Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 14: Body of fire

In the middle of the formation of a sea of ​​fire with a radius of half an acre.

They illuminate the heavens and the earth, with an unbearable burning heat.

Underneath them, Li Yajing, who holds the Kowloon stove, can no longer maintain the initial calm. She is horrified at He Yiming, especially the flower of the fire that whirls on his head, and she gets her. Special attention.

Finally, a bitter voice asked from her mouth: "Why, the seven dragons burned and died, and he screamed and slammed into the ground. He was not beaten by the Kowloon stove, but he was almost overwhelmed by this unexpected discourse. Looking back, He Yiming said: "I am going to be burned to death by the Seven Dragons.

Although the conversation between the two of them sounded very funny, but no one laughed on the stage.

At this time, there was a flash of thought in the hearts of everyone, why He Yiming was not burned to death.

With a flower of fire, it is impossible to stop the burning of seven fire dragons, even if it is a stupid person can see clearly.

However, He Yiming used his flower of fire to not only endure the siege of the Seven Dragons, but also swayed from the middle.

This point, although there are a lot of sacred people who condense the flowers of fire here, but they have no courage to try to taste the Qilong barbecue.

However, everyone does not know.

He Yiming's fire flower is not an ordinary fire flower, especially the way to the sea, after the fire monster. This fire flower can even be exempted from the raging fire in the real artifact of the Kowloon furnace, not to mention the counterfeit goods.

In the past, the whole day and night of burning on the sea, the fire that had reddened the entire sky did not wear the blockade of He Yiming’s fire flower.

Nowadays, these seven small fire dragons are simply the difference between a forest fire and a fire of cooking.

This little flame will not bring the slightest pressure on He Yiming.

He Yiming did not take out the five elements of the ring, it is because he has absolute confidence, in this world "has not been able to burn his flames."

Between the eyes turning, He Yiming saw the faint cold light in the eyes of all people, and his heart was shocked. But then he put down his heart &, because he can't believe it, just because of the variation of the flower of fire, someone can guess that the real Jiulong furnace is in his hands. If there is such a person, then this person is also a god. The flow of ghosts.

Li Yajing looked at him deeply, and the color of panic in his eyes gradually calmed down.

She took a long sigh of relief and slowly reached out. A strong woody atmosphere suddenly burst out of her body.

When this bakelite is condensed to the extreme, the seven fire dragons in the air pour down again, and all the woods are swallowed up in an instant.

St. almost calculated this, a strong, dry wind suddenly blows, this wind is like a life, so it is integrated in the fire wood.

It was just that moment, the seven fire dragons in the air burst into violent blasts, and the powerful flames seemed to be shrouded in the whole field.

Ai Wenbin on the stage changed his face. He shouted: "No, all disciples leave immediately and flee."

Those innate powers who are allowed to watch the battle are not frightened. Although they are innate powers who can communicate with the heavens and the earth, they are no different from ordinary people in the face of this kind of fire. If they are involved, then the only end will be the place where they die, and even if they want to find a dark body, they can't do it.

As soon as they heard Ai Wenbin, they turned away without hesitation, and they had already made birds and beasts.

On the high stage, Yu Mufei’s face is also extremely dignified. He murmured: “The body of the fire spirit, I can’t think of such a talented person.”

Huarui Jinbei said with no expression: "If the girl is a body of fire spirit, the ancestors will deliver the imitation artifact Jiulong furnace to her. If she is the body of the fire spirit, she will be able to successfully atomize the Kowloon furnace.

Everyone's face changed slightly. This time, everyone who was confident and confident was a bit worried.

The body of the fire spirit is the three talents of cultivation, such as fire, wood and wind.

Whether it is a wind system or a wind system, it has a powerful role in fueling the fire system. If there is a practitioner with three talents, then there is an unparalleled benefit for the cultivation of the fire system.

And once the cultivation is successful, when the three systems are combined, the power of the power will increase several times.

Just as at this moment, the power of the seven fire dragons has not increased by one, but has increased several times. What's even more frightening is that these powers are slowly improving.

A red giant wave came and shovels He Yiming into it.

The face of the gold battle was extremely dignified. The fog in his hand was faint. Looking back, Shen Sheng asked: "Hundred brothers, can you keep this brother this time?"

One hundred and eight faintly looked at him and said: "Yes."

White Horse Thunder took a leisurely slap in the tail and used a beautiful big eye to "Qing Qing Jin Jin Battle." "In the 8th, the Golden Battle felt like he was crazy because he seemed to see that in the eye. Despise and contempt.

Shaking his head, the Golden Battle turned back and looked at the fire that made him feel awkward. He had a thought in his heart.

This guy who has repeatedly created miracles should not have anything to do.

At this point, He Yiming's face has changed, and he feels faint, although the flame on the top of the head is not as exaggerated as the outer sea, but the local temperature seems to be no less inferior.

He didn't know what the body of the fire was, but he knew that it was definitely the opponent's bottom box.

However, the strength shown by the other side is too strong. If he had been tested by the authentic Jiulong furnace, he was afraid that he could not support it at this moment.

However, in the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the prince, the sacred god, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神Yiming also thoroughly understood one thing.

This woman has already killed the killer, and she has never left any room for it.

In the eyes, the fierce light flashed, and He Yiming gently untied the placket on his chest, and the palm of his hand had already held the silver ring.

What makes the imitation of the Kowloon furnace so great, let her see the power of the real thing.

The space in nothingness flashed a bit, and He Yiming had taken the Kowloon stove to the fastest speed.

This dark, unremarkable, seems to be an ordinary quaint stove. If you don't know the bottom of it, no one can associate it with the artifact.

He Yiming throws the stove in his hand toward the top of his head. This thing suddenly falls under the flower of the fire that whirls and whirls.

Strong infuriating from the body, He Yiming's hands and seals, and instantly changed several different fire marks.

However, when he was about to hit the fire on his head, his heart was suddenly moving.

The ghost made the difference, He Yiming turned his wrist and took the five elements out.

Under the stimulation of the infuriating, the five elements of the ring began to spin up quickly. And after a moment, it was blown up from He Yiming’s hands.

Between the flashes of Guanghua, there were five tangible flowers in the body of He Yiming. Even the flower of the fire that had been smashed on top of his head was instantly blended with the flower of the fire that burst into the ring.

These five tangible flowers were surrounded by He Yiming's body. They radiated a huge radiance and enveloped He Yiming.

Under this ray, He Yiming believes that no one can see through it, that is to say, no matter what you do, you can't be seen.

This is true even if he holds a Kowloon furnace in his hand. The hands flicked fast, and He Yiming’s heart surged into the sky. Let her see what is the real artifact! The fire handprint has been successfully completed, and He Yiming has shot it like electricity and gently printed it on the Kowloon stove.

Bran, and after a while, the arrogance in He Yiming’s eyes dissipated. He looked at the Kowloon furnace incredulously, and his heart was full of suspicion.

After the manipulation of the handprint, the Kowloon furnace did not give him the feeling of ample fire power. It seems that the Kowloon furnace has failed and it has become a useless stove.

In an instant, He Yiming’s heart sank.

This is an artifact, and it is not a fake, it is a real artifact. If it suddenly loses its function, then He Yiming also has a suicidal heart.

He gently touched the stove, but he still had no feeling.

He Yiming was pale, and his heart was excited. Even the five tangible flowers around his body began to diverge.

A person with an artifact suddenly becomes a artifact.

It’s absolutely unimaginable that this kind of blow is so great that there are no people who have personally experienced it. He Yiming’s breathing was a little quick, and he even had no idea of ​​manipulating the Kowloon stove.

However, just as he was in horror, a sudden splash of light on the Kowloon stove.

He Yiming’s eyes suddenly condensed into a little He held the last point and hoped to look at the past.

The Kowloon furnace moved, and it actually flew up automatically. Just rushed up in the air.

He Yiming stretched out his hand and, after all, did not dare to stop. You know, in this inconspicuous stove, there are several fire dragons. When you think of the huge, almost endless dragon body, He Yiming is frightened.

The strength of these guys is too abnormal. I don’t want to burn my bones, or do not provoke it.

In an instant, the Jiulong furnace has come to the side of the light curtain of the five elements. It just took a direction and rushed in.

He Yiming’s body is awkward. If this thing really rushes out, he really doesn’t know how to end it.

However, just in the next s1, He Yiming’s embarrassment reveals an incredible look.

He stared at the light curtains around him, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes. It seemed that he did not know this five-color brilliance...

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