Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 554 Extra 20

The next day,

Nangong Xiao did not go to court early, but ordered Dehong to send Song Dai to serve him.

And above the court, all civil and military officials knew about the emperor's poisoning as early as last night.

"Oh, what can we do?"

"Recently, General Shangguan came back with news that the barbarians on the border have made some changes and seem to be plotting something. I'm afraid..."

"It has been raining heavily in Jiangnan for more than ten days since the beginning of summer. If it continues..."

Nangong Yu's tall and majestic figure stood alone in the position of the prince, listening to all this,

A large swath of morning light shines into the huge hall, and the gilt dragon chair reflects the awe-inspiring light.

Three days later,

Miaoshui rushed back to the palace from the people. On the way back, he already knew the changes in the palace in the past few days.

But when he saw the aging Song Dai, his heart still trembled, and before he could say anything, the emperor took his pulse.

For a long time,

Song Dai and Dehong, who were waiting outside, heard only the sound of a porcelain bowl breaking.

In the bedroom, Nangong Xiao's face was ashen, staring at his palm with eyes that were about to burst.

"It's indeed Gu!"

Miaoshui knelt down on her knees. It was said that she was incompetent. The emperor should have realized that something was wrong long ago when he was seduced by Murong's demon concubine and became increasingly dim.

In fact, what the emperor did by slandering General Song as treason and exterminating his clan was too ridiculous.

She felt that it was nothing strange for the emperor to be obsessed with beauty. Moreover, she knew very little about witchcraft. Witchcraft...

Miaoshui raised his head and then lowered his head, "Your Majesty, Ah Zhen once traveled to Dongchen. All the witches and poisons that I know about were informed by Ah Zhen. Can I tell you that Ah Zhen is coming..."

"Sima Zhen?"

Nangong Xiao sneered, his bloodshot eyes looking straight at Miaoshui,

"Sima Zhen quietly left Kyoto seven days ago and took the waterway all the way south. Does the old priest not know about this?"

Nangong Xiao focused on the four words "all the way south". After saying this, he stared at Miaoshui who suddenly raised his head, not letting go of even the slightest detail.

The priest's intuition made Miaoshui feel cold all over. He opened his mouth several times and it took a long time to squeeze out a sentence, "Azhen, where is he going?"

Miaoshui soon knew where Sima Zhen was going.

In mid-July of Dayuan 452, Dongchen formed an alliance with the barbarians and launched an army to invade the border areas.

At this time, Emperor Dayuan was lying ill and no one could preside over the situation in the court. The news spread back to the capital, and Nangong Xiao dragged his sick body to the court.

"Father, that Dongchen is so ambitious, it is in vain that I, Dayuan, treat him sincerely...!"

"If I had known that this would happen, father, you should have killed that old thief Murong...!"

"That Sima Zhen is even more hateful. The former priest picked him up from the street and the old priest raised him up.

If not, he would still be a beggar on the street, but now he has collaborated with the enemy to treason and the Dongchen barbarians..."

"The second prince is right. Your Majesty, I see that Dongchen did not have such strength overnight...!"

"Your Majesty, those barbarians..."

Nangong Xiao looked at his sons and civil and military officials below who seemed to be filled with indignation, but actually had different thoughts.

There is a hidden fear in my heart that the foundation laid by the ancestors of the past generations will be destroyed in my own hands.

His mind was shaken and his eyes were blurry. He clenched the handle of the dragon chair and the faucet to barely stabilize his body.


Dehong was horrified and exclaimed in a low voice. He was about to step forward worriedly, but Nangong Xiao raised his hand to stop him.


"Your Majesty!" "Your Majesty!"

Nangong Xiao braced himself for the pain in his heart caused by the poison in his body, and glanced at the ministers below with his sharp eyes.

In particular, he stayed the longest at Zhao Zhengqing, the leader of the civil servants, and then scanned the eleven princes in the court one by one.

His eyes finally rested on Nangong Yu, the son who had never been treated sincerely by him.

Nangong Xiao suddenly laughed, his laughter reverberating in the huge Qinzheng Hall,


No, in the world of Dayuan, one can only have the surname Nangong!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

The emperor's smile made the princes and ministers who were all having their own thoughts become so focused that their hearts rose to their throats.

It seems that the emperor in high position today is not the emperor who has been incompetent for a long time, but the high-spirited emperor ten years ago.

Just as the prince and ministers were trying to figure out the king's heart, they suddenly heard the emperor's words coming from a high position.

"I don't have much time left. From today on, I will leave the prince to take care of all political affairs in the DPRK and China."

"After the death of the widow, the prince does not need to stay in mourning and immediately ascends the throne to protect the territory of the people of Dayuan and protect our Nangong foundation."

The power of the Love Gu can be imagined. Although Miaoshui and the imperial doctor spent half a month finally finding a way to resolve the Love Gu.

But Murong Yan would rather die than hand over the mother Gu. It is not easy for Nangong Xiao to sit here with his sick body supported today.

Every sentence he spoke was like a thousand arrows piercing his heart. After two sentences, he could no longer hold himself up and leaned to the right.

Dehong was shocked and hurried over to help Nangong Xiao up. The emperor's honor guard quickly disappeared behind the screen with the sound of a dragon body hugging him.

Not long after walking out of the screen, Nangong Xiao spit out a mouthful of black blood with a sweet taste in his throat.

In the Qinzheng Hall,

Because the emperor's two words just now fell into a dead silence that could be heard for a long time, without him,

No one in the civil and military circles of the entire dynasty knew why the emperor made the eldest son the crown prince in the first place, but what the emperor just said,

It was clearly to confirm the emperor's eldest son's intention to be the crown prince of Dayuan, and to hand over all affairs of the government and the public to the prince.

what is this?

what is this? How could the emperor's mind change so easily? ?

"Really, congratulations to the eldest brother!"

Nangong Wen gritted his teeth and almost squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth, which was the first to break the silence in the hall.

Nangong Yu didn't say a word, but whether he said it or not, those who followed were brothers.

There were looks of hostility or indifference, in addition to the overt and covert scrutiny of the ministers.

And from that moment on, murderous intentions arose from the hearts of countless people.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty." "Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Congratulations came one after another. There was no trace of the joy of taking power in the depths of Nangong Yu's narrow, dark eyes, only the coldness.

Congratulations from all over the world,

It seems that what comes back from the border is not the bad news of war, but the good news of the army's triumphant victory. The atmosphere in the court has been so corrupted!

"The priest is late."

A cold and lazy voice suddenly sounded from behind, and the congratulations stopped abruptly, and everyone followed the sound.

I saw a priest who did not need to come to court today, wearing court clothes and walking into the hall.

Song Qing just pretended not to hear what she just heard standing at the door of the palace, with a puzzled look on her beautiful face, pretending to be confused.

"Why do all my colleagues look so happy? Could it be that the news about the war on the border that this priest heard is false?"

There was another moment of silence in the hall,

Nangong Yu looked at Song Qing, who was walking towards him, with a hint of warmth in his cold expression.

Moving towards the absence of the emperor, the prince took the central position in charge of the overall situation and faced the ministers.


These two short words are more bone-piercing than the cold winter wind and snow in the twelfth lunar month, and no more horrifying than the emperor's smile just now.

The prince and ministers could not help but feel chills in their hearts, and they could not help but re-examine the prince in their hearts.

You can read the next two chapters

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