Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 555 Extra 21

The Longyin Palace was filled with the bitter taste of the soup, and the people who came and went in the palace had hurried steps and looked worried.

Doctor Wu pulled out the silver needle, stood up and said respectfully, "I have protected the emperor's heart. The emperor needs to rest peacefully and avoid getting angry."

Nangong Xiao looked at Dehong and said, "Let everyone go down. I have something to say to the queen alone."

"No." Dehong agreed, and soon only the emperor and empress were left in the huge palace.

"Your Majesty, please drink some more, good medicine is bitter." Song Dai scooped up the decoction and brought it to Nangong Xiao's mouth, and advised,

The white jade spoon is shiny and shiny, making the fine lines of time on Song Dai's cloth more dazzling to the eyes.

Nangong Xiao drank the decoction and looked at his wife who was aging due to his appearance.

The emperor who has been the emperor for decades is so cruel to others. How could he not see that Song Dai still has herself in her heart?

"Are you sorry?"

As soon as Song Dai stopped scooping out the soup, Nangong Xiao did not force Song Dai to answer.

"For General Song, you and Ayu, I feel guilty but have no regrets. If time goes back to the past, I will still make the same decree."

Song Dai's heart trembled and she lowered her eyebrows.

Nangong Xiao took the soup and drank it in one gulp, then casually put the medicine bowl aside.

After the acupuncture, my condition and mood became much more stable, and the incense that stabilized my heart pulse was lit in the palace.

Opening your mouth to speak again will not be as difficult as it was just now in Qinzheng Hall.

"I married you back then because your Song family could help me ascend the throne. After we got along, your frankness also attracted me.

However, I have been taught by my mother and concubine since I was young that to win the throne, the most important thing for me is to have the country and the emperor.

Since ancient times, emperors have had three palaces, six courtyards, and seventy-two concubines. Since I only want the throne, it is impossible to keep the promise of only you in this life. "

Song Dai closed her eyes, "Stop talking."

This sound was desolate and bitter.

Nangong Xiao raised his hand and stroked the few strands of silver in Song Dai's hair, her eyebrows, and her stunning face despite her age.

Song Dai was stiff all over. It wasn't that she had never had sex with Sanlang in the past few years, but the estrangement in her heart made her unable to let go no matter how affectionate she was.

Nangong Xiao sighed and took back the palm that was caressing the side of Song Dai's face, "Your father has been fighting for me in the Great Abyss for decades. He has worked hard for half his life and made great achievements.

He won the hearts of the people and had great prestige in the military. He was also respected by veterans of both dynasties and everyone in the court. "

"A humble man is a king. For a king, ministers like General Song are both a weapon for governing the country and a hidden danger that threatens the country at any time."

Song Dai raised her eyes, tears already gathering in her eyes, "But my father has returned the military power and no longer has the ability to raise troops to rebel.

What's more, my father was loyal to the imperial court and never entertained such disloyal and unjust thoughts as treason. "

Nangong Xiao's expression darkened slightly, and he told the truth about that year, "Your father didn't, but your brother did."

Song Dai's face was completely drained of blood, as if she had fallen into an ice cellar. She shook her head and denied, "No, this is impossible. How can my brother, who has been following his father in the war, have any thoughts of rebellion?"

After taking the decoction, Nangong Xiao felt a little tired after talking so much and leaned back on the bed.

"Shortly after General Song returned his military power, your brother received a secret message from the enemy during the Battle of Guanzhao.

In the letter, the enemy forces are instigating the relationship between the Song family and the widow over the issue of military power, and inviting your brother to choose another Ming Dynasty leader so as to preserve the Song family. "

Song Dai had never heard of this matter, but she still subconsciously defended her brother, "But Guan Zhaoyi won, didn't he? Brother, he didn't believe it..."

Nangong Xiao shouted sternly, "But he didn't tell anyone about the secret letter!"

"Later, your father also knew about this. I remember that your Song family has been fighting for me in the Great Abyss for decades.

It's limited to half a month, but half a month has passed and no one from your Song family has entered the palace to report this matter to me. "

Song Dai was shocked, and after a while she understood, and looked at Nangong Xiao in disbelief.

"The Emperor slandered my father with unfounded charges and ordered the execution of my entire Song family just because my father and brother failed to disclose the secret letter?!"


Nangong Xiao looked calm, but under this calmness, every word and sentence he spoke was filled with the ruthlessness of an emperor.

"The Song Dynasty's great meritorious deeds are already feared by many people. After surrendering military power, he accepted secret messages from the enemy but concealed them.

At that time, I had to wonder if if I touch your Song family again, your Song family will be able to rebel. "

Song Dai couldn't hold it on any longer, she shed a few tears and shook her head, unwilling to believe that her father, brother and clan members died under the emperor's ridiculous suspicion.

Nangong Xiao didn't say anything more, but talked about the next arrangements,

"Since I promised you to restore the reputation of General Song, I will not break your promise. The charge of collaborating with the enemy and treason can be eliminated.

The fact that your father and brother concealed the secret message must be made clear to the world. The royal prestige and face cannot be compromised.

Otherwise, after Ayu ascends the throne, it will be difficult to overwhelm the court no matter how powerful his ministers are. "

"I don't have much time left, and I feel uneasy thinking about how I dealt with the Song family back then. I think that the witchcraft in my body was found out by the queen alone.

In order to save everyone's lives, the queen took an antidote that was so poisonous that it caused her appearance to age. This relieved the Song family of their crime of concealing the secret letter and not reporting it.

To restore the reputation of the Song family and the name of General Song Zhen, in another ten years, the descendants of the Song family can take the imperial examination and become officials. "

As soon as the words were spoken, an imperial shadow lurking in the darkness silently took orders and left.

An emperor is an emperor after all. Even the words of pardon always take the royal face into consideration and have some reservations.

Ten years is such a long time, and after their clan was wiped out, which Song family members would dare to re-enter the court as officials?

Song Dai stood, looking at the man she had loved for nearly half her life,

Her husband is so cold and cold, the most ruthless emperor's family is nothing more than this.


A knock on the door broke the deadlock in the room, and Dehong's well-timed voice came in, "Your Majesty, the Queen, the prince and the priest have arrived."

Song Dai hurriedly wiped away her tears, not wanting her two children to worry about their generation.

Nangong Xiao saw this, feeling guilty and pity in his heart. He stretched out his hand to hold Song Dai's hand and asked her to sit down, then parted her lips and said, "Let them come in."

The palace door carved with dragon patterns opened, and Nangong Yu and Song Qing stepped into the palace one after another, saluting the two people on this side of the bed.

Nangong Xiao waved his hand and ordered Dehong behind the two of them, "Get up, Dehong, and stay outside. No one is allowed to enter without my permission."

After Dehong retreated, Nangong Xiao looked at Nangong Yu, "How did you handle the affairs in the court today?"

Song Qing knew that he probably had nothing to do with him, so he stood aside politely and listened to the father and son's questions and answers.

It's not pleasant to have so many thoughts. Now she is still inexperienced and can't tell whether Nangong Yu has the luck of being an emperor.

But she could still remember clearly everything she said and did when Nangong Yu took control of the court in the early morning. She had to admit,

Among the eleven princes involved in political affairs in the court, Nangong Yu is undoubtedly the most suitable and capable to sit on the throne of the Nine-Five Supreme.

And it’s not that she didn’t hear the two words the emperor said before leaving today, nor didn’t she understand their meaning.

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