Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 207: Ninety-nine Tengu Taito

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However, there is also a treasure in this world, once taken, it can make the sword grow rapidly. ..

This is the shard of the knife

This so-called shard of swordsmanship is the remnant of the swordsmanship left by the swordsman. It contains the swordsman's understanding of the swordsman.

And this sword shard has a lot of remnants in the place where the sword demon and the sword master slaughtered.

This is also the main reason why so many turret students risk their lives and go to Sword Valley

On the ninety-nine sword pool, the training of Wang Wanben and Qi Ming was over, and the expression of ecstasy was beyond words.

"Brother Feng, my sword has skyrocketed by 70%. It's just too cool."

"My sword intention has also increased by 60%. It is almost catching up with the grinding in the past half a year. No wonder everyone aspires to refine in the sword pond."

The two Wang Wanben, who took the ride with Cheng Feng this time, were fortunate enough to practice for half an hour in the No. 99 knife pool.

In fact, the turret's regulations are very strict, surviving abuse and the law of the jungle.

What you want to achieve depends on your strength.

For example, in this sword pool, the 370th turret occupied three, while the 371st turret did not have one.

Jiang Tao wanted to practice for a few minutes in the No. 99 Sword Pond before giving Xiao Lin an excuse to break his legs. Country novel xiangxiao.

"Don't think of the knife pool so perfectly."

Cheng Feng saw Wang Wanben's enthusiasm for the knife pool, and said, "If the accumulation is not enough, even if you stay in the knife pool all year round, the sword will not grow much faster."

After all, Cheng Feng should leave first.

Wang Wanben they listened, thoughtfully, and then left.

Shortly after, Cheng Feng and the four came to Jiang Tao's dormitory.

"Brother Jiang, Xiao Lin's bastard's legs have been interrupted by me, and my knees have broken into a ball of paste. I don't want to stand up again in this life." Cheng Feng said to Jiang Tao inside the house.

"Thank you, Master Cheng" For a long time, there was a trembling voice from Jiang Tao in the room.

"Brother Jiang, the culprit Yu Moyu is still at ease, I hope you can cheer up."

Cheng Feng said in a deep voice: "When I get a drop of blood from the dragon, and I have developed a dragon blood discontinuity. After curing your legs, you can go to Yu Moyu and recover this blood debt."

"I will" Jiang Tao said.

"Brother Jiang, I know you still need some time to adjust, and I will wait for you."

Cheng Feng felt relieved and said, "When you are ready, come to my dormitory to find me."

After all, Cheng Feng returned directly to his dormitory.

Squeaky ~~~

Pushing open the door of the dormitory room, the first thing that catches the eye is the swollen belly. Country novel xiangxiao.

The goods actually eaten the heart skin capsule of the Golden Great Sword Shark with a few kilograms.

"This giant eagle is really fierce," Wang Wanben dumbfounded.

"Why didn't this traitor sustain it?" Tiemu Phoenix scolded after seeing it.

"This guy" Cheng Feng couldn't help shaking his head and was a little speechless.

"Brother Feng, should I go and get some pills to help digestion" Qi Ming asked.

"Don't care about it, this guy eats the heart skin of the Golden Great Sword Shark, which contains a trace of Tianpeng's true blood. When it slowly absorbs and cleans up, there will be a change of birth.

Cheng Feng shook his head: "Let's help it at this time, but it will hurt it."

Qi Ming nodded, and then said: "Brother Feng, if nothing else, Wanben and I will go back first, and get used to the skyrocketing sword."

"Go, I'll be in retreat for a while."

"Brother Feng, let me say a word, pay attention to the woman around you."

Wang Wanben suddenly approached Cheng Feng and reminded: "The woman is the treasure of the Tiemu family. If you kidnap her back, the Tiemu family will never give up. Someone will come to you for trouble recently."

"Relax, I have something in mind." Cheng Feng smiled.

Seeing this, Wang Wanben and Qi Ming stopped talking and turned away.

After Wang Wanben left, Cheng Feng looked at Tiemu Phoenix: "My brother just reminded me that you must have heard it clearly. I will retreat and absorb Tianpeng's real blood."

"So, come over here."

Cheng Feng beckons to Ironwood Phoenix.

"What do you want?" Ironwood Phoenix was wary.

"Rest assured, I have no interest in you, I just plan to arrange a miniature array in your body to make you feel more honest." Cheng Feng said.

"It's absolutely impossible to arrange arrays in my body." Ironwood Phoenix flatly refused.

"Iron Phoenix, this is not a request, but an order."

Cheng Feng said coldly, "You are a smart person, so it's best to cooperate well."

"You bastard, what kind of array do you want to arrange in my body?" Iron Wood Phoenix asked, cursing.

"The ninety-nine days sword fight."

Cheng Feng introduced: "The ninety-nine days of swords will be placed on your heart. At that time, there will be ninety-nine miniature knife gases surrounding your heart. Once you are against me, Attempts, or far away from my kilometer range, the ninety-nine miniature knife air will shrink inwardly and shatter your entire heart. "

"Cheng Feng, you must not die" After listening to Cheng Feng's introduction, Iron Wood Phoenix was so angry.

But no matter what, this miniature formation is still in the Ironwood Phoenix.

"Well, now you can move around within my kilometer."

Cheng Feng waved his hand: "But there is a premise, do not approach my retreat bedroom."

Having said that, Cheng Feng entered the bedroom, sealed the door, and then took out the half of the jade bowl Tianpeng blood from the soul ring.

Earlier, Tian Peng's blood was refined. Cheng Feng was about to refine, but was interrupted by Wang Wanben.

No one is bothering now, it is suitable for absorption and refining.

Looking at the true blood of Tianpeng like a scarlet pearl, Cheng Feng asked Nalan Changsheng.

"Uncle Nalan, this Tianpeng real blood, how can I condense it into my body and swallow it with my mouth?"

"Tianpeng's real blood, but don't take it by mouth."

Nalan Changsheng immediately discouraged: "It should be noted that Tianpeng is an ancient monster and the horror. Even a little bit of blood is full of arrogant energy, not weaker than the hundreds of enhanced versions of Thunder's Wrath. In fact, even an iron man must be exploded alive by the powerful forces in the blood. "

"What to do then" Cheng Feng asked.

"From outside to inside, bit by bit."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Your half bowl of Tianpeng true blood is about forty-nine drops. Every seven drops of true blood counts as one and can be divided into seven. These seven true blood can be incorporated into your limbs one by one. , The two ribs, and the spine keel form a miniature array. "

"By then, once the third layer of Sky Eagle Squadron is deployed, the miniature array of Tianpeng's true blood in your body will be activated, giving you the super-fast speed of Tianpeng."


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