Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 206: Knife Pool Finishing

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"Cheng Feng, you are looking for death"

Seeing this scene, Wan Jin in the middle of the sword pool was suddenly angry. See the fastest chapter ..

He originally thought that when he referred to Song Guzhen, at least he could also make Cheng Feng dare not to dare to move Xiao Lin easily.

Cheng Feng never thought of his words as a fart.

In the fury, Wan Jin stepped on his foot and blasted away like a big arrow.

Faced with the killings, Cheng Feng didn't panic.

He stared at Xiao Lin with cold eyes, saying, "I Cheng Feng, there are many enemies. I don't know today or tomorrow."

"And dare to make friends with people like me, that is, really deserving me, and treating me as a brother."

"If anyone dares to hurt my brother, I will return it double"

The words stopped, and Xiao Lin's knee on the other leg broke into minced meat.

After doing all this, Cheng Feng turned his head to Wanjin who was killed, raised his left arm wearing a gold armor, and punched out one of the ninety-nineth power of the gold armor.


With one punch, the world changed.

The terrifying light fist is like a colored meteor, but when it is hit by it, whether it is a bamboo house or a mountain, all are blasted into dregs.

That ten thousand gold, although well-repaired, ranks twenty-fourth in the 370th session of the Dota, but under this kind of boxing power, it is like a slag. Before landing, he sprayed blood and passed out. See the fastest chapter ..


As Wan Jin was bombarded with a punch, the scene was dead and silent.

Everyone was frightened by Cheng Feng's fierceness.

It should be noted that Wan Jin and Xiao Lin are both head and face figures in the 370th session of the Dota. They have been trained to reach the high level of Tianwu Realm, which is three levels higher than Cheng Feng.

But it was these masters who were swept away by Cheng Feng with the autumn wind sweeping the leaves.

They wouldn't believe this scene if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

"I didn't expect Cheng Feng to be so powerful."

"This kind of attack power, I'm afraid that only our top 20 masters in the 370 session can fight against them."

"This is true, but our top 20 masters in the 370th session are all preparing for Qianlong to fight for hegemony and go out and sharpen ourselves. Only Wang Shao is left."

"Wang Shao"

The students who looked around looked at a bamboo house at the core of Daochi.

On this bamboo roof stands a healthy, sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.

"Brother Wang Bowen Wang" saw the young man, Cheng Feng looked moved.

It turned out that this healthy young man turned out to be the 370th of the Dota, the only talented student Wang Bowen who had entered the secret place of Qian Xue.

Wang Bowen stepped forward and smiled and said, "Cheng Feng, I noticed you a long time ago, and then I felt that you are definitely not something in the pool .. But I didn't expect that your rising speed would be this way. Fast. "

"Brother Wang is amazing." Cheng Feng laughed.

"Cheng Feng, you have come here for the purpose, I have heard of it, but to take the lead on behalf of his friend Jiang Tao."

Wang Bowen said: "I appreciate what you have done, so I will not do anything with you."

This Wang Bowen is no ordinary commodity.

This son is one of the three major families of the Dragon City. Since Qian Xue's secret realm came out, Xiu Wei has now reached the peak of Tianwu Realm. Once at war with him, Cheng Feng can't win without showing some cards.

Secondly, Cheng Feng had a good impression of Wang Bowen. When he was in Tieyi Lane, the other party also helped him.

It's best if the two sides don't fight each other.

"Thank you Brother Wang for understanding"

Cheng Feng said sincerely: "In fact, I have two goals this time, one is Xiao Lin, and the other is Yu Moyu."

At this point, Cheng Feng's tone suddenly raised: "Yu Moyu, get out of me"

It should be noted that the main reason why Xiao Lin was able to interrupt Jiang Tao's legs was Yu Moyu's pampering.

How dare Xiao Lin act recklessly without Yu Moyu's support

After all, Yu Moyu and Song Guzhen are the real culprits.

"Cheng Feng, if you want to find Yu Moyu, I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

"Oh, maybe he's not here"

"He is indeed not here."

Wang Bowen nodded and said, "However, if you want to find him unlucky, you don't have to wait too long, because that guy will definitely appear at the Tianxuan auction after seven days."

"Tian Xuan Paihui" Cheng Feng didn't know much.

"This day's Xuanpai Festival is a large-scale filming event organized by the Tianxuan Business League. On the day of the filming, countless strange treasures from the south and the north will be shot."

Wang Bowen introduced: "It can be said that as long as you have money, you can buy anything you want at the Tianxuan auction."

"And the guy Yu Moyu, he liked one thing in the Tianxuan auction. These days, he has been gathering funds to prepare for the auction."

"So it is." Cheng Feng nodded.

"Cheng Feng, let me remind you a word."

Wang Bowen suddenly said: "You just beat Xiao Lin and Wan Jin. Although the method is good, it is only an external force. It is not very strong. If you are against a master who also has a hole card in Tianwu Realm, I am afraid it will not Better. "

"And Yu Moyu, as one of the three major families of the Dragon City, the baby grandson of the Yu family's owner will never have a low card. And his own cultivation is that he will soon enter the peak of Tianwu Realm, I hope you have the heart.

"One of the three major families of the Dragon City, Yu Family" Cheng Feng frowned.

"Well, that's all I have to say."

Wang Bowen said: "You have just experienced a lot of battles recently, and you can use the sword pool to improve your sword intention. Second, you need to improve your repairs."

Wang Bowen said, and turned away.

But before he left, he glanced at Tiemu Phoenix faintly, but said nothing.

"Wang Bowen is right. The sword and vigor are indeed my big weakness."

After Wang Bowen left, Cheng Feng groaned: "It's time to find a way to fill this shortcoming."

Thinking under his heart, Cheng Feng closed his eyes slightly, relaxed his whole body, and opened one hundred and eighty thousand pores in his body one by one, absorbing the endless free knife intentions around him.

The knife rising in this knife pool has been completely washed away by time, and it is completely free of ferocious gas and can be absorbed at will.

Cheng Feng is immersed in cultivation, his breath echoes the intention of the sky.

As soon as he breathed in, a large stream of knife intentions infiltrated into Cheng Feng's body, thumping forging, and refining into Cheng Feng's own sword intentions.

In this way, about half an hour.

Cheng Feng's sword intention has skyrocketed by 30%, from the previous third-order 50%, to the current third-order 80%.

"Huh, it seems that even if you have a knife pool, you can't infinitely improve the sword."

Cheng Feng opened his eyes.

Because he found that after half an hour of absorption and refining, his sword intentions had grown to a limit. Even if soaked in the sword pool every day, it would slowly grow at most, and there would be no leapfrogging.

This is because the meaning of the sword is a martial will, a kind of understanding and cognition of the sword

This kind of thing requires time to grind and torment. Through battles, struggles on the edge of life and death, we can understand and accumulate.

And when you have accumulated enough, you have realized that once you enter a place like Sword Pond, the sword will advance rapidly and skyrocket.

When the accumulation is exhausted, the promotion of sword will slow down.


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