Magic Farmer Dara

19 Discussions about the assortment in the village

In order to sell herbal, medicinal teas, you must first go through the compliance procedure, obtain quality certificates, undergo medical examination in the laboratory on medical parameters, buy a license for a year, pay state fees. If you do everything yourself, it may take up to six months. Nerves, time, money, that is a lot of costs. If you turn to professionals in a consulting company, it will take about two weeks, about $ 1000 for money.

Tea bags. Registration of the company, the choice of taxation, obtaining a permit in the SES, obtaining a permit in the Consumer supervision, fire and tax inspections.

- we need documents on compliance with technical conditions

- recipe approval

- certificate from sanitary epidemiological service

- permission from the veterinary service

- technical instructions

there will be frequent inspections by supervisory organizations

You can buy a separate equipment for the production of tea - the price is somewhere around $ 2,500, including delivery or a production line for $ 45,000, but we will not pull it anymore.

So, in order to obtain a permit, we will need to have separate storage facilities for raw materials and finished products, a production room, an office for personnel, and utilities, water supply, sewerage, electricity, heating, and ventilation. Installing a fire extinguishing system ...

The size of the room is not less than 100 square meters ... payback is 1.5 - 2 years ...

Well ... we do not have such opportunities ... and money ... maybe we will leave it for the future?

So, we can sell for example just a tea bag, herbal tea with a mini-plant, the price including delivery, installation, obtaining permits and wages is about $ 5,000.

But the question is, will it pay off? Now there are more than enough herbal tea producers on the market, there are at least 10 of them in our city!

Selection of teas for all tastes - for treating vessels, for treating liver, kidneys, hearts, vitamins, for joints, for removing heavy metals, for reducing cholesterol, for losing weight, for eyes, antiparasitic, improving immunity, for colds, reducing sugar, treatment prostatitis, treatment of bronchus, for good sleep ...

All price categories are crammed from low, medium and high. Already formed a circle of customers. Yes, and there are very good foreign manufacturers in the market, at prices even lower than the local manufacturer.

So in this market, without any magic healing power of our teas, nothing shines in terms of market occupation. All players are strong, with good financial support of hundreds or even millions of dollars. We are a small and inexperienced player in this market, there is almost no chance.

But the sale of a certain type of tea is quite suitable, such as tea made from "deer grass" and "five-drug tea." This is an ancient Persian recipe, cold tea, goes well with fruit, comes as a dessert. As part of tea - mint, basil, crystal sugar, anise, water, That we can master!

So Grandpa Kamol, leave the rest for the future!

Oh well! Sorry, I tried so hard. Okay, well, that at least two of my teas from 10 came up to you!

That is, we will need at least $ 6,000 for this direction. But for the time being, this idea will be postponed. I'm just going to buy his teas from Grandpa Kamol for myself, how do you look at it?

Well, I'm glad! I will have at least some income! I'll give you good sets, Dara! I am a doctor, pharmacist! Not some quack, a doctor from the 12th century!

What teas you take, Dara? Grandfather Kamol, would I have cold, sugar reduction and increased immunity?

We do not question! As we finish the meeting, we will come to me and I will give you my teas, how come will end, I will give more!

OK, deal!

So we can produce these two teas, which we talked about earlier of a small production type.

Herbal teas they have a preventive effect on the body, they have an accumulating effect, that is, they accumulate their strength in the human body. Need to drink these teas courses, usually 2-3 weeks. Herbal teas have a general strengthening effect. Such production will pay off in a year if there are at least 1000 people a year.

Tax at 15 percent of the profits, very good. But there will be more waste, such as checking your herbs Grandpa Kamaol for - radiological, microbiological indicators, the presence of pesticides and heavy metals in the leaves.

It seems to be all?

Now we need to be determined with the purchase prices and conclude contracts. Well, we'll deal with the last bit later, I will take our lawyer and accountant, then we will draw up the documents.

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