Magic Farmer Dara

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On the other hand, to start a business, you need to whom you trust and who is it? it's over the family!

Dara called her cousin Heidera and asked if he would agree to work with him?

Cousin was a student at a financial university, master in the second year of study. His master's degree project was just on the Internet - shopping. In the summer, Haider worked as an accountant at a university training center. So he had experience in the work of an accountant. Yes, and the student was on the contract, that is, for the study he had to pay 3000 dollars a year.

So he needed the job and not to be framed for distribution, as is sometimes the case in private firms when they hire young accountants and here all his, and even next to his house.

Mom will be happy! Thank you bro!

Hader was pleased, the new experience will enrich his portfolio and the extra money will never be superfluous. He was the son of Aunt Dara. Feruzeh, who helped him with the opening of the store.

Thus, Dara thanked her. Yes, and Haider was an intelligent guy, he knew the software for electronic reporting, in what form to submit it to the tax and statistics organization. Heyder agreed at first to get half the salary! And this is a significant help when starting a new business!

The question of finding an accountant has been resolved! It was necessary to find another seller or saleswoman and courier forwarder.

Of course, you could hire a courier from the company, but these are additional expenses and possibly information leakage. But the main thing is of course saving money.

There are many relatives in the East, not 10 not 20 people as in Europe, but 700 to 900 people, sometimes a couple of thousand people and this is power, provided that family relations are good, equal. This is possible only if it is a family and not a clan. In the clans, however, the atmosphere reigns - factional struggle, intrigue, suspicion, sometimes the case can end with a lot of blood.

But Dara was lucky that his family was from scientists and teachers. Although a couple of generations ago ... his great-grandfather was a farmer, an exiled farmer. He lived in the poorest village. Its name was translated as "Terrible Poverty, as you hear immediately run." In this village, the rulers exiled officials, objectionable, merchants and merchants, gardeners and winegrowers, whose property they took away, gazing at wealth or unique goods, gardens.

In this village, the task of exiled, the ball to fight with the sands. Every year, they had to move 1 km.

The end of the 18th century ... officials once a year brought tree saplings and hoes. The villagers had to gather reeds from the banks of the river from which they wove mats during the year. Collected silt and "night gold". Mats were used by villagers as sand fences, behind which silt, night gold and silt were located.

They arranged a field where they planted trees and shrubs. Then they carried water from the river, in buckets of leather, two or three kilometers away. The few guards did not allow the villagers to use donkeys to transport water. It was hard and unbearable work and so every year. Sometimes the fortunate decree came from the ruler and he was again appointed to some small office in the city. It was for the unfortunate chance to pull free. Although she certainly was ghostly. Lucky only officials, whose relatives could find ways to the heart of the ruler. But not everyone had such fat connections, sometimes relatives forgot their unsuccessful relative.

If they could not fulfill the decree of the ruler of the lands, then the inhabitants would be fined three gold! And where to get them? If in the village "Terrible Poverty" they barely could scarcely collect 1 silver coin a year, and in three gold coins there are as many as 30!

But in the village of "Terrible Poverty", if the inhabitants had risked their lives, they could have found a treasure!

There were two exits - to dig deep holes and find native gold or try to find beautiful crystals in the old mines that were in the depths of the desert. Beautiful crystals cost a lot of money, sometimes lucky people could find diamonds in the mines, although they were small, and rock crystal and buryuz were especially valued. But how many young brave souls died ?! Choking in mines, dead in landslides, withered without water, bitten by poisonous spiders and snakes.

Of the ten who went in search of treasure, only one returned, and he soon died from an unknown disease. It was a death row.

Although sometimes a miracle happened, the one who came back survived and brought treasure worth thousands of gold coins.

The time has passed, the social order has changed. Peasants got their freedom and Great-grandfather could use it. He entered as a student to the merchant ... well, that's another story.

So the descendants of those beggars from the village have now become scientists and professors, academics and successful businessmen, traders and engineers.

The village exists to this day and people live there. Now it is not in the middle of nowhere, but in the center of a large and beautiful garden. Tourist corner, however!

He called Dara to her younger aunt, and all of them he had four and two uncles. Aunt Shabnam was just looking for a job, her institute was closed, and finding a job after 45 years is very difficult. Everywhere are required young. This is the modern trend. Therefore, the proposal from her dear nephew, she took with great joy and relief.

Having promised tomorrow to bring his nephew a basin of steamed manti with pumpkin and meat, as well as steamed rice sweet yutangza buns.

Here the issue with the saleswoman was also resolved.

Only the forwarder is left.

It is necessary to estimate which of the relatives has a car, a jeep or a minivan is better, and even so that he would drive it with confidence.

Maybe call Shady? It was his cousin, the eldest aunt Firueh.

But he seems to be writing a doctoral thesis, so distracting him is not good, then Aunt Firouzeh will burn all his ears or maybe I will call, the younger uncle - Deroš? No, he is now busy moving to a new home.

Who to call?

At that moment, his aunt Shabnam called his "smartphone" and asked:

Dara, you seem to be looking for a forwarder?

Yes, aunt!

So maybe you can try to take my eldest, your brother Behman. You know that his name translates as "good mind"! He is wise beyond his years and the city knows well! And now he is just looking for a job for an additional job! I told him about your store! He does not mind!

Wow! How cool, aunt!

How much will you pay him?

We will understand, aunt, I will not hurt him!

Ahahahahahaha! I was joking, Dara!

Then tomorrow we will come to you with him! I already have an older sister, told me where your store will be!

Dara, I thought, oh, Aunt Feruzeh, already told everyone in the quarter! But here and free advertising is provided, you can not spend money on it!

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