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Chapter 892 Good news for Inas

The question Sharlayan raised was very important, and Inas did not give a positive answer, but smiled at him encouragingly.

"No matter what I say, you will still have doubts."

"In this case, you might as well confirm it with your own eyes and heart."

Sharlayan frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

Inas: "My father and I have lived in Nazjatar for several years. We have a channel to send you directly to the Palace of Eternity, allowing you to have a face-to-face discussion with Azshara."

Julian, who was leaning on the back of the chair with his arms folded, interjected and reminded: "Salayan, no matter whether you are willing to accept Inas's suggestion or not, you'd better take precautions in advance and don't let Azshara underestimate you. .”

Julian said calmly: "History is always written by the victors."

"As the biggest winners of the War of the Ancients, the Druids and the Luna Church headed by Malfurion and Tyrande have fully taken over the ruling power of the night elves from the high elves."

"That is to say, the history of the War of the Ancients is mostly written by the night elves after the war. Even our history books of Quel'Thalas are inevitably biased because of Dath'Remar's position."

"I heard that you have contacts with the descendants of the highborne elves in Suramar. Do you have doubts about their 'inaccurate' history books?"

"Have you ever thought that in the battle of the ancients, the history recorded by the Suramar historian who has always been objective and never participated in the battle is the real authentic history?"

Julian's reminder brought back Sharlayan's memories.

A few years ago, when he accompanied Jaina to the libraries of Suramar and Narsalas College to transcribe precious books, he did inadvertently turn to ancient history books that were different from the mainstream views.

In the cognition of Nightborne, Queen Azshara's ruling skills are indeed very strong, but she is not an incompetent and stupid leader.

It was under Azshara's leadership that the Night Empire expanded to an unprecedented extent.

If it wasn't for Azshara's contempt for the magically barren lands occupied by the dwindling trolls, she could have dispatched elite troops to completely conquer the troll empire, bringing more than 90% of Azeroth's land into the territory of the Night Empire.

Even so, during Azshara's reign, the Zandalari trolls, who had always been proud and liked to conquer everywhere, didn't even dare to fart, so they could only entertain themselves in the mountains of Zuldazar.

When reading these historical documents that were inconsistent with the mainstream, Sharlayan once thought that the high-level elf historians were crooked, deliberately catering to the light of the light.

But looking at it now, maybe it's really like what my father said, it's not the son of the night who is crooked, but...


Sharlayan, who was in a complicated mood, rubbed his cheeks vigorously, forcing himself to temporarily put aside these messy thoughts.

"In any case, the long-established plan will not change."

After stabilizing his emotions, Sharlayan said decisively: "No matter what Azshara's position was 10,000 years ago, at least at present, the Naga under her command have indeed seriously threatened the tranquility of Azeroth's waters."

"The plan to transform the Summoning of the King of Elements and call out the clone of the tide hunter will not change, and the underwater combat force will continue to expand in accordance with the original plan."

Inas patted her son on the shoulder, which was becoming more and more gratified: "A wise decision, even if you finally choose to believe in Azshara, you must show enough value, otherwise the proud queen will not take you Put it in your eyes."


Shaking off the burden on her body, Inas stretched happily.

"Okay, I will leave these important matters concerning the future of Azeroth to you. I'd better go back to my old job and continue to complete the commission you entrusted to me."

Sarlayan was stunned for a few seconds before asking in surprise: "Mother, have you found inspiration yet?!"

A few years ago, Inas left Quel'Thalas with Julian after leaving a letter. Her reason was that her research had hit a bottleneck and she went out to seek inspiration.

At that time, the experiment that Inas was studying was entrusted to her by Sharlayan, and the main goal was to solve the problem of the difficult birth of immortals.

This research is very important, it is related to the population growth of the immortal species such as high elves and dragons.

Only by deciphering the key point of the fertility rate locked in the longevity gene, the high elves who have been limited by the population growth rate can truly embark on the road of rapid development.

Inas smiled and spread her hands: "That's right, but don't expect too much, maybe the final effect will not be as good as you imagined."

Sharlayan tried to calm down his emotions: "As long as it can improve, it is a good thing, and I don't expect to be able to reproduce like humans and orcs overnight."


Inas fondly rubbed Sharlayan's head: "Leave it to me. After this vacation is over, I will continue to invest in research and strive to produce preliminary results within three years."


After the closed-door meeting, Welles, who was still on business tomorrow, took his wife and children to leave first. Stellagosa opened the portal and sent them back to Silvermoon City.

Since he promised his mother to rest at home for half a month, Sharlayan was not in a hurry to deal with the affairs of the territory, anyway, there was still plenty of time afterwards.

It was rare for Salayan to let go of all his official duties. He emptied his mind and lay on a deck chair on the balcony on the third floor of the Lord's Mansion. He closed his eyes and basked in the warm sunshine in the afternoon of Eversong Forest, which is like spring all the year round.

Recently, Tinagosa, who has been tense to supervise the affairs of the territory, also took the opportunity to sneak over and curled up on Sharlayan like a kitten.

From her evenly undulating body and slight snoring, it can be seen that this girl has fallen asleep happily.

In the master bedroom of the lord's mansion, Valeera and Jaina, who were playing a hearthstone card game, turned their gazes to the balcony from time to time. Onyxia leaned aside with a glass of high-end red wine, squinting her eyes with interest. Watching the two of them.

On the desk not far away, Stellagosa was reviewing the homework that Tina had completed during this time.

The lord's mansion of Sarlayan is located on a relatively high ground, and the whole town can be directly overlooked from the balcony, but the hustle and bustle of the town cannot affect the lord's mansion.

Around May of the previous year, Sarlayan felt that there were more and more people in his family. In order to avoid public and private conflicts, he ordered the government office originally installed in the lord's mansion to be moved to the town, and entrusted construction workers to build A town hall was rebuilt in the centre.

Without all levels of officials coming and going, the Lord's Mansion has become the most peaceful place in this bustling town because the Lord himself is on the go all year round. Usually, only the servants and housekeepers who are responsible for maintaining the normal operation of the mansion come and go.

Considering the safety of the experiment, Inas' laboratory was not located near the Lord's Mansion, but was set up in the suburbs on the edge of the town.

But that was a few years ago. With the rapid development of Unicorn Town, the suburbs of that year have also become part of the urban area.

The half-month repair time is just enough to evacuate the long-unused laboratory, relocate various experimental equipment and materials to the new laboratory in the suburbs, and prevent those experiments with risks from affecting the safety of the surrounding people.

Just as Sharlayan was relaxing and enjoying the rare peace, the door of the master bedroom was suddenly pushed open roughly.

"Don't sleep! Get up!"

Inas' loud voice woke up the drowsy Sharlayan, but Tina still sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, seemingly unaffected by the noise.

"Why do you need to sleep for a long time when you are alive, you will sleep forever after death!"

Inas plausibly said to the speechless people in the house: "It's rare to have half a month's rest, so don't nest at home and grow mushrooms."

"Let's go! Mom will take you out to sea for fishing! Just take a look at the renovated Port of Zul'Aman."

Sharlayan rolled up the eyes of the dead fish and said helplessly, "That's called Salmara Port..."

Inas waved her hand indifferently: "It doesn't matter what the name is, as long as you know what I'm talking about."

"Hurry up! It's hard for me to return to Quel'Thalas, so just take it as a way to relax with me."

The eyes of everyone in the room intertwined, and they quickly unified their opinions.

Sharlayan smiled wryly and sighed: "Okay~ You have already spoken yourself, what else can we say, then let's go, I just happened to go to see the operation of Salmara Port after it was put into use."


Inas angrily curled up her fingers and tapped Salayan on the head.


Sharlayan covered his head and looked at his mother aggrievedly: "Mother, why did you hit me?"


Inas raised her head uprightly and confidently: "I have said that I have put aside my business affairs for half a month, why do you still want to go there, kid?"

Sharlayan spread his hands helplessly: "I can't help it, I've gotten used to it for so many years..."

"Then let me get rid of your strange habit!"

Ina mercilessly grabbed Sharlayan's long ears and pulled them out: "Let's go! I'm busy with work all day at such a young age, when will I be able to hold my grandson like this? You kid, grow up!"

"Ah, ah, ah! Don't pull my ears!"


Someone in the room made a snickering sound, and everyone, including Onyxia, who was planning to watch a good show, followed behind Sharlayan, who was screaming and begging for mercy.

[...It's really one thing and one thing. 】

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