Magic Farmer Dara

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- Grapes - improves the condition of the respiratory tract and lungs. After the grapes - you can not drink cold water.

Grape sweet (better than white varieties) improves the condition of the respiratory tract and lungs. After the grapes - you can not drink cold water and mix it with other products.

- Pear - useful for lung disease. Pear seeds also have antihelminthic properties. Pear can not be eaten on an empty stomach, it should be eaten in moderation, an hour after eating, also after the pear can not drink cold water and eat solid food and meat. Pears also help to improve mood. For solid varieties of pears, antidote is honey and ginger. Raw Pear is not recommended. Pear - helps with lung diseases and cough. To do this, you must use soft and sweet fruit, boil or bake them. Consume with ginger jam or ginger water.

- Azhgon is a valuable disinfectant of the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, pharynx, carious cavities, anesthetic of dentin. The active ingredient thymol has a high activity against fungi.

- Ginger water - helps against cough and colds, as well as diseases of the bronchi and lungs. It is necessary to prepare it or from fresh Indian ginger root, which has a more pungent taste than Chinese and is better suited for medicinal purposes. To do this, in boiling water (200 ml), add 2 tablespoons of freshly chopped ginger, and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Then let it brew for 30 minutes, and consume a third of a glass 3 times a day, to enhance the effect, add mountain honey to the warm broth. There is a second option for making ginger water, for which dry ginger is used. To do this, in boiling water (300 ml), you must add ginger, saffron, cinnamon, boil on low heat for 10 minutes, let it brew for 15 minutes, add brown cane sugar. Consume 100 ml, three times a day.

- Figs - useful for pain in the throat, asthma and cough. But who has diabetes that can not have figs. A decoction of yellow figs - for gargling. Eating figs is necessary before eating.

- Raisin yellow - cleans the chest, improves the voice and helps with coughing. To do this, you need to make a water infusion of kishmisha, as well as a decoction with navatom (Central Asian crystalline sugar).

- Brown raisin- cleans the chest, improves the voice and helps with coughing. To do this, you need to make a water infusion of raisins, as well as a decoction of crystalline sugar.

- Camel thorn manna - softens throat and bronchi, helps with cough and easily dissolves yellow bile, quenches thirst. The dose of application is 10 drams (1 dram - 2.9 grams).

- Honey with water - helps in healing the boils in the throat, strengthens the teeth and gums. Apply it as a prophylactic or at the beginning of the disease, for rinsing the mouth and throat. Honey water is prepared from warm boiling water to 40 degree Celsius, with the addition of saffron and buckwheat honey.

- Milky juice from melon seeds - helps with coughing, soothes pain in the bronchi and cures tumors. Take with honey.

- Carrots are used for bronchitis, anemia, cardiovascular diseases.

- Mint - helps with difficulty breathing and chest diseases, headache, strengthens the activity of the intestine, promotes better digestion.

- Pumpkin. Treats diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart,

-Ziziphus jujuba is a fruit similar to a date, it grows in Japan, China, South Korea, and Central Asia. Those that grow in Korea are more finer than in Central Asia. Fresh fruits have a light-green color, are sweet in taste, of them prepare curative marshmallow and jam, and dried fruits (6-7 pieces each) help the cores and hypertensive patients;

- Chicory facilitates the work of the heart, improves blood circulation, helps the body, improves immunity. Chicory removes toxins from the body, when it is used, the skin becomes beautiful and healthy. It is used in the form of decoctions, infusions, teas, beverages and coffee. It goes well with milk, sugar, butter.

- Black pepper with honey - cleans the lungs from thick and viscous matter, drives urine. Black pepper is harmful to people suffering from diseases of the urinary tract. You can remove this negative effect with the help of honey. Reception to one "Miskal" inside. Take up to 4 grams inside.

- Saffron resolves tumors, strengthens the heart, drives urine, invigorates, helps the stomach and liver, is effective in convulsions. The annual rate of consumption per person should not exceed one gram.

Wow !!! How much interesting information! We will put it in the online store and you will need to work with Arash, I will send it to you! Here, great! Lots of ideas! It is only necessary to use everything sensibly!

Is there something else?

Yes, Grandpa Behruz remembered the hungry post-war time, how they ate the young whips - pumpkins. They were boiled in salted water, they were very tender and tasty. But little Kamol, read in his handbook of "Medicinal plants" that the pumpkin stalks have diuretic properties.

Pumpkin is indicated for diseases of the kidneys, liver, edema of renal and cardiac origin, for disorders. The squash pulp of pumpkin fruit has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, therefore it is applied to burns, wounds, ulcerative lesions of the skin. Pumpkin is considered a powerful tool for cleansing the entire body.

That is, you could sell in the future, when you have your own farm, and fresh shoots of plants, see what can grow on your site and add them to the assortment of your store!

Not bad idea! While I have so many of them! The money for the implementation is not very. I

So you need to think! But thank you for sharing your new thoughts! For the future, I already have goals, we will slowly implement them.

Hey, young man, said Grandma Mahtab, - and where will you live then?

At the dacha at Grandma!

Wow, it means that you and I almost became neighbors, only 50 km away! We will visit you often, if so! Yes, we will see each other, and I will come for groceries!

Uh, you'll probably send your cousin to us, maybe you don't need to buy an old car yet, here's Baraz, while you work, and then when money makes a profit, then think about the car? So much for the savings.

Why do you need a 25-horsepower mini tractor for 40 acres, take less, here's another savings and even then, you can ask a local farmer, Mas, for a tractor, he will plow for you, take the field, it will be cheaper. By the way, he is the nephew of little Kamol. So that will help you, will definitely make a discount. You know that farmers, always the necessary cash, they too will not be superfluous to him. He also has a loan! Well, while you have not yet begun, you need to think about where you can save money.

Here we have prepared in bowls and jams - from walnuts, pink leaves, carrots, almonds, ginger, grapes, quince, figs.

Here you did not notice the dried persimmon. It is easy to dry it, took off the skin, skipped the thread around the cutting, put a dozen on it and hung it to dry on the beam at home for a month. A dried persimmon and tasty and healthy, it reduces the risk of intestinal bleeding, improves appetite, helps with hemorrhoids, lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation, has anti-inflammatory properties, treats cough, cold, antiseptic for wounds, prevents aging, strengthens the immune system, strengthens eyesight, nourishes the eye muscles, but who has anemia, persimmon is contraindicated.

What do you think, Dara? Grandma Mahtab asked.

Good goods, something else there? There is something.

Great, now you need to call Behman and Heider, find out the prices on the market, and then decide on the purchase price. Baraz, smiled, and I know the prices, let's discuss everything ...



Farmer Masa is the nephew of Kamol's grandfather, he lives 7 km from Darya. He has his own farm, engaged in the cultivation of potatoes, onions, garlic, broccoli, cauliflower. Farm in 40 hectares. He has his own mechanical workshop, three tractors, two seeders, two trucks, a rain plant. Age - 48 years. Bachelor. What is not typical for the countryside. Former lecturer at the University of Agronomy.

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