe.

Constantine was even sent to a mental hospital for telling his parents. The tremendous pressure gave Constantine the idea of ​​committing suicide.

After committing suicide and drowning, he briefly entered the underworld.

The sky is filled with red sand and desolation everywhere.

Countless demonic deformed monsters roared and roared

Constantine couldn't let go of the scene described in Dante's Divine Comedy for a long time. From then on, his only goal in life was to go to heaven.

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