Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 257: Thunder Thunder

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Chapter 257 Sky Thunder Boom

"Exactly. ※% 桑 ※% 舞 ※% 小 ※% said ,."

Nalan Changsheng laughed and said, "But you can't be careless because of this. The killer who kills the temple is not only good at hiding. It is their job to kill talents. Do not overturn the boat in the gutter.

Cheng Feng nodded, and then took out the flying ants trapped in the hood. While observing the changes in the flying ants' mood, he let Xiaohe reduce the flying height and approached the crowd where the old mayor was.

However, just when Xiao Hei was close to the crowd and the flying ants were just getting irritable.

Suddenly, the flying ants who had just been bumping inside the hood became normal.

"What's the situation?" Cheng Feng froze.

"Cheng Feng, the alertness of killing the temple killer is higher than you think."

"What do you mean?" Cheng Feng asked.

"The other party apparently found your attempt, and even guessed that the flying ant he used to track you has been caught by you and is now being used to counter-track him."

Nalan Changsheng explained: "So, the other party directly killed the blood-sucking insects in the flying ants. In this way, you cannot determine the position of the flying ants."

"This guy is even more cunning than a fox!"

Cheng Feng heard the words, his face suddenly gloomy.

Since he changed his life against the sky, he has always been smooth sailing, usually by step by step, making his opponent dizzy and embarrassed.

I never thought that this time I was the first to experience the defeat of the temple killer: "Uncle Nalan, can we just watch this **** and run away unscrupulously?"

"In fact, it is not difficult to stay with each other."

Nalan Chang said indifferently in his life: "It depends on whether you are cruel enough or not."

"How to stay with each other, Uncle Nalan, you said, I can definitely do it." Cheng Feng affirmed.


However, Nalan Changsheng was not quite convinced: "Through the situation just now, we have determined that the killer who killed the temple is hiding in the crowd of the old town mayor."

"There are only forty people in this group."

"And you only need to kill more than forty people, regardless of gender, old or young, then the killer, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, must die here."

"What? Kill everyone, including the old mayor?"

Hearing Nalan's plan, Cheng Feng immediately froze.

In order to kill a temple killer who is going to assassinate himself, he must be buried with more than forty innocent people?

Cheng Feng didn't hesitate and shook his head flatly to refuse!

Because of this kind of thing, too selfish, too cruel, too ruthless ... Cheng Feng can't do it.

"I'll just say, you can't do it." Nalan Changsheng said so, but his tone was full of admiration.

"Uncle Nalan, apart from this plan, is there no other way?" Cheng Feng didn't want to give up.

"No more."

Nalan Changsheng replied: "For you at present, this is the only option, either kill everyone or give up!"

"Well, Mr. Killer, you are lucky this time. If you dare to come next time, I'll want you to come back."

Cheng Feng's eyes stared fiercely at the crowd where the old town mayor was, and then he urged Xiao Hei and hurried toward the town.

Since he could not be so cold-blooded, Cheng Feng directly chose to leave.

At this time, the heavy rain remained, but there was no thunderous roar.

Cheng Feng and Xiao Hei left the town more than ten years ago, and found a dilapidated pavilion. They descended and raised a pile of fire in the pavilion. They were ready to wait until the heavy rain stopped before going on the road.

Inside the pavilion, Cheng Feng and Xiao Hei sat around the fire.

Directly above the fire, driving a large iron fork, a large fat sheep was inserted into the fork, and a drop of hot oil came out as the flames bake.

The little black stared at the roast sheep, his eyes didn't blink, he couldn't wink.

But Cheng Feng, although his gaze was also looking at roasted fat sheep, his gaze was straight, and his mind was obviously not on the barbecue.

Cheng Feng is thinking about what just happened.

Although he gave up the timing of killing the temple killer in order not to hurt the innocent, his heart was a little unhappy after all.

Especially thinking that in such a long time recently, I have never been frustrated in anyone's hands, but suffered a blow in the hands of the Temple Killer who has not yet met, which really makes Cheng Feng unhappy and depressed!

Moreover, the unhappy one was forced by Cheng Feng to choose, which made people even more annoyed.

Hack ~~~

At this time, the dark clouds on the dome rolled up again, and a series of lightnings split the black sky, making the whole world bright.

boom! Suddenly, a thunder blast exploded not far from the pavilion, splitting a big tree into pieces.

At the same time, a large thunderbolt was left, beating rapidly on the ground, blasting a rock.

In this scene, Xiao He shook and shook his feathers.

But Cheng Feng's eyes brightened.

"Don't be afraid, Little Black, stay here and eat roast sheep, I'll go out and see."

Cheng Feng took the roasted fat sheep off and cut it into seven or eight segments with a few knives, allowing Xiao Hei to enjoy it slowly.

Instead, he unfolded himself and galloped towards the place struck by lightning.

"Cheng Feng, what are you trying to do?" Nalan asked.

"Idle and idle, I want to try whether I can use these thunder and lightning to practice the purple thunder training method."

"Use the thunder and lightning here to cultivate purple thunder?"

Nalan Changsheng shook his head again and again: "This is absolutely not possible. With your current physical fitness, you can't withstand the power of natural lightning. If you practice forcibly, you may hurt yourself."

"I'll try it first. If I can't bear it, I won't force myself."

Cheng Feng said, a jump, directly jumped to the lightning strikes.

啵啵 啵啵 啵 ~~~

As Cheng Feng jumped into the land of lightning strikes, suddenly, a violent lightning surged into Cheng Feng's body. It made him paralyzed and his breathing became difficult.

Indeed, the thunder and lightning here are all natural thunder from the sky, and their energy is very violent.

This kind of thunder can injure a person by accident, and even cause death.

However, Cheng Feng was upset at the moment, and at the same time, he also inspired a fierce energy. He actually refused to retreat and sat directly on the ground with his knees crossed.

"Cheng Feng, what are you doing? Don't die!"

Nalan, when he saw this, immediately drank, "Hurry out to me, don't harm yourself."

However, Cheng Feng did not listen to Nalan Changsheng's suggestion for the first time, and continued to operate the Purple Thunder Refinery Recipe to forcibly absorb the natural Thunder Refinery.


The power of the natural thunder is too violent. With Cheng Feng's absorption and refining, the thunder and lightning are like a tyrannosaurus, and Cheng Feng's body and bones collided, making a violent cry.

It seemed that the next moment, Cheng Feng would not be able to withstand the impact of the natural thunder, and his body burst open.

"Cheng Feng, don't you leave?"


Cheng Feng still hasn't left, as he just did, he continues to absorb the natural thunder!

Until a fragrant incense, Cheng Feng's body suddenly appeared a heavy orange light.

Immediately, all the orange lightning bolts on the ground struck Cheng Feng, turning him into an orange lightning bolt. .


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