It was her nineteenth birthday.

The heavy rain washed the whole a city crazily, but it couldn't wash away the dirt and dirt.

Standing outside the high wall, Yan Yan looked up at the sky with her eyes wide open. She let the rain wash her face and her eyes. She told herself, don't cry! Mother didn't shed a tear when she died, and now she can't cry!

Four years later, on January 23, 2012, the first day of the first lunar month, just as Yan Yan entered the high wall, strong wind and heavy rain swept the whole city A.

Nine in the morning.

"Creak..." the heavy iron door groaned like rust. The door slowly opened a crack, and the girl came out. In an instant, the heavy rain poured her through.

A cold wind blew in the face, and the biting cold made her thin body tremble.

She looked up at the sky, just as her eyes were wide open when she came in four years ago.

She said, Yan Yan, you see the sun again!

"Be a good man after you go out and don't come back!" the female prison guard glanced at her and slammed the iron door.

Looking back at the high wall, and then looking into the distance, there was no one around except her. For four years, it seemed that she just had a dream.

But everything can't go back to the origin.

Tang Tianai, Tang Tianyu, Tang Zhen and Nie TingYang, these four names, she carved into the bone marrow in four years, and she can't erase them forever!

A city, I'm back!


At 12:15 noon, Nie's hospital.

"Dr. Nie!" assistant Tian Rong called Nie TingYang out of the office.

Nie TingYang frowned, "what's up?"

"Just now Miss Tang called and said she was waiting for you at Yipin hotel."

"I see." Nie TingYang said three words faintly and turned away. Although it was only a moment, Tian Rong still saw a touch of disgust in the deep eyes under the gold frame glasses. Was she wrong?

Isn't Miss Tang Dr. Nie's fiancee? Four years ago, it was very hot and said that they were going to get married, but then somehow they didn't form a marriage.

"Young master, where are you going?" asked Tong Hua, the driver.

Nie Ting glanced at the heavy rain outside the window of the car, "go back to the old house."

Today is Nie TingYang's 35th birthday. Master Nie called last night and asked him to go back to his old house at noon.

It's ridiculous to think that a 35 year old man celebrates his birthday.

Nie TingYang leaned against the seat and closed his eyes to sleep.


The car came to a sudden stop when the screeching brakes sounded.

Tong Hua quickly apologized, "sorry, young master, a woman suddenly jumped out in front of me..."

Nie TingYang slowly opened his eyes, and a thin figure came into view. In the cold winter, it rained heavily, but the man didn't hold an umbrella.

Yan Yan was walking slowly with his head down, but suddenly looked up at the car.

Nie TingYang was suddenly stunned!

"It's her!" Tong Hua also recognized Yan Yan. Four years ago, the girl killed Tang Zhen, chairman of the Tang family, in a car. Tang Zhen had been looking for his wife for many years, and also hit and ran away. As a witness, the young master indirectly sent the girl to prison. Now she's out of prison?

In the back, the whistle sounded. Tong Hua quickly started the car. When he looked again, Yan Yan was gone.

"Young master..." Tong Hua looked at Nie TingYang in the mirror. He still closed his eyes and didn't open the Buddha at all.

She's out of prison. It's been four years!

Nie TingYang held his hand tightly on his leg, but his palm was cold but exuded sweat.

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