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Chapter 893 East Coast Development Plan

The port of Salmara was rebuilt from the original ruins of Zul'Aman. Before the port was fully completed, Sharlayan visited once, and also dealt with some bad things caused by the nobles there.

This time I visited again, and the port of Salmara has already been officially put into use.

Ships departing from Darthwether Port in the northern part of Eversong Forest will transport many commodities from Silvermoon City to Salmara Port by sea.

At the same time, the goods produced in Unicorn Town and transshipped from other countries can also be quickly transported to Silvermoon City through Salmara Port, effectively speeding up the efficiency of goods circulation.

In addition, the Port of Salmara, which has built both civilian and military terminals, also undertakes the important task of defending against incoming enemies at sea.

The experience of being raided northward by Lordaeron's navy once was enough, and Kael'thas didn't want to make the same mistake.

The waters near the port of Salmara will be patrolled by Quel'Thalas naval patrol ships at any time.

After several years of development, Quel'Thalas's originally weak naval military industry has made great progress. It no longer needs to buy a large number of ships from Kul Tiras, and it can basically be self-sufficient.

After the navy gradually got on the right track, Sharlayan made a suggestion to Kael'thas to separate daily patrol missions from maritime combat missions, so as to avoid frequently dispatching the navy to stimulate the "friendly neighbors" in the south.

Kael'thas also thought that what Sharlayan said made sense, not just patrolling at sea, but also on land.

The army is the most important weapon of the country, and it should be avoided to be dispatched lightly.

In view of this, Kael'thas intends to adopt Sharlayan's suggestion to set up military police and marine police respectively to be responsible for maintaining the daily order on land and at sea.

But these things have nothing to do with Sharlayan for the time being, the thoughts in his mind just flashed, and he dared not think about it further, lest he be "told by the ear" by his mother again.

Well, literally ear lift.

[At first, when Inas woke up from a deep sleep, I thought she was a good wife and mother, but unexpectedly...]

[After waking up, I saw my grown-up son. As a mother, the first impression is always to be good. As for getting familiar...then there is no need to act again. 】

As the barrage said, when Inas's soul was awakened through hardships, Salayan really thought that her mother was a gentle lady.

However, it didn't take long for Sharlayan to hear about Inas's "great achievements" in her early years from Wyrmrest Temple.

Many legends left by the previous generation of demon kings are still circulating inside and outside the Dragon Rest Temple. Even Chromi, the great demon king of the younger generation of dragons, dare not make mistakes in front of her.

"It's spectacular!"

Inas stood on a small commercial hill in front of the entrance of Salmara Port, and looked at this bustling port with great interest.

"That messy forest troll's stinky shack has been transformed into such a bustling port city. It really is the changes brought about by the development of civilization that make people feel the passage of time the most."

Sharlayan did not take his mother's words, but raised his eyes to the blue sea outside the port.

The patrol ships flying the phoenix flag of Quel'Thalas were still dutifully floating on the sea, and there were ships of various sizes coming in and out of the pier almost at any time, presenting a thriving scene.

Valeera also said with some emotion: "This is still the east coast with relatively low traffic, so we can roughly know how rich the Windrunner family sitting on the west coast has been over the years."

As Valeera said, the connection between Salmara Port and Dasweser Port on the east coast is mainly responsible for domestic maritime logistics, and international trade usually goes to the West Coast.

Continuing to go south, only East Weald, which belongs to Lordaeron, will send cargo ships to sell goods and purchase Quelquel Thalas specialties.

Further south is the Highlands of the Hinterlands, where it is obviously impossible for the Vilebranch trolls to trade with the feuding high elves.

Arathi Highlands, Loch Modan, and Wetlands have no ports on the east coast, and the same goes for the Burning Steppes and Redridge Mountains.

In other words, only Northeron, Badlands, Swamp of Sorrows, and Blasted Lands can directly enter the eastern waters of Quel'Thalas by sea route.

However, due to various reasons, these places hardly have any shipping with Quel'Thalas.

Booty Bay, far away in Stranglethorn Valley at the southernmost tip of the mainland, occasionally sends merchant ships from the east coast to avoid the bloodsail pirates who are plundering wildly on the west coast.

However, this situation is only temporary. Through the information provided by the Backlight Blade, Sharlayan has always been aware of the changes in the internal and external situations of the Eastern Kingdom.

Since the transportation between the Hinterlands and the outside world needs to go through extremely rugged trade routes, and the transportation cost is too high, the Wildhammer dwarves sitting in Eagle's Nest Mountain adopted Sharlayan's proposal and planned to open up a sea route.

The current Highlord of the Wildhammers is an old acquaintance of Sharlayan, Falstad "Dragonreaper" Wildhammer.

Since Kurdran Wildhammer, the leader of the original Wildhammer clan, voluntarily stayed in Draenor with the expeditionary force, Falstad, a war hero, could only bite the bullet and take over the important task of leading the people.

Falstad and his griffin partner, Swiftwing, are confident in battle, and even the Red Dragon Rider who faced the orcs in the Second World War will not have any timidity.

However, as a soldier, he deeply doubts his internal affairs ability. During these years as the interim overlord, Falstad has been walking on thin ice, carefully maintaining the original territory of the Wildhammer dwarves, not daring to easily break the balance.

The Wildhammer dwarves have a bolder temper than the city-dwelling Bronzebeard dwarves, and they don't like Falstad's cautious style of governing.

Some wildhammer dwarves who are determined to forge ahead left Eagle's Nest Mountain, crossed the Arathi highlands and wetlands, and returned to Northeron, the former hometown of wildhammer dwarves.

Ever since Cho'gall's Twilight's Hammer clan was driven out, the old Wildhammer capital of Grim Batol has been completely abandoned.

After more than 200 years of inactivity, the curse cast on Grim Batol by Modgood, the Dark Iron Queen during the War of the Three Hammers, has long since dissipated.

The Wildhammer dwarves who went south moved back into Grim Batol, and vigorously called on the compatriots of Eagle's Nest Mountain to return to their hometown and jointly develop the Northeron Highlands that have long been unmanaged.

Seeing more and more Wildhammer dwarves leave Eagle's Nest Mountain and go south to pioneer, Falstad finally couldn't sit still.

After consulting the opinions of Griffin Knights and Shaman Priests, Falstad decided to accept Sharlayan's suggestion and adjust his overly cautious governing policy.

Since the completion of Salmara Port the year before last, the Wildhammer dwarves of Eagle's Nest Mountain began to march towards the coastline under the cliffs in the east of the Hinterlands step by step.

There are no evil branch trolls on the east coast of the Hinterlands. The coastline is dominated by another small forest troll clan that has been oppressed by the evil branch trolls all year round - the Evil Tooth clan.

Under the advice of the shamans, Falstad tried to send envoys to communicate with the evil-toothed troll, and the results really achieved good diplomatic results.

Although they are both forest trolls, the Evil Tooth Clan doesn't have the slightest affection for the always strong Xiezhi Clan.

After some tussle of diplomacy, the Vilefang clan agreed to let the Wildhammer dwarves build a port north of the coastline.

In return, the Wildhammer dwarves need to send troops to rescue the son of the chieftain of the Eviltooth clan who was captured by the evil branch troll and prepared to sacrifice.

If the Wildhammer dwarves can successfully complete the task, Quel'Thalas will have one more trade partner on the east coast.

On the other hand, the Wildhammer branch that went south to develop Northeron also intends to open up a port, and the copperbeard dwarves who are resident in the wasteland also intend to establish a closer maritime connection with Quel'Thalas.

In the next few years, the maritime trade industry on the east coast has a good development prospect, which should bring more lucrative income to Quel'Thalas.

However, in order to completely open up the maritime trade routes on the east coast, Quel'Thalas still needs to use diplomatic channels to solve a stumbling block.

Kingdom of Lordaeron.

When Sharlayan lowered his head to consider the diplomatic strategy with the Kingdom of Lordaeron, he keenly noticed that his mother's eyes turned back again, so he had no choice but to give up temporarily, and showed honesty to Inas, who had a suspicious expression on her face. smile.

"Hmph! You're a smart kid."

Inas snorted angrily: "I'll say it again, don't think about what you have when you come out to play. Work is work, and life is life. The two should not be confused."

"Let's go, let's go to the pier to rent a boat and let my mother show you real sea fishing skills."

"Uh~ so what."

Sharlayan pointed at the pier of Salmara Port with a somewhat weird expression. A magnificent ship painted in gold and red was docked at one of the untouched private docks.

"There is no need to lease. When the Salmara Port was completed, the Sun King specially presented me with a high-end yacht in recognition of my planning efforts."

Inas: "...why didn't you say it earlier?"

'You didn't give me a chance to say...'

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