Love's Got a Hold of My Heart



I found a very excellent and perfect location for my business and at the same time our new home. It was very convenient and accessible to all.

I found the contractor for renovation recommended by Zander's since he has some friends near our town. Shay knows I went back to our home town and start my own business and she insist to help me find the best contractor that can finish at the right time.

The place I got has a two story building that can be our home too it was spacious I divided into three parts, space in the first floor. 

First part of it is convenient store, second door is bakeshop and the other half is coffee shop with second floor on it, can also access to both side because I told the contractor to make it automatic sliding door between the bakeshop and coffee shop. If they wish to buy to the other side there is no need to go outside and go to the other one.

It is my dream to have this kind of business and now my dream came true. The access to the second floor was separate entrance. I told them to what I want to do with the second floor and they finished as what I imagine to be.

Six months in this town since I came back was very good to me.

It has been a months since I opened them one at a time and it gave me positive results. I even hired baker with experience and the same in my coffee shop and convenient store.

Like I said it is all accessible like hospital, church, schools and offices. It was a little expensive when I bought this building but it was worth it thou.

There is a middle size kitchen with dining area in one place and three bathrooms. One for my son's and one for the master's then the other one for common use.

My son loved it because it just a walking distance to our new home especially if he has basketball practices. Yes, he is part of the basketball team for kids and he is really the best I am proud of him.

He is not just a good boy, good in sports not just basketball but some sports that I never knew he was good at but he chose to play basketball. He does excellent in his academic too. 

I am one proud parent I wish and hope one day I can tell him all. I know he may never ask me again what he wants to know but I can feel him.

I can feel that he is longing for a father and even I was dating I can let him see who I dated because I just do not want him to be close with whom I am with. 

If I let him introduce to a man that would be his father but since I came back I had no time for dates because I was too busy with my businesses. I rather focus on that maybe soon I can still open with hang outs but not now.

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