Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 13: Spooky fire flower

Even the many masters from Da Shen, at this moment, became instantly fascinated.

Although they all believe that He Yiming, who can defeat the Qilian doubles with the five-line ring, will certainly be able to defeat Li Yajing, who uses the imitation artifact.

However, they also know the great power of imitation artifacts, and the heart is a little nervous at the moment.

Li Yajing looked deeply at He Yiming, and the wrist that stagnated like jade gently swirled to reveal the black mouth.

Just for a moment, the black hole suddenly became a fiery red color.

A fiery dragon with a big fist suddenly rushed out of the Kowloon furnace. On top of the dragon, it flashed bright colors. After leaving the Kowloon furnace, it not only became smaller, but instead became the air because it began to absorb the outside world. Inflated.

"Call one by one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one"

The strong wind blew from the body of Li Yajing, and the tremendous power blows everything and scrolls everything.

The sudden strong wind seems to be a fascination for the two days of the people, so that everyone's heart is secretly surprised.

The power of the wind exploded at this moment, and complemented the fire dragon hovering in the air, forming a greater power, and oppressed He Yiming.

He Yiming’s face showed a hint of cherished color.

The flower of the wind and fire, the original Li Yajing, in addition to the inevitable fire attribute, even condensed the flower of the wind.

The wind helps the fire, and the fire borrows the wind.

This is the usual method used by He Yiming, but now he has encountered the attack of the Dragon of Fire.

However, He Yiming was not afraid. The flower of the fire on his head began to spin up. Then, He Yiming opened his mouth again and spewed a flower of the wind.

In an instant, the flower of the wind and fire is condensed into one, and it becomes a huge cyan red dragon in the air.

Li Yajing’s eyes flashed in her eyes. Although she used the flowers of the fire, her power of fire came from the Kowloon furnace. Although it was only one of the dragons, how could it be a saint The flower of fire can be compared.

This is simply a dead end!

A loud bang came from mid-air, and a huge explosion rang through the sky. It seemed like a huge thunder, and even the peak of Mount Everest seemed to be affected.

The two men who were sitting opposite each other frowned at the same time and then dispersed.

"The nobles who were promoted this time are very angry." The **** operator shook his head slightly and said helplessly.

The emperor gave a light smile and said: "If you are young, you should have energy."

The gods are laughing with a smile, looking at the new sages with this gaze, looking at the whole world, fearing that only these talents have such qualifications and ambitions.

Perhaps, after the martial arts repair has reached a realm, he will have such an idea...))) Numerous sparks burst open, and the air is like a red fire, the whole space They are all dotted with the brilliance.

Li Yajing's figure retreated a few steps. She looked at He Yiming's eyes and even had a hint of vague fear.

Although she was a witness, she could hardly believe what she had just seen.

There was a combination of the power of the dragon and the flower of the wind in the Kowloon furnace, which was completely suppressed by the other's wind-fire mixed flowers, and it was blasted in a very short time, and there was no time for her to react.

The other party’s flower of the wind is so powerful that she is hard to believe.

The teeth were bitten, and Li Yajing’s eyes were full of suffocation. She lifted the Jiulong furnace and pointed the mouth to the imposing man.

He Yiming was also slightly surprised. In the face of imitation artifacts, he did not dare to neglect.

The body twitched slightly, and the air around him seemed to be illusory, as if his people would disappear from the place at any time.

However, what surprised He Yiming was that the Kowloon Furnace did not continue to have the second fire dragon, but like a **** hole, it gave out an infinite amount of suction, and it was only after the moment that it had already given the infinite fire outside. Reabsorbed back.

He Yiming was slightly stunned and suddenly understood the other side's actions. Although the fire dragon was crushed by his own strength, the power of the fire did not dissipate. Under the action of the Kowloon furnace, it was instantly recovered. With this imitation artifact, you can immediately reunite the dissipated fire dragon.

He smiled bitterly, and even the other party's pattern of the soldiers, it is a lesson. Just when he stepped forward, when he wanted to attack, his face suddenly changed. He once again sensed that there was a huge force from the mouth of the Jiulong.

This powerful force seems to have no margins, and even suppressed his momentum.

A fire dragon emerged from the Kowloon furnace, followed by the second, third...

When the seventh huge fire dragon appeared, Li Yajing’s figure was completely hidden in the flame and could not see a half.

He Yiming’s heart was tight, and then it was a loose.

It was only seven that he suddenly understood that Li Yajing was definitely not enough to repair all the nine fire dragons because of the lack of martial arts.

This is not surprising. Just think about the cultivation of He Yiming at this time. When you encounter any fire dragon in the Kowloon furnace, you must clamp your tail to hold your grandson. Not to mention driving the old grandfather-level fire dragons, even if you want to borrow a little of their power, you have to fight and fear, you can understand that the artifact is not something that ordinary people can play casually.

If there is no force to cooperate with it, don't look for a dead end.

However, even if they are seven fire dragons, the power they disperse is enormous and unbelievable.

The heat wave that is enough to make a living person instantly turn into a gas is coming. If He Yiming’s head is still spinning on the top of his head, then he will be safe and sound, and his clothes will have been ravaged.

"He brother, there are nine fire dragons in the Kowloon furnace, but I can only drive seven of them. If you can't hold on, you can still confess your words, otherwise the fire dragon will be ruthless, and regret it." Li Yajing's cold voice slowly sounded. Passed through the layers of heat waves, passed to everyone's ears.

The Golden Battle has a brow and a wrinkle. He said to himself: "Why didn't he use the five-ring ring."

Suddenly, a calm voice rang at his side: "This is ignited, he is not afraid."

The golden battle slammed, slowly twisting his head, looking at the hundred and eight, the heart could not tell the surprise, even He Yiming was in danger and almost forgot.

How does this guy like wood talk? Is the sun rising from the west today?

He Yiming’s long laughter sounded almost simultaneously from the sea of ​​fire: “Thank you for the singer’s point of mention, and I’d like to know the power of the Seven Dragons gathering.”

Li Yajing screamed coldly and said: "When things are coming, they are still hard. If that is the case, then I will blame me."

The seven fire dragons seem to have been ordered, turned into seven brilliance, and rushed toward He Yiming.

In the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king of the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big, the princes, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou dynasty Will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the gods, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest discards, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou royals, after the real power of the seven fire dragons, Fang Wei knows When she first played against Li Yajing, she was quite restrained. She did not wait for the maximum power of the Seven Dragons to wave out. It only meant that he lived because he did not hurt his life.

But at this moment, Li Yajing apparently has not kept her hand, she has released all the power of the seven fire dragons. The fierce murder was accompanied by the rolling heat between the heavens and the earth, and the complete chair He Yiming was drowned.

Everyone’s heart is a glimpse, but it’s very unexpected. They don’t have the excitement and crazy mood when the Golden Battle and Li Jiangfeng played against each other.

Especially the strong people from Da Shen, their expressions are very calm.

Even if He Yiming has already fallen into the sea of ​​fire at this moment, even when there are no signs of life, they are still like the rank of Taishan. It seems that in their hearts, He Yiming has definitely won the final victory. .

Ai Wenbin, Hua Ruijin, and the strong people in southern Xinjiang and the northwest are all face to face. I really don't understand where their confidence comes from...

"Wheeling 1111"

The nine dragons are getting more and more mad. In this area, it seems that only the power of fire is raging, and there is no longer - the existence of other forces.

Here, it has become a world of fire.

However, it is here, Ji, from the very center of the flame, it seems that there is a sense of inconsistency.

Red, a little more vivid and conspicuous red than the seven fire dragons slowly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

This is a flower of fire, a flower of fire that is condensed by the power of fire.

Then, one person, under the cover of the flower of fire, stepped on the land that was almost melted and stepped out from the encirclement of the Seven Dragons.

The surrounding colors are getting lighter and When his whole body is out of the sea of ​​fire, the talents really see it clearly.

He Yiming, the man who came out of the sea of ​​fire, did not use Li Yajing, the owner of the Jiulong furnace, but was under the siege of the seven fire dragons, but it was still safe and sound, He Yiming.

There was no warm cheers, no surprises, and only a cold and horrified gaze greeted him.

Even the many masters of Da Shen are used to look at the same man who is connected with magic.

He "had not used the five-line ring, but he only walked out from the siege of the Seven Dragons by relying on the flower of the fire that whirls on the top of his head."

The seven powerful dragons from the Kowloon furnace, even the fire of a sage, can not help.

In the unbelievable eyes of all, there are actually more than half of them, and there is a horror in their hearts that says that they will definitely be chased and killed by the Wanli glass hole in the southern Xinjiang Islands.

The old girl Li Yajing, will not fall in love with this little white face, so deliberately let the water go!

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