Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 256: One does not stay

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Chapter two hundred and fifty-six without leaving

"What is the origin of this inexplicable guy? It's so strong."

Seeing the picture of Cheng Fengzhen shattering the big **** arrow, the blood robe man in the center of the town had a special look in his eyes: "But even so, I will kill you so that I can have a way of life."

"Otherwise, even if I flee this place, I will be killed by the blue killer!"

The blood robe man was obviously very afraid of the so-called 'South killing'.

Even if he knew that he was not Cheng Feng's opponent, he did not dare to run away.

The Nan Lisheng that Cheng Feng killed just now is only one word apart from the Nan killing, I am afraid the two have a great relationship.

No process peak knows nothing about this.

Moreover, even if Cheng Feng knew it, he wouldn't take it too seriously, he would still kill anyone who should be killed.

Then, it was the blood robe man in the middle of the town.

Huh! Cheng Feng stowed the blue sky knife, took the steel armor, and flew towards the center of the town.

After three or five breaths, Cheng Feng has reached the blood pool in the middle of the town.

I saw a ten-year-old blood-robe man suspended above the blood pool.

He was holding a large bow made of unknown bones in his hand, and was standing on his shoulders at this moment. He squeezed the bowstring with his hand, and a large arrow formed with blood, the arrow pointed sharply at Cheng Feng's forehead.

"Dead to me!"

咻 ~~~

The blood robe man captured his best attack and kill path, and then suddenly loosened his bow and string.

Immediately, the blood-colored arrow spun out and spun out.

"Furious fist, Xiaolong goes to sea!"

Faced with the close-up shooting of the Blood Robe, Cheng Feng behaved indifferently.

He poured more than thirty rivers of vitality into the fiery steel armor, and then blasted out with one punch.

At the standing time, the fiery red boxing power was like a boiling magma gushing out, and the blood-colored arrow that came from the rotation and explosion was directly blasted by just touching it.

Immediately afterwards, the arrogant fist strength continued unabated, as it brushed over the body of the blood robe man.


The blood robe man couldn't do it even after struggling, and the whole person was blasted alive, shattered into a mist of blood.

Even the bone bow of the blood robe man failed to escape the blast, and it was blown into a pile of ashes.

"This is, the second!"

With one stroke, the second blood **** disciple was bombarded and killed, Cheng Feng's cold eyes turned to the last blood **** disciple.

However, this guy has been frightened by Cheng Feng.

Although he was afraid of blue killing in his heart, he was even more afraid of being killed by Cheng Feng on the spot, so when Cheng Feng's eyes came, the man jumped onto the back of a huge **** bat and fled to the distance. And go.

"It's only then that I think of running away, don't you think it's too late?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng sneered, then whistled.

Suddenly, a golden-winged giant eagle rose into the air, and quickly caught up with the flesh-colored bat that fled.

laugh! The golden-winged giant eagle swung the right wing across the bat's abdomen, and when it stood, a huge blood hole was opened in its abdomen. Then the bat, along with the blood **** disciples, descended from the sky together.

At this time, Cheng Feng had performed the Skyhawk aspect and had already caught up with him, and immediately punched out.

Bang! The giant bat and the blood robe man had no time to defend, and they were bombed and killed on the spot. They could not die anymore.

"Killers, people always kill them!"

"You took others' lives by mistake and killed them indiscriminately. Today I have killed you, and I have a clear conscience!"

Killing more than 20 people in a row, Cheng Feng didn't have much guilt in his heart.

Because the people he killed were those who should be killed, those who were damned!

For such a person, if Cheng Feng meets in the future, he will still do it and kill him! Not at all soft-hearted.

The blood gods disciples who resolved the woes, Cheng Feng came to the town, raised his eyes and looked up. On the muddy road, there were all men, women, and children who were soaked and sad.

Some of them lost their children, some of them lost their fathers, some of them lost their wives and children ...

A good family is just destroyed.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng has no psychological burden even more, because these miscellaneous pieces, **** it!

"Thank you very much, this young man. If you didn't come forward, I am afraid that none of us could survive."

At this time, a 60-year-old man brought a large group of people to Cheng Feng, kneeling and thanking him.

"Everyone please hurry up, this is not a big deal." Cheng Fengxi helped the old man.

For those three blood robes, for Cheng Feng, it is indeed normal and stress-free.

Although the three people in the blood robes are the official disciples of the Blood Gods, each of them is a high-level practice in Tianwu Realm, and his combat power is good.

But to Cheng Feng, it was like a chicken and a dog.

Of course, this is mainly because Cheng Feng hasn't met the true master of blood **** religion.

For example, the Nan Xuesheng, who scared the second blood robe man to dare not run away, is definitely a ruthless character!

"Maybe nothing to you, but to us, it is a gift of reproduction." The old man was grateful.

"It's really nothing."

Seeing the gratitude in the eyes of the elderly and those around him, Cheng Feng raised a warm current in his heart: "You should be the mayor of this town. There are tens of thousands of silver here. You can help everyone rebuild their homes. "

Cheng Feng took out all the spare silver and handed it to the old man.

Then, without waiting for the other party to refuse, he flew into the sky and came to the little black back of the chicken.

One of the reasons why Cheng Feng is so is that he is afraid that the elderly will not accept his help.

Secondly, he suddenly felt a sense of killing.

This sense of killing is as light as a gossamer, but it is tenacious, like a poisonous snake lurking in the grass, which makes Cheng Feng's hair all over his body.

"The killer, the killer who kills the temple, is mixed with the crowd around the old man."

Standing on Xiao Hei's back, Cheng Feng's eyes were like hawksbills, sweeping across dozens of hunters on the side of the old man.

He wants to find the killer hidden in the crowd!

"Cheng Feng, you cannot find a killer who deliberately hides yourself like this."

At this time, Nalan's voice sounded: "Because the killer who kills the temple, one of the first skills to learn is to hide himself. Whenever a killer who debuts the temple, their hiding means is beyond your imagination.

"Even if they stand in front of you, you will turn a blind eye and treat them as a passerby."

"Then what should I do?" Cheng Feng was a little embarrassed.

"Flying Ants!"

"Flying ants? By the way, flying ants are a tool for killing the temple killer."

Cheng Feng came to understand: "There are two flying ants, and one bloodworm is parasitized in their blood. These two bloodworms are one male and one female. Once two bloodworms approach, they It will induce induction and jump up and down in the host body, which makes the flying ants extremely irritable. "

"And I just happened to be holding a flying ant."

"Next, I just need to get close to the crowd and observe the changes in the flying ants' emotions. Then I can determine which of the crowd is the killer of the temple."


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